
Into another world (my hero academia x ocs)


Diluc_Dilux · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter ~1~

The portal appears a few feet above the ground. From it, you can hear screaming accompanied by a string of curses.

"HOLY SHI- OOF" Yelled Rin as she face planted on the sand, catching a mouth full of it.

"SON OF A-" Yelled Kazuki as she fell on top of Rin, causing Rin to spit out the sand in her mouth.

"BITCH GET OFF ME! YOU HEAVY AS HELL." Yelled Rin seeming to be in pain.

"Fuckin' asshole." Cursed Kazuki at Rin.

As they both got up, Rin noticed something about Kazuki.

"Oh waw! Did your boobs just grow two times bigger?!" Says Rin, trying to hide her smirk.

"The fuck do-"

"Bish, look at yourself. I still got small boobies. Bruh, this ain't fair." Said Rin looking down at her own chest.

"Shut up bitch, look." Said Kazuki pointing at something.

"Bish! What I say about pointing at things?" Asked Rin, annoyed at Kazuki for pointing.

"You gotta be subtle abou-Holy shit!" Said Rin as she looked at where Kazuki was pointing.

"Yup. Holy shit indeed." Mused Kazuki.

"Hey, don't copy me!" Exclaimed Rin.

"Sure, whatever." Said Kazuki, completely disregarding what Rin had said.

Kazuki walks over to what she was pointing at earlier, which so happens to be Izuku Midoriya and All might in his shrunken form. Rin looks around and notices that they are on the trashed beach that looked very similar to how it looked like in the anime my hero academia.

"Kazu-" Rin cut herself off when she noticed that Kazuki was no longer next to her.

Rin looks over to where she saw Kazuki in her peripheral vision.

"Bish! What you doin'?" Asked Rin as she made her way over to Kazuki who was poking the poor child.

Rin p.o.v.

"What are you doing?" I asked Kazuki as I made my way over to her.

"I'm poking him to see if he's real or not."

"Want me to punch you to check if it's a dream?" I asked in a joking tone.

"Don't touch me, you're filthy."

"BITCH! I showered 2 days ago!" I responded.

"But you're covered in sand, not to mention that you got a mouth full of it." Argued Kazuki.

"Screw you, man! That is so not manly." I hmphed as I crossed my arms.

"Uhh-" Before Midoriya could say anything, I grabbed Kazuki by the back of the collar of her shirt and turned to look at him.

"Excuse her dumbassness. This idiot doesn't know how to keep her hands to herself." I said, truning to him and smiling apologetically.

"Bitch." Kazuki mumbled under her breath.

"What did you say?" I asked, quite annoyed with her behavior.


"That's what I thought." I said angrily. "Now apologize."

"Sorry, Mid-"

I slapped my hand over her mouth.

"Do you want him to think we're creeps or something? Don't call him by his name, you idiot!" I harshly whispered to her.


"I-It's alright! It was just unexpected. Did you two just fall out of a portal?" Midoriya asked feeling flustered.

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot. Yeah we did. I mean we totally didn't get sucked into a portal that I found in my kitchen tryna make pancakes for this dumbass. I don't know where we are, I mean I do, we're in japan, but I don't really know where exactly since we don't even live relatively close to japan at all. I don't even know where the portal came from. One moment I was cracking eggs and the next I was being sucked in. And if this DUMBASS didn't let go cuz of a goddamn roach, we wouldn't be here." I rambled, explaining our situation.

"Well young Midoriya, seems like you found your match." Teased All Might.

"All might!!!" Cried Midoriya.





'Crap, I exposed All Might!' Thought Midoriya in distraught.

"Oh no." I started.

"Oh no." Continued Kazuki.

"Oh no no no no no♪ ~" Me and Kazuki sang simultaneously.

"A-Ah I mean, no he's not A-All Might. There's no way he's All Might. I meant to say-" I cut Midoriya off with saying, "Chill out, man. We already knew."

"HUH? HOW?" Yelled Midoriya startled about this new found information.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Why not?"

"Because, my dear child. We are not originally from here." I reasoned.

"But we're the same age." I heard Midoriya mumble.

"What do you mean?" Questioned All Might.

Poor boy was ignored.

"Didn't you see us get yeeted out of the portal?" Asked Kazuki.

"I mean yeah but-" Midoriya got cut off.

"Would you believe me if I told you that we're from another world?" I asked as I smirked.

"Are you?" Asked Midoriya.

"Didn't I just say that?" I asked deadpanning at his question.

"Woah, for real? I need to write this. How was your world like?" Asked Midoriya, pulling his notebook outta nowhere, feeling excited.

"Boring." Said Kazuki.

"No, I mean yeah kinda. We don't have quirks over there. Like, at all. Everything is just normal." I explained to them in the most civil way I could.

"Really?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah. Like I said, boring." Said Kazuki with a bored expression on her face.

"Hold up, if we're here and not in our world, does that mean we have quirks?" Asked Kazuki.

"Holy fucking shit, you're right!" I exclaimed feeling excited.

"She curses more than Kacchan." I heard Midoriya mumble.

"Do you think it's what we always fantasize about?" I asked Kazuki.

And the boy got ignored again.

"I hope so. Let's try it." Said Kazuki turning toward All Might.

"Kazuki says your wound is healed." Said Kazuki waiting for something to happen.

"Well? Check it out. Come on dude, lift your shirt!" I said excitedly bouncing in my spot.

All Might looks at us weirdly then pulls his shirt up to show his healed torso.

"Oh my god, dude. IT WORKED." I say smacking her shoulder so much from the excitement I'm feeling right now.


