
Into the Poké-Verse

One evening, Vergil King, a top-tier competitor in the popular MMO Pokémon game, mysteriously finds himself transported into the Pokémon universe. Now, Vergil must adapt his gaming skills to real-life battles and challenges if he intends to survive long enough to make a dent in this world.

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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Into the Unknown

Vergil's room was a typical college student's den of organized chaos. Empty energy-drink cans and bottles, snack wrappers, and different pairs of shoes were everywhere. Along with the clutter were Pokémon game cartridges and other memorabilia strewn in every direction.

Posters of iconic Pokémon battles lined the walls, each one a testament to his countless hours spent mastering the virtual world. At 19, Vergil was a self-proclaimed Pokémon expert, often boasting about his strategic prowess in online forums. Yet, despite his virtual victories, he was just another face in a sea of college freshmen.

He sat hunched over his keyboard, eyes glued to the glowing screen of his computer. It was another ordinary evening. Vergil was immersed in his game, fingers deftly maneuvering through a tough battle, his shiny mega Gallade against another top player's mega Gyarados, which also happened to be shiny as well.

The stakes were high—his online reputation was on the line. "Come on, Gallade! One more Swords Dance and this guy is screwed!" he muttered, eyes locked on the screen.

Soon enough, Vergil leaned back in his gaming chair, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. The final screen of the online Pokémon tournament glowed on his monitor, proudly displaying his victory. He had once again outsmarted his opponents, cementing his reputation as a top-tier player in the Pokémon community.

His online handle, KyōTrainer, scrolled across the victory screen, congratulating him on another championship win.

"Another win in the bag," he murmured, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Can't say I didn't expect it."

He cracked his knuckles on his left hand with his thumb, while maneuvering the desktop's mouse with his other until he reached a screen displaying the tournament's chat, which also showcased accolades from him and his online friends.

A notification pinged on his phone, a message from his best friend, Riku.

"Another win, huh? At this point you've got to be bored of this… Like you're unstoppable, man!"

Vergil smirked, typing back a quick reply. "Why would I get bored of winning? You should know me by now. Players just aren't as good these days anymore. I need some new competition."

As he stretched, his computer screen flickered, catching his attention. A swirling, vibrant vortex of colors expanded, filling the screen with an ethereal glow. His heart skipped a beat. "What the…?"

The vortex surged forward, enveloping him in a blinding light. Vergil felt himself being pulled, his surroundings dissolving into a whirlwind of sensations. Panic gripped him as he tried to scream, but no sound came out.

If that wasn't enough, his room also began to blur, the familiar walls melting away. Panic gripped him as his hands tried to clutch the now intangible gaming mouse. Vergil felt a strange tug, like he was being pulled through a tunnel. His vision faded, and with it, the familiar world of his bedroom.

In his absence was the phone he was just holding only moments ago, with the notification of a new message from his friend, Riku. "Anyway, to congratulate you on another win, wanna invite that girl you were telling me about? She obviously likes you. So shoot the shot before I do it. lol."

When Vergil's senses returned, he found himself lying on a grassy hill, the midday sun warming his face. Birds chirped, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves around him. He blinked, trying to reconcile the serene landscape with his last memory of a tense Pokémon battle.

Vergil sat up, his head spinning. "What the...?" he muttered, rubbing his eyes. This wasn't his room. The vibrant green fields of trees and hills alongside the clear blue sky were unlike anything he'd seen outside his game.

He stood, brushing off the grass and looking around. "Am I dreaming?" He pinched himself, wincing at the sharp pain. "Okay, not a dream."

His heart pounded as he took in his surroundings. Rolling hills stretched out in every direction, dotted with patches of wildflowers. In the distance, he saw a dense forest and, beyond it, a towering mountain range. The air was fresh, the sky an unblemished blue. It was idyllic, but also disconcertingly real.

Vergil's mind raced. How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was his bedroom and his game. His body felt different too—lighter, more agile, and a bit shorter than he remembered. He looked down and to his surprise he was wearing something different than what he last had on a moment ago.

