
Dead rising

"News flash report! The president will have state of the nation and say a few things regarding our current situation! According to previous message, the dead will rise from the ground and dominate the living... His Excellency President Fedro Felimon!

Hello to all my fellow countrymen and citizens of the republic... first of all, I would to say condolence to the families of this morning's pandemic that killed millions in a span of 5 minutes!

Now, we're facing difficult situation, I, senate and the congress are relocated to Bataan island along w/ the armed forces, scholars and other field experts to further prepare and come up w/ possible solutions to this crisis!

According to initial assessment of the Dept. of Health, the red pigment of the rain came from the aerial spores of microalgae, the virus is similar to a common flu but the lethality is absurdly high and this puzzled our experts.

A vaccine is being further studied and tested in our lab here, so we can look forward for a possible cure soon.

Sightings of the dead raising from their body bags, mass graves and cemeteries have been confirmed by the military. I urge the public to fight back for your survival.

Those who received abilities/ superpowers are urges to help the government to eliminate these so-called zombies. An app has been made by kid genius that will help us track the numbers of kills by a person, party or organization.

Each kills will be counted as merit, the higher your merits is equals higher privileges and rewards is given by the government. More info's and updates will be regularly uploaded in the app.

To those who asked if the internet will be okay, the NTC (National Telecommunications Commission) and telecom companies have a meeting today. They said that as long theirs power supply from NGCP (National Grid Corporation of the Philippines) everything will be okay for now.

NGCP (National Grid Corporation of the Philippines) said their operation is still normal for the moment, since their personnel, facilities and energy sources are okay. The problem is that forty percent generated was from coal and this is being imported by our power plants.

Good thing is that there are still 25 Giga watts of electricity from natural gas and renewable energy. The dept. of energy will compute on how much the energy we consumed after a day and will file report to give recommendation to NGCP on how much they need to produce every day.

Governors and Mayors have been given authority during this crisis to mobilize and maintain their area of jurisdiction to a minimum operational level.

I believe that we can overcome this crisis; we've faced super typhoons, earthquakes and a lot more in the past. This maybe the hardest among them, but we are such a brave and resilient people.

I ask everyone watching and listening to me, this is the time that we must unite and pray not only for you, but whole mankind's survival. May god protects and bless us all, Amen!" President Fedro Felimon said.

"The entire network of AGM and other major networks have moved next to the new office of national government in the city Balanga, Bataan. At least 300 hundred thousand people are now here, police army and the civilians w/ abilities are now called 'Players'.

They're currently fighting off these large swarms of zombies over the newly constructed walls. These are made from stacked container vans; its height is 12 m. and a width of 4 m. it has a tower every 100 m., the containers have sleeping quarters, dining and toilet for those guarding the perimeter of the city.

All these became possible due to a player w/ ability to copy and the one who made the players app. They've received privileges and rewards after this works. They are now living in the highly secured facility according to our reliable source.

Please watch the evening news later and follow us on our social media accounts!" news anchor said, everyone made their accounts and registered their party.

"Attention everyone! A horde of at least a 100 thousand from south of La Paz district plaza and Jaro district market will arrive in 5 minutes.

Players w/ long range attacks proceed to new Cooperative building and HRT building entrance.

Midrange and close combat players are needed on the walls after these zombies bypass the attacks from long range." Engr. Mario of communication dept. said.

"COE (College of Education) and CIT (College of Industrial Technology) go to the south of HRT building!

CEA (College of Engineering Architecture) and CAS (College of Arts and Science) go to the north of Cooperative building!

The rest of us to the main entrance and will be the last line of defense! Let's go and defend the school, everyone!!!"School president Ruiz Corolla said.

There are 4 four large entrances and exits of the gym in 4 directions. Joem's party was last to go out, they're supposed to be on the Coop building w/c is the north end of the school's lot.

"Guys! Let's head to school's tower, will have a better view on the zombie horde and height advantage among others" Joem said.

"Good suggestion, Joem! You and Tyrone to the top platform, while me, Glen and Bert on the mid platform. Lastly, Jai, Richie, Lyle and June will on the walls of the Coop." Hana said.

"1, 2, 3! Let's go, Z party!" everyone yells.

"Long range players be ready! Steady! Steady!

And fire!!!" CEA dean said.