
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 8

Lillian was pacing in the living room for about an hour before she turned on the emergency comm to get Amani out from her room, they received an emergency call from a nearby ship that was running low on power and oxygen..

" well ... even though you've been trying to interrupt them for the past hour, I'm pretty sure you're happy that we ran across this ship." Len said with a smirk that quickly falls from her face when she looks at Amani's flushed face and her hair that was a mess, she tightens both of her fists then looks away when Amani smiles at her and walks to the cock pit.

Len rushes to Tais bunk room and enters without chiming her way in to only hear the shower running so she barges in to see Tai fully naked under the stream of water.

" Len....what's wrong " Tai said quickly stepping out placing her hands on each side of Len's face, Len didn't realize that she had tears streaming down her face.

" Len speaks to me" Tai said as Len looks down trailing her eyes down Tai's naked body and stops with her eyes going wide seeing Tai's package.

" I'm um .. I'm fine Tai, I was just upset which I shouldn't be and get um dressed we'll board an unknown craft " Len said as she tip toes kissing Tai's lips gently before leaving her alone.

Tai smiles as she touches her lips then realizes she was standing close to Len while naked, she glances down seeing that she was rock hard so she jumps back in the cold shower.

Amani was in the cockpit looking at the life signs the ship was giving off, it showed only four life signs and the other showed four warm bodies.

" sixteen others that are not picking up any heat signatures or vitals " Amani said looking at the screen, she looks over to Taki who has been monitoring the ships algorithms.

" something terrible is happening to these people from what I'm reviewing they are moving illegals to another planet" Taki said as Amani nods her head then turns on the ships comms.

" get your suits on and wear your helmets at all times since we're unsure if any hazardous Poison has been released... Take your pulse rifle, handgun and a hand weapon of your choice." Amani said walking to the captain's helm where her suit lowers down as it wraps around her body like a tight fitting glove, it was a dark shade of purple with some black designs.

"Taki watch our positions and watch those on board, I've seen some of the ones we thought were dead move to a different position like they're trying to find the warm bodies" Amani said as she walks out to see two lines formed with her soldiers which makes her smile.

" ok I'm taking you six, while the others will protect the ship, winter will be in charge of the unit while Taki has the ship" Amani said.

" Len, Lillian, Olivia, you three will be in a group so watch each others backs while I'll take my three elites with me and when we exit I'll take the right to check the rooms up to the main deck while you three check the crew quarters to the cargo" Amani said as they all salute her then they feel the ship lock onto the other making it jerk, they all walk to the hatch to board the other ship.

" Take care and if you all need me call my comms " Amani said walking close to Tai with an affectionate look which all of the others noticed.

They enter the air kick as their helmets slide across their heads and a large hiss as the doors open showing the other ships ragged interior with wires ripped out and damaged all throughout the place.

" well something or someone went on a rampage....Taki have you found any unknown substance on this ship yet." Amani said while they exit the airlock, she grabs Tais hand and pulls her in for a quick hug.

" be careful and don't let your guard down if you find any survivors don't get close until you are absolutely sure they are of no danger" Amani said wishing she could kiss Tai right this instant.

" You girls heard me be careful some of the people here aren't what they seem so check your thermals and their signatures before letting them close to you." Amani said before walking away, Tai and the others pull out their rifles to head the opposite way toward the crew area.

" pay attention to the shadows since they seem to knock out power in certain areas" Lillian said as she takes the lead and Olivia takes the rear.

They get to the mess hall where they only have blinking lights which would mess with their night vision so they don't use it inside this room.

Streaks of blood and a few body parts are scattered around, Tai walks over looking at an arm that seemed to have been ripped off with some bite marks scattered around on it.

" well the hostiles seem to like meat " Tai said as Len stands next to her when a movement runs out of the room, they give chase but cautiously going out.

" it was small...maybe a midget or a child, you do know they're species that even remind you of those stories um... leprechauns that come from Levorbae in galaxy sixteen" Olivia said over her comm.

" yes even a race that is only an inch tall as well " Men said when they come across the crew quarters so they break off into a group of two to sweep each room.

Len and Tai start with the first room which had beds to accommodate eight people inside this room alone.

" Lillian do we have any idea how many passengers were aboard this ship" Len said over comms as they look at each messy bunk, Lillian also noticed that their room is the same with eight bunks.

