
Into The Daylight

Ayle, we've been out here for days. So far we've seen nothing. You're supposed to teach us to survive out here. Specifically how to survive in areas of civilization, not the wilderness." Dr. Palvo's gaze bore into me as she tried to hide her panic. If she really knew me, she would know that her efforts were useless "We all know that you are the only one who knows where we are, so tell us the truth. Are we really headed towards civilization?" I stayed quiet "No?" She threw her arms into the air "Then where the in the Hell are we going?!" I turned away from her and continued walking "We're going to find my sister" ****************************************************************************** The world as civilization knew it came to an end over a century ago. Life is now restricted to a single continent where humanity has changed. Those who survived on the outside of bunkers and compounds constructed by governments from around the world evolved while those on the inside remained the same. On the Outside everything was chaos while Compounds kept order. Now with space and resources becoming limited within Compounds they must learn how to live in the foreign world outside the safety of their bunker. Survival on the outside; however, would not be a walk in the park. The only way to survive on the outside was to learn to become one of the foreigners they feared, and who better to teach them than the Outsider they'd caught wandering near their bubble of safety?

1NerdWithAPen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 1

-Subject 14-

Everyone has days that just feel... off.

You could wake up tired or feeling sick and just know that the day is going to be useless. You could wake up feeling from that horrible dream you had, leaving you with a horrible feeling that will plague you the rest of the day until it happens. You could even wake up with that sixth sense or that pain that just tells you something will be wrong today.

Or you could wake up like me...

My skin was practically on fire from the different energy surrounding me. It was heavy, like waking up with a pile of wet blankets covering your entire body. You go into panic mode and try to escape with everything you have before you somehow suffocate underneath the heavy mass but as hard as you try you can't seem to get out. You can't seem to move. You can't even breath.

This wasn't a usual feeling, I never woke up like this, not being able to speak, breathe, or even open my eyes.

I know I'm not supposed to feel like this...

I never wake up like this... Do I?

"She's not stable!" hissed out a feminine voice. A deeper voice responded in a more clinical and somewhat annoyed voice "This is the only way we'll ever get answers about what's going on the outside of the compound, it's not up to you Doctor"

Spirits, my head hurts, it's not enough that they bring their burning and malignant energies near me, they don't even have the decency to keep it down whoever they are.

As the two voices continued to argue, I began to become more aware of my surroundings as the blanket began to lift.

The cold metal of the hard surface I was laying on bit into my skin. The air tasted crisp and burned my nose with its clinical smell. The darkness slowly seemed to become brighter as the light of the room harshly cut through the darkness beneath my lids.

"Dr. Palvo, try to contain your emotions, I know the subject reminds you of Sunny-"

"Don't! You do not have a right to use her name or tell me to 'contain my emotions. I am your superior Joseph and-"

"You may be my superior but it was your boss that made this call. I knew you would become to attached and already went over your head Dr. Palvo. So step aside!"

I wanted to scream at the both of them to shut up and calm down already. I struggled to move even my toes as the sound of a small struggle reached my ears followed by the turmoil of energies that hit me like a crashing wave.

"This is not about me attempting to protect some outsider Joseph or getting attached, this is-" The man let out an aggravated grunt as the sound of a thud sounded throughout the room. "This is about the safety of the compound, and my duty to everyone here! You were there for the last one we woke to early. You were there when he collapsed an entire building on us." Something screeched as it dragged across the floor "We need to wait! Do more tests, more research! We can't rush this again for those bureaucratic asses"

The deeper voice seemed to hesitate "The board and I..." He cleared his throat "The board and I have considered the risks. My orders are to inject her to accelerate her reanimation, if you have a problem with that you can take it up with the board."

The struggle grew louder, their arguing pounded rocks against my skull as their chaotic energies burned through the last of the molasses surrounding me. Instead, it felt as if pins and needles were being shoved into every inch of my body.

Somehow, I think it's a feeling I've felt before...

Metal clanged against metal as a seemingly shaky hand rattled whatever it was they were fighting over.

"Joseph, no!"

As the struggle grew closer to me their chaos nearly made it harder to breathe. My mind was still somewhat cloudy but one thing was clear, I had to wake up and get the hell out of here.


As I forced my eyes to open against the blinding light, I forced myself into a sitting position. Thankfully all the arguing had come to a stop along with the conflicting chaotic energy surrounding the two arguing parties. In fact, I was happy to be met with almost complete silence aside for a shocked gasp I'm guessing came from one of the two voices from earlier.

I looked around, still blinking against the harsh lights. For some reason I was surprised to see that the walls were a spotless shade of an ugly white. I blinked, cringing as a pain shot through my head along with a smaller but similar looking room with walls covered in grime and specks of blood.

Shaking my head, I looked down to see a surprisingly spotless tile floor. Along the walls the harsh lights gleamed off of the counters and cabinets littered with glass objects. I moved my arms slightly, testing the resistance of the odd ropes that they'd chained me up with. Somehow the thin wiry lines had been stuck into my skin.

Yanking my arm away, the lines easily gave and left bloody trails on my arms as they pulled away from my skin.

My sudden motion seemed to snap the two white coated people in the room out of their shock, because the male immediately dropped the sharp looking object filled with a dark looking liquid as the female immediately rushed to my side.

"Be careful! You're going to-"

I blocked the woman out and closed my eyes, focusing on their energies. They were calmer now, softer, more subtle. I could tell that she at least meant me no harm... yet. But the male seemed eager and more anxious.

At least this part of my memory is clear.

Breathing in, I let a familiar warmth take over. Focusing on their soft and anxious energies, I opened my eyes.

To me everything was energy. Each piece of the surrounding world was made up of it. Each person is made up of it. Each fragment of life, each person, had their own specific shape, shade, frequency...

If you looked carefully you could see it all, of course it helps when you have an acuity for it.

When you do, it's easier to learn how to manipulate it.

At least I remember that part of myself.

Slowly I constricted their shades enough to hold them in place, but not enough to kill them. I'm not a monster.

At least I don't think I am.

Not wanting to be cruel, I awkwardly slipped off the cold table and stumbled to my feet. Being careful to grip the surrounding counters on my way to the door, I tried to shuffle out as fast as I could, feeling their panic rising quickly.

After what seemed to be an eternity, I finally made my way out the door. Now just to find my way out of here...