
Into The Daylight

Ayle, we've been out here for days. So far we've seen nothing. You're supposed to teach us to survive out here. Specifically how to survive in areas of civilization, not the wilderness." Dr. Palvo's gaze bore into me as she tried to hide her panic. If she really knew me, she would know that her efforts were useless "We all know that you are the only one who knows where we are, so tell us the truth. Are we really headed towards civilization?" I stayed quiet "No?" She threw her arms into the air "Then where the in the Hell are we going?!" I turned away from her and continued walking "We're going to find my sister" ****************************************************************************** The world as civilization knew it came to an end over a century ago. Life is now restricted to a single continent where humanity has changed. Those who survived on the outside of bunkers and compounds constructed by governments from around the world evolved while those on the inside remained the same. On the Outside everything was chaos while Compounds kept order. Now with space and resources becoming limited within Compounds they must learn how to live in the foreign world outside the safety of their bunker. Survival on the outside; however, would not be a walk in the park. The only way to survive on the outside was to learn to become one of the foreigners they feared, and who better to teach them than the Outsider they'd caught wandering near their bubble of safety?

1NerdWithAPen · Fantasi
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13 Chs

Chapter 6


"That she does"

I blinked, looking at the now very lively woman in front of us. Her pronunciation wasn't the best and her accent was heavy but it was still somewhat easy to understand her.

"You did great Henson, just remember that when you're talking to a stranger it is 'Heseya'. Eya is for friends and family."

That seemed to break Henson out of his shock as he frantically nodded and thanked her "This is amazing, I've only been able to speak briefly with outsiders. An outsider that speaks our language! I could catalog and learn the language in months!" I rolled my eyes as he continued rambling.

The subject, Ayle, seemed amused but there was something else "Why would you tell us?" The dark-haired girl turned towards me with a thoughtful eye "You sent Joseph and the guards from the room because you didn't want them to know for some reason... So why tell us? Why speak to anyone in the first place?"

Ayle smiles and looks at Henson "I like this one" I huffed as he replied "Doctor Riley Palvo is quite the extraordinary person" I rolled my eyes as Ayle turns toward me "From what I've heard and experienced, I assume that if I hadn't cooperated the guards would have tried their hand, yes?" Grimacing, I nodded "They will find out eventually, the other would have told them. Henson wishes to learn and so he will not reveal my capabilities until necessary, yes Henson?" Henson nodded absently as he wandered around the room attempting to find a notebook.

"As for you..." Her eyes became dazed as if she were far away. As they cleared focused on me, looking as if she could see directly through me "You will not reveal anything you do no need to because you care."

I shook my head, why did everyone seem to think that I cared any more than any other reasonable doctor would.

She squinted, tilting her head as if trying to figure me out "Somehow, you are genuine. Maybe not on the surface, but when you speak you are honest and unafraid." She shook her head "Naive"

I glared, trying not to show her my anger "And how is it a bad thing to be any of those things?" My voice began to grow louder "How exactly does that make me naïve"

Ayle gave me a sad look "Because those who want to keep their true selves intact keep it hidden from anyone who may threaten it."

Looking at Ayle, she looked worn and tired, almost as if she were a hundred years old already. Looking at her, I couldn't help the heaviness that seeped in. Before I could respond, she quickly moved on "I have enough trust in you and Henson to not break until it's a last resort. So, I will cooperate under one condition."

That caught both our attention, I shared a look with Henson "What do you mean, I thought you were cooperating"

She nodded "Yes, and I will continue to under my conditions"

I frowned "Ayle, if we can't get anything from you because you aren't cooperating, they will make things a lot worse for you."

Again, she nodded and stared me straight in the eyes "It won't matter, because if you don't let me leave this place within six months or however long it takes me to give you what you want, I won't be telling anyone anything"

I shared a look with Henson "Ayle, we can't promise anything you-"

"You will get your people to agree to six months or less or I will tear this place apart trying to escape, and if I have to, I will die trying"



I hated the fact that the walls were soundproof here. It seemed like we've been standing outside for an eternity. As the guards sat like the lazy oafs they were, I paced in front of the door after my brief attempt with a cup in discovering just how soundproof the walls were. Finally, the door glided open on its oiled hinges as Dr. Palvo walked through the door. Henson could be seen attempting to talk to the subject as she stared directly into the back of Palvo's head.

I looked between the two of them as the door swung closed, then focused my gaze on the Doctor. "So" I gave her a look "What'd the subject say?"

Palvo shook her head and cleared her throat "The um.. The subject, Ayle, is demanding her release in six months in turn for her cooperation."

Trevor, the guardsmen, was the first to respond in a somewhat annoyed voice "The subject doesn't have any rights here Palvo. This is not a hotel; she does not get to determine her stay. Why don't you tell Henson to set her straight?"

I watched as the Doctor shook her head, looking reluctant, "We tried to inform her of the nature of her stay but... Ayle has given us an ultimatum. If we are not to comply...She will attempt to escape and destroy anything that interferes."

I rolled my eyes, "Really?" Palvo glared at me as the guards suddenly began marching towards the door. Palvo and I quickly followed them into the room. "Trevor!" Palvo called "I'm sure that-"

The icy guard shook his head, and pointed at a calm looking Ayle "Riley, you did your job, now its time for me to do mine. The subject is not willing to cooperate with you-" I shook my head as Trevor and his cohort reached for the subject's arms "And has proven herself a threat to the compound. It's time for our turn."

I rolled my eyes as Palvo shoved herself in between the guards and the woman, followed by Henson "Is this really necessary?" I asked coolly "I mean she's a tiny woman who barely has anything to back up any of her threats."

I winced as they shoved Palvo and Henson aside "She's hardly a threat!"

Just as the men were about to wrap their hands around the subject's arms, they seemed to freeze in midair.

I straightened as the tiny dark-haired woman slid off the bed, away from the guards.

She looked at me with her brow cocked, as if to ask me if I was going to try anything. When it was clear it wasn't, she simply made a gesture for us to follow her as she walked out the door.

I followed Henson and Palvo as they followed the much too calm subject. Not understanding a single thing that the subject said, Palvo and I walked side by side behind the woman and Henson, both of us on edge.

"What exactly happened inside that room?" I whispered

Palvo shook her head "Nothing I can tell you about..." I looked at her "Did you know this was going to happen?" She shrugged "Well, not exactly"


She looked at me as we walked "I didn't know that would happen, no. But honestly Joseph if you want to know more about what's happening maybe you should start working on your bedside manner" I rolled my eyes "Yeah, I'll get right on that"

As we continued to walk from building to building through the skywalks, I began to realize where we were going. "Doctor" Palvo ignored me "Dr. Palvo" she looked at me, finally sensing my urgency "Does this look familiar to you?" She looked around and shrugged "It's the way to the council's board room, why?"

I just stared "Why?" I stopped "Why? Seriously! We're leading a potentially dangerous outsider into a meeting with the council and you're not the slightest bit worried!? Seriously?!"

She stopped and looked back at me; I could hear chuckling from the two up front as Palvo glared at me "Get a grip Joseph, this is how we get results if we don't want the escape of our friend here."

I huffed, glaring at all of them as they walked towards the board room "This is insane"

Palvo rolled her eyes "Oh shut up and come along Joseph"