" do you all have eight as well " Lillian replied back as they sweep the room to only find several parts and this time a couple of torsos.

" so only two quarters and they are sixteen beds...Taki we need to know how many are actually aboard this ship" Lillian said over comms.

" I'm on it but it might not be precise if they were hauling illegals....I'm showing they had over forty six crew members on their logs... Amani are you hearing me, be careful I'm showing movements that aren't picking up on anything except following that...I have a bad feeling also this ship is giving off bad juju, you all find the survivors and get out of there" Taki said to all of their comms when Lillian asked her about the number of crew.

" Shit you gotta be kidding me, how many bodies have we walked past " Olivia said looking at a few fingers laying beside her boot and over to the two torsos on the bunks.

" well seeing those torsos I can count two, but I also noticed that it was male and female parts back there so I've seen four left legs and two right that are different species" Len said over comms as they go to the next two large crew quarters that also had eight bunks inside except they was filled with blood and body parts.

" Amani we found at least sixteen bodies in four of the crew quarters, how are you doing " Tai said over comms getting worried for the woman who hasn't been on comms since they've separated, Len walks by Tai exiting the room with the other two meeting her.

" I'm fine love we made it to the cock out but no hostiles yet only bodies well parts anyway I'm sweeping their their files and also pulling up the cameras to see what happened to this crew, I'm having them check what cameras are still up to try and spot anyone" Amina said as Tai smiles in relief hearing her voice, Amina smiles when she could tell that Tai was worried a out her.

" Taki how long until you hack their system " Amani said while looking through the last log that was nothing but gibberish like the captain has lost his mind.

" Tai be careful and girls watch each other's backs " Amani said when the ship computer boots on and videos start filling all of the screens, they watch the first few days speeding through them.

" they have families aboard and those other men are wearing a insignia that I've never seen before but I'll work on finding out " Taki said as they speed through a couple of months until Taki spots those men in the cargo hold, they open a box that's holding some sort of beast that has grey skin, elongated arms with ears like a bat and a mouth like a wolf. The thing was completely hairless and has bipedal legs, when it steps out of the box it stands at ten feet tall and when it drops to all fours it's at six foot.

The eight men kneel down to the beast and it slowly approaches them when long testicles shoot out from its chest and shoots into the men's bodies as they start convulsing as the beast makes a weird chirping noise.

" what the fuck " Taki said over comms catching Lillian's attention as they was at the cargo holds door walking inside and they switch on their night vision since all of the lights are out inside the cargo hold.

" hey...what could have caused this " Tai said as videos pop to their screen, they watch what the others are watching as the eight men's skin start to bubble and they start ripping their flesh off while blood and bits of flesh start dropping to the floor.

" Tai....you four head toward us and don't go inside the cargo hold, the four heat signatures are in the kitchen hiding inside the large fridge." Amani said as the men on the screen started changing into something else but still looked somewhat human with sharp teeth with their insides showing the muscle, bones and some had their guts on display.

" look at that shit even their teeth and nails have grown, not to mention their limbs...that fucker went from six foot to seven and what the hell look at that man laying on the floor " Len said watching as something small tore out from his stomach that screeched, it looked like a smaller version of the big one they unboxed.

" A-Amani we're already inside the cargo hold—a clicking noise cuts off Tai as they all go silent pulling up their rifles as Lillian motions for them to go back to the entrance and then six more clicking noises come from different locations around them and above them.

" shit I can't see them...they are hiding it maybe camouflage" Lillian said as she switches her settings six times to find nothing, Tai closes her eyes focusing on the clicking sound when she picks one up coming closer to them as she turns to look at Len then raises her rifle shooting close to Len but hitting a medium sized creature that looked just like the one I the case but smaller.

" GET TO THE DOOR..NOW " Tai shouts as she starts firing in different places as the clicking noises become more in numbers and their sounds become louder, two more drop where Tai shoots.

" She got three we need to hurry, how many of those fuckers are in here" Olivia said as she moves toward the door, Lillian and Len was behind her while Tai stayed back keeping those things back.

A flash went past Tai cutting her suit but did not penetrate it, she stumbles a few steps from the force but then starts firing shots from her left and right. Lillian runs back to Tai pulling her to come on.