He was wearing a white, mid-sleeved shirt with a black undershirt beneath it, a pair of cider green slip-on shoes, and beige skinny-fit pants.

What surprised him even more were the accessories: a cube attached to a chain near his left hip, a black and white bracelet on his right wrist, a yellow rectangular tri-bracelet on his left, along with a blue and black pendant on a chain around his neck. All things he recognized.

How could he not recognize all this when he saw it every time he booted up his game. It was a limited legacy outfit he earned in an event, that only he got which became his famed look that most players knew him for. More specifically it was an outfit that his favorite character in the Pokémon franchise wore as well, N.

Appreciating the character design, he decided to adopt it for himself for his online persona, which did wonders for his online reputation.

Then he noticed it, the long tea green fluffy hair that ran down his back in a ponytail, along with his signature white and black hat.

"This isn't my body…" He touched his face, his heart pounding in his chest. "No way. This can't be real."

He fumbled with the end tips of the hair, fingers trembling. He was certain now, this was his online character!

"Okay, calm down, Vergil. Think. What do you remember?" He recalled the blinding light, the sensation of falling, and then... this. It was like he had been transported into his game, but how? And why?

Hearing what sounded to be footsteps, he turned in its direction. His gaze fell on a familiar sight—a royal blue and white Gallade, standing a few feet away, staring at him with curious eyes. Vergil's heart raced. "Gallade?" he whispered, his voice barely audible. The Gallade tilted its head, responding with a "Gal-lade!"

His voice was soft yet strong, and his bright red eyes held a highly visible amount of affection for Vergil.

Vergil instantly recognized what looked to be one of his main Pokémon, and the very last one he used in his battle during the most recent tournament he participated in. 

He bent down slightly reaching the same height as the Pokémon, extending a hand cautiously. "Hey, buddy. Is this real?" Gallade approached without fear nor hesitation as if his actions were a normal occurrence, gently forcing his head into Vergil's hand for a head pat. The sensation was surprisingly warm, almost reassuring. Vergil could feel the slight pulse of energy from Gallade's smooth, silver 'helmet'.

He took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "Okay, so I'm in a world with real Pokémon. This is insane." His initial excitement gave way to a gnawing worry. "But how do I get back? What about my family? My friends?" He had no answers, only questions.

Vergil's mind was a whirlpool of confusion and excitement. On one hand, he was living every Pokémon fan's dream, but on the other, he was terrified. What if he couldn't find his way back home? What if this was some elaborate trick?

The sun was beginning to set when Vergil finally decided to move. He had no clear plan, but staying in one place wouldn't solve anything. "Alright, Gallade," he said, still slightly cautious of the Pokémon. "Let's see if we can find someone who knows what's going on or at the very least, a safe place to catch a break rather than out here in the open."

Gallade nodded, and with a determined "Gal-lade!", it followed close behind dutifully. Vergil feigned indifference but he hadn't really imagine that the Pokémon would listen to him. Was this really his Pokémon from the game? 

As they ventured further, Vergil's initial shock began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of purpose. This world was vast and unknown, and despite his fear, a part of him was eager to explore it. "I need to figure out where I am," he muttered. "And how to get home."

Vergil didn't understand much of anything at the moment, but what he did understand was that if he wanted to actually survive to make it back to his world, he'd need to focus on what mattered right now. And right now, with the incoming of night, what mattered was finding a safe shelter for himself. Everything else came after.

Hey everyone,

I’ve been gone for a while due to losing interest in writing. However, as a creative person at heart, I tend to think about writing more often than I choose to. Recently, I’ve been inspired to start another Pokémon fic with a less roundabout take on Pokémon isekai/transmigration. Please let me know if you like the story by commenting, voting, etc. I intend to continue updating this only if it’s well received. It’s not to say I’d take negativity to criticism; I just want to ensure that people are actually reading this fic rather than posting for bots.

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