

(POV Cyrus)

I sat down on the sandy shore of the lake along with my two companions next to our newly built camp.

"Damn that was some grueling few hours of work but the stat increase was worth it!" I say in an optimistic tone as I plop my back onto the ground.

^Mimi^ ^Dude^ the two chimed in with a tired tone.

"Well you lot are probably hungry so I'll just catch some fish, you have done enough work so rest." I say as I stand up and equip my armor.

<Why are you doing this?> I hear Lyra say with confusion.

"Pardon?" I say exiting the cave.

<Why let them rest while you work yourself? You could make them gather food with ease while you rest letting them work for you?>

I walked around the entrance gathering sticks throughout the muddy grass as I answered.

"What kind of man would I be if I let my colleagues do all the work for me and reap the benefits all to myself? Sure I'll make them do work and I'll help them along the way until they can do it just as well as I can, I want to be a leader to them, not a boss." I reply with honesty.

<What's the difference?> Her tone was a concoction of curiosity and confusion.

"Well, a boss sits back bossing his workers helping them only when it's of the utmost importance taking all the benefits the money and fame for himself and giving all the scraps to those below him." I pause as I bent down.

"A leader on the other hand supervises his colleagues but also takes the time to know them no matter the position they hold and helps them even when it's not that big of a deal. They share the fame with those who helped earn it and divide the riches equally to their subordinates." I say as I stand up with a stick in hand.

<Another reason you're better than the others I guided you treat your tames with respect and kindness. Though I'm curious how do you know this leader and boss thing?> Lyra questioned.

"I worked for a boss in a university I interned, I took note of his flaws and became a great leader to the most successful company in the field of science known to mankind." I say as I made my way back to the cave with a bundle of sticks at hand.

I enter the cave look for the duo and see them goofing around playing what I guess is hide and seek.

(Besides their not a day old I want them to get a healthy amount of rest and work.) I smile as I make my way to the campsite.

I grab a small knife and start sharpening the stack of wood I collected as the two played occasionally stopping by to see what I was doing.

Once I was done I bought some fishing line and tied it to the back of the spear.

"Oi, you two don't make any loud noise or go close to the water I going to fish now." I get the attention of the two rascals.

The two did a mock salute before going back to what they were doing.

I then made my way to the lake with a sack and spears at hand and positioned myself over the lake on a boulder.




(POV mimikyu)

I stared at the rock that master was on with curiosity.

'Hey! Rock what do you think is master doing?' I question the weird geodude rolling in the sand.

{' ' means the untranslated version of what the animals, creatures, monsters, etc. are saying.}

He ceased his rolling and looked at where master was and shrugged 'He said something about fishing whatever that means.'.

'Yeah he did say something like that… can you float up to him and see what he's doing?' I ask the amalgamation of minerals before me.

'Sure.' He replied in a bored tone.




(POV Cyrus)

As I concentrated on looking for fish I see geodude float towards me.

I put down the spears and great the rock with a head pat "Hey bud what are you doing over here? bored of playing?".

He nodded with a small smile on his face as I patted his head "Hmm Lyra you can communicate with geodude and mimikyu right?" I asked her as I thought of something.

<Yeah why?> she replied curiously.

"Can you instruct them to do some light training like lifting rocks or teach them how to use moves correctly while I fish." I inform her.

<I can do that so rest assured they'll have a few stats raised.> Lyra said with confidence.

"Ok then geodude you and mimikyu are going to be trained by Lyra the voice you guys hear every now while I catch some food ok so follow her instructions well understood."

The rock gave me a thumbs up and made its way to mimikyu probably to inform him as well.




One hour later…




I lifted a sack filled with fish and opened an inventory panel before dropping it inside the storage space along with the spears.

I made my way to the camp and saw geodude and mimikyu sleeping soundly inside the tent.

I smile as I pulled some fish out of the inventory and removed the scales and bones before chopping them into chunks.

I then skewer them along with some vegetables and place them over the fireplace along with some wood before starting a fire.

I sat down right next to them inside the tent and gently patted their head as they slept "Lyra I assume all went well?" I say in a hushed tone.

<Yeah it took a few minutes for them to get the hang of it but after that their only restriction was their energy levels>

"I see well then let's see the fruits of their labor shall we?" I say in a hushed but excited tone.


Name- none

Species- Mimikyu- M

Height- 8 cm

Type- Shadow slime

Age- 2 hours, 9 minutes old

Type- Ghost, Fairy

Abilities- Keen eye- passive, Simple- Passive, Disguise- passive (Inactive), Contrary- manual

Current state- Tired

Affinities- Ghost S, Fairy A, Bug D, Psychic A, Dark- C

HP: 120/120

STR: 36/42

DEF: 50/50

SPE: 38/39

STA: 48/174

INT: 120/120

ACU: 63/63

MANA: 49/228

M-DEF: 65/65

M-ATK: 58/58

Skills: Shadow claw-2.4, Shadow punch-1.7, Dark pulse-1.2, Twin beam-1, Heal pulse- 1.3, No retreat- 0.7, Disarming voice-1.4, Amnesia-1, Agility-2.3, Nasty plot-2.3, Quiver dance- 1.4, Leech life- 1, String shot-1.6, space pouch-1, future sight-1, fury attack- 4, rage fist-1.2, outrage-0.1



Name- none

Species- Amalgam Geodude –Unknown variant- M

Height- 14 cm

Type- Earth golem

Age- 2 hours, 9 minutes old

Type- Rock, Steel

Abilities- Levitate- manual, Iron fist- passive, Sturdy- passive, furnace- passive, Adaptability- passive, Rough skin- manual

Current state- Tired

Affinities- Earth SS, Combat A, Metal C, Fire D

HP: 30/30

STR: 70/70

DEF: 54/54

SPE: 16/16

STA: 14/80

INT: 36/49

ACU: 36/36

MANA: 37/135

M-DEF: 40/40

M-ATK: 26/26

Skills: brick brake-2, power up punch-2.1, thunder punch-1.2, nature power-1, iron defense-1.4, Autotomize- 1.2, steamroller- 1, iron head-1.3, magma bomb-1, rollout-1.5, fire spin-1, flame charge-0.7, tar shot-0.4, protect-2.6, quick guard- 1.6


"Damn!" I said in astonishment as I went through the stats of the duo.

I then quickly shut up as I felt the two newborns stir in their sleep.

<I know right even I'm slightly surprised by how fast they got stronger.> Lyra admitted.

"What type of training did you make them do to get this strong so fast?" I questioned her in a hushed tone and wondered how I could train.

<I just made them spar with each other. Mimikyu was on the offensive using stat boost moves to empower his damaging moves and geodude played defensive using moves rarely using any attacks I only instructed them every now and then if they did something wrong.>

"Huh so it's just that simple..." I blurt out.

"So to simply put it if I were to let's say do a repetitive action I'll gain its skill and if I continue the action the skill will level up correct?" I say in a scheming tone.

<Yes but if you understand the concept of the skill you'll level it up faster along with other related skills and after a few levels it's required to advance to the next level.> She replied.

"Interesting..." I say as I stroke my chin.

(Well might as well do some training as well!) I thought with determination.

I exited the tent and made my way to the most isolated part of the cave far away from the tent but lit well enough to see clearly.

"Equip neo malware and Lyra open an inventory panel please." I say as a familiar smoke engulfed me.




To be continued next time...