"Hold on. Do you think I got a quirk too?" I asked feeling worried that I might not get one.

"I mean if I have one, you must have one as well." She said, kinda reassuring me.

"Ight. Let's try it." I said and tried to focus on giving myself a spider quirk, kinda like spider-man.

"Ok, lemme try this." I say as I turn toward the mountain of trash and aim for the highest point up there with my palm facing it upside down. Kinda like spider-man except I didn't make any finger gestures. After I took aim, I focused on my wrist and a string of web shot out and attached to the highest piece of trash up there.

"HOLY SHIT! HAHA!" I said as I pulled on the webs. Bad mistake on my part, because I went flying in that direction and ended up kissing the piece of trash that was in my way.

"IT'S WHAT YOU GET, YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!" Said Kazuki, laughing to herself.

"RoOd!" I said as I got up, disconnecting the web from my wrist while rubbing my nose. I have already face planted enough for the day.

"How many months are left till the UA entrance exam?" Asked Kazuki.

"Yeah, what she said." I said, also wanting to know.

"Nine months. Why?" Asked Izuku.

"Because, my friend, from here on forth, we shall be training along side you." I said, adding a British accent and failing miserably.

"Why is she talking like that?" Whispered Midoriya to Kazuki.

"She just likes to mess around." Responded Kazuki, unamused, already used to my bullshit.

"I guess that makes sense." Said Midoriya, kind of understanding what she meant.

"Anyway, what do you want to do for the time being?" Asked Kazuki, while I listened to their conversation.

"WE SHALL FUCK WITH KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" I yelled, really wanting to fuck with someone. And who would satisfy me more than Katsuki Bakugou himself.

"K-Kacchan?! No! If anything, he'll kill you!" Exclaimed Midoriya, seemingly worried for my wellbeing.

"THEN I SHALL WEB HIS BUTT!" I answered, excited to web some ass.

"But I'd rather my boi over here be stronk so he could enter UA. So we shall be training at your side once again, master. I wish to study under you, and make me your apprentice." I joked as I bowed to him like he was some sort of royalty.

Midoriya was stuttering feeling flustered at what I was doing.

"Master?" He asked, red in the face, not knowing how to respond.

"Will you take me under your wing and make me your student?" I said with a straight, determined face, jokingly of course, I looked down at him as I waited for his answer.

Since I'm 170 cm and he's 166 cm.

I'm pretty sure All Might is enjoying this from the snickering I heard just now.

"She's just kidding, chill out." Said Kazuki, trying to calm Izuku from his flustered state.

"No I'm not. I wanna be besties with this guy. And what better way than forcing him to take me under his wing?" I asked, giving Kazuki a look that says 'what makes you think I'm joking?'.

"Well so do I, but your dumbassness and bullshit is gonna scare him away." She reasoned. If you can even call that reasoning.

"Hey, can I call you Izuku? Cuz Midoriya is a mouthful." I asked.

"Uhh yeah sure." Said Izuku, now even redder in the face if it's even possible.

"Great! Then you can call me Rin." I said smiling at him as I pet his head.

"And you can call me Kazuki." Said Kazuki.

"OooH, your hair is so soft. What shampoo do you use?" I asked, getting closer to inspect his hair better.

I heard him make squeaky noises and look down at his face to see it almost steaming. Wow. Even animatic effects are real. Cool.

"Woops, my bad. Am I being too touchy?" I asked, raising my hands in surrender while taking a few steps back.

"No shit, Sherlock!" Said Kazuki with her arms folded.

"Waw. rOoD." I crossed my arms as I turned away from her.

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed as I hit my palm with my fist, "We forgot about All Might!" I turn around to see him trying to hold in his laugh from the marvelous performance we are giving him.

"You girls are hilarious. Did you think about being comedians?" He asked now full on laughing, unable to contain his laugh anymore.

"That's not a bad idea! That could be like a part-time job or something." I said while looking at him with starry eyes.

"I was just joking, don't take it too seriously." Said All Might.

"So was I." I turn to look at Izuku. "So what are we gonna do now?" I asked. 

"Go home?" Said Kazuki.

"Yeah but where?" I asked, "Do you know where they got houses for rent or sale?" I turned to both All Might and Izuku for this question.

"I can take you somewhere to look for apartments." Offered Izuku.

"Thanks but we're looking for like a two story house or something. Can you help with that?" I asked looking at Izuku.

"They can probably help you with that. Or you can look online." He suggested.

"Good idea. We'll look online." I pause, "So who's lending me their phone?"

"We can just go to his house and use his computer. It's way easier that way." Said Kazuki, kinda excited that we would be going to Izuku's house.

"Not bad! Do you mind if we stay the night at your house? Just till we find a place to stay. Which shouldn't take that long." I said looking at Izuku for permission.

"S-Sure! I-I don't think my mom would mind."

"What time is it anyway?" I look at the sun to see it almost set.

"HOLY SHIT! WE BEEN HERE ALL DAY?!" I questioned kind of startled to know that we talked the whole day.

"No shit." Said Kazuki sarcastically.

"We should probably get going." Said Izuku as he turned to leave but looked over his shoulder and said, "Bye All Might! Sorry for today."

"Don't worry young Midoriya! I enjoyed myself quite a bit. I haven't laughed like that in a while." Laughed All Might.

"Good to know you enjoyed our performance, my good sir." I said to him as I playfully bowed. "See you tomorrow, Toshi!" I waved as I made my way over to Izuku.

After walking for a bit, I turned to Izuku. "So about me being your student." I said with a smirk.

"Stop it with your stupidness." Said Kazuki.


Izuku was pretty flustered.