
Bloody rain

"Kring!!!3x" his phone alarm rang for a minute, it stop until he turn it off and prepare their breakfast. Saturday is when he goes home to his parents from his ROTC class. Unlike, during the first where he didn't go home until he received a failed grade on his math subjects and Joem kneel down on the floor w/ salt as punishment.

He fried eggs and hotdogs, then the rice over the charcoal. While, waiting for it to cook, he take a bath and put his a week of dirty laundry in his luggage bag.

"Good morning, Nang/elder sister! Breakfast is ready! Wanna eat together?" Joem called Ana for the breakfast as usual and he waited for a while for her reply since it's kind of lonely to eat alone.

"You eat ahead of me! Don't forget to lock the door since you lost your spare key!" She opens the door a little to talk to him and close it after, then Ana return back to her bed and sleep for long she wants.

Done w/ the breakfast, he washed the dishes and cleans his room before going to school.

"I'm going now, Nang/elder sister!" he left after there's no response; Joem locked the door and gate before leaving.

While sitting on the bus, he received a text from unknown number and decided to read it before deleting. The time was 6 Am., it felt weird since he remembered it was exactly the same thing on the game said.

"The world is changing for the worse ever since humans became the apex among living things on earth. A lot of other species of animals, plant and trees went extinct, from over-hunting, greed and hunger for power brought by series of industrial revolution of human civilization.

The once green and beautiful earth became a forest of towering stones and smokes that cover the blue sky and kill the plants! Another thing what made the creator mad is that people believed and worshiped of many of these false gods!

They even used it as excuse to kill one another, destroy homes and earn a living off this people's weakness!

Like every rise, there's a corresponding downfall and humans will face the consequences of defying the natural order and balance of this world!"

"The next notification will be release by 1 pm. after the first wave and I hope that you survive this! From your, guardian angel..." Done reading w/ the text, he deleted it and returns the phone in his pocket.

"Beeep!" he pushed the button to stop bus in front of the school entrance. The number of students is still a lot, even though its weekend and most of them are freshmen.

Every first week of the semester, the instructors have general assembly to talk about issues and propose solutions regarding students, subjects and school stuffs to make things better than before.

Things were weird back in the bus and inside the school, like him they received the same text at that time. Some people thought it was fake news sent by some weirdo who loved things bout end of the world.

While, others don't give a shit on such things and deleted it immediately. Only a few showed interest into this since it has the same intro to a popular game "The World's End' lately.

By 7:30 am, the red caps of the ROTC unit of the school were standing in front of their respected group. During the first semester, he's part of the alpha company, but later demoted to delta company due to being late twice.

After marching in the open field, Alpha and Bravo left behind to practice their drills for the Regional Annual Administrative Tactical Inspection.

While, the Charlie and Delta Company are having classes on theoretical test, map reading, First Aid demonstration and small unit leadership practice, assembly/disassembly rifle and pistol.

His platoon in Delta Company is in-charge of theoretical test and there's test every week. Last week, his exam result was average so he tried better this time and studied w/ his fellow cadets in the library.

"Attention, everyone!!! Please proceed to covered gym for a routine emergency drill!" Engr. Mario turned off the power, grabbed his stuff and equipment to the gymnasium.

"Delta company first platoon form a single line as you go out!" Delta Company's platoon leader said.

"Yes, sir!" Delta company first platoon replied.

"Keep it down, first platoon!" Delta Company's platoon leader said.

The gymnasium can accommodate four thousand people so over a thousand freshmen, professors and school officials are only 25% of its capacity.

The professors and school officials are sitting near the stage since their having an open forum during the announcement was broadcast. Pres. Ruiz Corolla stands from his seat and checked his watch while other school officials have already brief w/ the real matter while waiting for the students and guards to close the gym.

Engr. Mario has finished w/ the set-up in his office on the basement of the gymnasium. Ten minutes passed, the doors were closed and the students sat on the floor looking at school president holding a microphone.

"Good morning, everyone!" Pres. Ruiz Corolla said.

"Good morning, President!" everyone replied at the same time.

"Please listen! Deans of each college, go to your designated place along w/ department heads and instructors!" Pres. Ruiz Corolla said. The college of education, art and science were on the left side, while the college of industrial technology, engineering and architecture were on the right side of the gym.

"Next, students go to your college/department and sign your attendance!" he said and return to his seat, while waiting for the attendance sheet to be finish.

The widescreen on the gym was turned on, Bulagaan was being broadcast and the attendance was given to the vice president Rick Blena after.

"Booom!!!" the thunder was so loud that everyone's ears were still ringing and the heavy rain followed w/ lighting like a flash of camera.

The time was 11:55 am, the rain lasted for about five minutes only and the sunny weather replaces the gloomy atmosphere. Everything is covered by red hue, trees, buildings and etc.

"AGM news flash! A weird phenomenon suddenly happened around the globe this morning! A sudden rain occurred for only about five minutes and the color was bloody red! People soaked in the rain got sick and fall down unconscious on the spot.

Hospitals are having a hard time accommodating the sudden large influx of patients in major hospitals. The Dept. of Health along w/ the office of the president is going to release info about this. Let's hear the official statement from the palace!" News anchor said.

"At 11:50 Am., a reddish rain poured for only 5 minutes long and an estimated a million people are affected. A wide range of symptoms reported are the ff: fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, repeated shaking with chills and muscle pain.

Traveling is strictly prohibited at the moment, stay at home and report if your officials or local health worker for any symptoms arise!

It's not only our country experiencing this thing, but the whole world is greatly affected! To all citizens of our country, I declare a state of calamity to fully mobilize the country's resources and manpower!

The police and army will have a joint effort to implement the curfew starting at this moment! Further info will be release after and stay tuned to your radio, TV and our official FB account for new details.

Please pray to all affected, front liners and our country to survive the fight on this sudden pandemic!" Palace spokesperson said.