
Into The Daylight

Ayle, we've been out here for days. So far we've seen nothing. You're supposed to teach us to survive out here. Specifically how to survive in areas of civilization, not the wilderness." Dr. Palvo's gaze bore into me as she tried to hide her panic. If she really knew me, she would know that her efforts were useless "We all know that you are the only one who knows where we are, so tell us the truth. Are we really headed towards civilization?" I stayed quiet "No?" She threw her arms into the air "Then where the in the Hell are we going?!" I turned away from her and continued walking "We're going to find my sister" ****************************************************************************** The world as civilization knew it came to an end over a century ago. Life is now restricted to a single continent where humanity has changed. Those who survived on the outside of bunkers and compounds constructed by governments from around the world evolved while those on the inside remained the same. On the Outside everything was chaos while Compounds kept order. Now with space and resources becoming limited within Compounds they must learn how to live in the foreign world outside the safety of their bunker. Survival on the outside; however, would not be a walk in the park. The only way to survive on the outside was to learn to become one of the foreigners they feared, and who better to teach them than the Outsider they'd caught wandering near their bubble of safety?

1NerdWithAPen · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Chapter 7


It wasn't hard to get to the so called 'Board Room' just a simple walk through the building. Of course, I had to use a bit of my...charm, but I somewhat expected this to be a lot more difficult.

In fact, as soon as we burst through the doors, it was as if it had all been planned. There were no panicked faces, no confused looks, nothing. In fact, they the five men and women seated at the semicircle table seemed almost happy to see us. The only person acting as I would've expected, would be the man in the white coat, Joseph.

He had quickly gone from panic to rage as he seethed in the corner. I smirk as I see his pout, while everyone else in this room annoys me, he manages to amuse me. So far, he's been the only not to beg for me not to do this. Even Henson pleaded with me in broken Iscari.

Now we were here and all I have on my mind is where the word board room came from... it seemed like a stupid thing to call a room full of supposedly powerful people.

In truth, their shades emanated an ugly pretense of power. Yes, they had the conviction of their people but the 'power' had gone to their heads. All politicians had this ugliness in their shade, the only difference between them was that some knew how to reign it in. The only one who really had control of the ugliness surrounding her was the woman at the head of the table.

She would be the one I would have to appeal to, in order to get my way.

I knew my assumption was correct when she was the first one to speak to us "Dr. Palvo, Mr. Henson, and my dear nephew Joseph" She gave a practiced smile, avoiding the topic of presence entirely.

I grinned, how bold.

Then I thought... Did she say nephew?

"We are so glad to see you all, here and in one piece even." I tried not to crack a smile as Joseph winced and waves of anger rolled off of Dr. Riley Palvo.

"Really, take a seat darlings and do tell us all about this outsider" Her hazel eyes switched onto me boring into my plain brown ones. "This is her, I'm assuming" She asked in a lilting tone as everyone but me took a seat.

I tried to contain myself as she watched me, any movement would hint to this woman that I knew exactly what she was saying, and exactly what her game was.

The Doctor was the first to speak, clearing her throat she said "Yes Magistrate Devlin, we brought the outsider, Ayle, to you and the council in hopes that you may be as generous to lend an ear."

Devlin's thin lips lifted in an amused smirk "Really Doctor, as I'm sure the council will agree with me; flattery only bores us. Please do get onto the point."

Doctor Palvo grimaced "The outsider wishes to negotiate her time here in turn for her services and information"

I could tell by the subtle glow in her shade that she was intrigued. Her face; however, looked as if its solemn yet catty expression was forever glued there. Other than observing her energy and watching her piercing eyes light up, the woman clearly wouldn't give away anything to the untrained eye.

"How interesting... Don't you think councilmen?" I struggled not to roll my eyes as the sheep began muttering in agreement. In an instant Deviln's eyes were locked on me "Never have we had such a proposal. Usually, their kind use their brawn rather than their brains. Are you sure she is not a citizen of some more... refined encampment?"

I bit my tongue as Palvo quickly answered for me "Magistrate, we should stay on topic if you will"

"Why of course Doctor" her gaze bore into me "How long does the subject plan on staying?"

"Six months Magistrate"

The room went silent for a moment, and just as the calm before the storm, it was quickly over.

"Doctor, do you really expect us to bend to the weak will of an outsider?" One remarked

"Are you here to insult us?" Another shouted out

"There are other means of extracting information!"

"You're giving into the demands of an inferior pest!?"

"Who do you think you a-"

The room fell into a hush as Magistrate Devlin stood, her eyes never leaving mine "And why exactly-" the woman glided across the room, landing directly in front of me "Does this outsider believe that we would honor such a demand?"

I stood unblinking at the woman's cold hazel eyes as Palvo answered for me "She plans to attempt an escape while causing maximum destruction ma'am."

The woman's gaze was unflinching, the look of a hardened and unwavering politician "And what is her skillset Doctor?"

"Unclear at this point Magistrate"

I allowed myself to smirk as annoyance radiated off the woman only visible by the slightest intake of her breath.

"Is she capable of much harm or even escape or is she as useless as you imbeciles"

I bit my lip attempting to hold in a chuckle.

"She is capable"

The silence was deafening as the Magistrate stared me down, unmoving, unflinching, and unforgiving as I met her blow by blow. Psychological warfare was after all, my bread and butter.

Finally, the woman let out a laugh, smiled and clamped a hand on my shoulder.

"Henson" She said continuing to stare me down "Do be a doll and translate" before he could answer she began "I like you, so you will have your six months"

I kept my face impassive as Henson whispered into my ear, sensing there was more.

"Ainde?" (And?)

She grinned "Oh, I do like you." Taking a step back she took a breath and continued "During that six months, you will prove yourself an asset to us by training a group of our people to venture out into the Outside and survive. Afterwards we will release you; however,..." She turned towards me again "You will lead their expedition, in which you would personally give my team a firsthand experience in the Outside and teach them how they may live out there. Then you will safely return them and may be on your way."

I glared, and made a decision "And why would I do anything you just said? How do you know I wouldn't betray you as soon as we hit the outside?"

While the rest of the council reeled Devlin looked unsurprised, as I knew she would "Simple" She chuckled, "I will find whoever you are looking for before you ever do" My eyes widened as my heart felt as if it were about to beat out of my chest "And I will destroy them"

I let out a growl "How did you-"

"Know?" She quipped "No one is as driven to do anything it takes to reach their child? I'm guessing?" She smiled as she came nose to nose with my frozen form "As a mother"



"No one is as driven to do anything it takes to reach their - child, I'm guessing? - as a mother."

Ayle was stock still and silent as the entire room was baffled aside from one particular Devil.

"You'd never find her" I heard her mutter. Devlin laughed "Oh but I could! That's the fun part with being able to talk to an Outsider. You know as well as I that we have drones that surveillance everything on the outside."

I looked towards Joseph and Henson to see that they were as shocked as I was "Now, they won't tell us anything about how to survive Outside... but they are able to find people"

I watched horrified as the woman sashayed up to Ayle's ear "You know as well as I do that it would only take a moment to fire enough lead into her to kill her once we found her. Is that what you want?"

"Magistrate Devlin!" I began

I watched as Ayle stiffly shook her head at me and turned to face the woman "I will help you" We all jumped forward as Ayle's hand came forward, grabbing ahold of Devlin's blouse "But if I find her and she has a single bullet in her, you can bet your ass that I will come for you with everything I have"

Then she walked out the door, leaving us behind in a room of baffled silence.