
The system vs. the real thing...

Joem grabs and throws Jai to the TVEP building balcony; w/c is next to the tower and engineering dept.

"Wait Joem..! Ooh Shit! Whoaaahh!!!" Jai flew like a projectile, June and Richie anticipated his direction.

"Baam!" June perfectly catches Jai's flying body, Hana and the rest pulled them safely into the balcony.

"Aaawhh!!!" Jai whole body was aching and the impact of colliding w/ June's body armor.

""Brrraaaaaapp! Boom!" Joem equipped the M134 Minigun w/ Incendiary every 10 rounds on the overflowing zombie horde.

He able holds his ground against the hordes of zombies, injured was safely retreated and thankfully the reinforcements arrive on time. The remaining players are regrouped by CEA's Dean Engr. Gab Sales to maintain a line of defense.

"Iron wall!" Prof. Rose Jesta made a wall made of steel to cover the wall permanently. The swarm was endless until the school president arrived w/ his group.

"Holy Light Release!" Landing outside the school gate, zombies turned into dust after touching him and the burst of light around his surroundings.

"Holy Blade Slash!! He casted one on both ends w/ in his range of attack. It sliced zombies like a butter through the swarm and turned into dusts were blown by the wind away.

"Dome of Light!" School President Ruiz used his most powerful offensive attacks among his skills. This last skill is a diameter of 1 km from both ends.

The duration is a minute long and the huge barrier enveloped the whole school. It cracked every time an armored zombie attacks the barrier and became dusts after its collision.

"Sinkhole!! 10x" VP Ed Tui of Finance made big holes near the barrier

"Quicksand!!10x" VP Nick Valeno from the admin. department. Along w/ the sinkholes to trap and slow down their tracks.

"Earth Mound!! 2x" COED's Dean Emma created a 3 storeys tower blocking on both ends of the school.

"CIT and CEA on the north side, COE and CAS get on the south! Close combat players on first level, mid-range on the next level and long range attack on the top!" School VP Rick Valera shouted.

Everyone was already looked exhausted and 30 seconds left before the barrier collapsed. Standing at the top of hills, the school nurse and doctor used their wider and better healing skills.

"Mass Healing!!" golden rays covered everyone's body, filled up the health bar and healed their injuries.

"Damn! I'm not tired anymore!"

"Wow! I could fight much better now!"

"Such a big help, guys!"

"Thanks You!" Everyone express their gratitude to them, the two stand beside w/ the school president.

"Our healers did not even exceed than my 1 hand! Having them still is a great help. It's really a rare job and ability among these players!" School President Ruiz is regenerating his mana and he alone killed 20 000 zombies after his attack.

The entire school has at l of 100 000 kills around this time. Joem has just received a new notification and rewards.

"Status display" he checks the new upgrade.

Character Name: Joem

Age: 20 yrs. old

Job: Gunslinger (lvl 24)

Health: 31 > 72

Defense: 10 > 58

Speed: 14 > 62

Attack damage: 46 – 50 > 90 – 96

Gold coins: 5 500 + 1 000(reward) + 82 500(kills) > 89 000

Exp: 500 > 27 750

Kills: 100 > 5 650

Unique skills: Aimbot (level 1> 2), Triggerbot (level 1) and Stealth (level 2).

"Aah...! I should've upgraded my Triggerbot (level 1) skill than the Stealth! Next time!! 2x" he closed the display and calmly standing next other long range players.

The barrier is getting weaker and cracks are visible from his position. A figure appeared above them; this suddenly triggered new notification to all and this is multiple huge fireballs were going towards them.

"Craaackk!!! Craaasshh!!!" The whole thing broke down and disintegrates after the giant fireball hit the 'Dome of Light'.

"Humans really fight back! Their Resistance is futile! Ha ha ha...!" The Lich has been watching things, as he rallied about 400 thousand zombies in the south and 700 thousand zombies in the northern street.

"Dome of Light!!!" School President Ruiz used his strongest one among his skill and the weakness is having a short duration.

"Ding!" A new notification from system appeared.

"Defeat the Lich, this high ranking undead is leading more than a million zombies in La Paz district of city of love. Rewards are following, 1 million gold coins, 100k exp, 1 health potion and 1 upgrade core." System said.

"I accept!" closing the message panel, Joem activated his stealth mode and was outside of the dome. According to the mini map, the target is way out of his range and he's moving towards east direction.

Evading zombies on his way, he lures them away by using subsonic rounds and creating enough sound to create distraction. The lich is busy bombarding fireballs over the school; this dome was much smaller and sturdier than before.

In the southern side, the alleys are enough for only two people and it's the fastest to the Lich's direction.

Joem equipped the M16 w/ subsonic rounds and open its weapon display attributes to buy more rounds.

"M16 (Automatic Firearm)"

Power: 5

Fire rate: 6

Crit. Damage: 7

Damage: +18

Range: 550 m.

Weight: 3.4 kg.

Ammo: +55 > 550

"-20 000 gold coins!" has been deducted after buying more ammunition.

"69 000 gold coins left!" System said.

"Let's buy... 1 speed potion!" There's several potion in the store like health, power, defense and the speed potion. It's consumable for duration of 15 seconds, enhancing your speed like world class sprinter or even Usain Bolt's speed.

W/ his now superhuman speed, Joem's sprinting his way and evading zombies on this way.

"Swiiissh!!!" a cloud of dust is left behind, he ran about 250 m. in just 15 seconds and the target is still focused on the school president.

Throwing back the M16 into inventory, then equipped the McMillan TAC-50 and a new rounds of armor piercing rounds blessed by the School president's holy light release.

"McMillan TAC-50"

Power: 8 > 27

Fire rate: 3 > 30

Crit. Damage: 10 > 30

Damage: +87

Range: 3.5 km.

Weight: 12 kg.

Ammo: +25

"-19 000 gold coins, For Power!"

"-20 000 gold coins, For Fire rate!"

"-20 000 gold coins, For Crit. Damage!"

"You got 0 gold coins, you're broke kid!" System said.

He went in the rooftop of an unfinished apartment building after the upgrade. Covered in a pile of construction materials, it's a great area for sniping and time is running out for the barrier.

In sitting position, Joem upgraded into semi-Automatic from manual and this was the difference since it was from the system vs. the real thing.