

Aemii being a bunny mutation is acquired by a mysterious guy who needs her help to find out the murder of his only family. Aemii is soon brought into chaos and mayhem and things begin to duel between the two. will they ever find out who killed them?

Ccaffeinee1 · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 6 “Unfolding”

"my brother..? he's dead." Aemii said finally lifting her head to look at the person. her face looked dull wanting to get whatever fate awaiting her over with. she took a good look at him then quickly looked away from them. she didn't know if it was safe to look or not so she kept her head down. "i'm pretty sure you remember that night..don't you.." she said, with a melancholy tone. Aemii's demeanor and body language told everything, she's still scared and traumatized from that night. The person looked at her and got down to her level still in silence. Aemii lifted her head up as tears fell from her face once more.

"i want information" they said in a disoriented voice. "information to what?! i-i have nothing! i'm just barely making it by in my life!!" she spoke in a louder response.

"listen. i want to resolve this in a peaceful manner. either you give me what i need and no one gets hurt or you die and i just raid your things." they say to her staring at her soul. Aemii's heart dropped at the thought of being killed but found peace at it. silence fell over the two as Aemii began to think. "it's either, i tell him the shit he needs or die..i wish to die but at the same time i want to live.." she thought then released a heavy sigh.

"what do you want to know?" Aemii spoke breaking the silence between them. she stood up and began to walk to the door to flick the light on to get a better look at her interrogator. she then made her bed only to sit and swaddle herself in blankets. she did this to one hide herself from them and two to calm herself down. the interrogator on the other hand stood up fully, moved out the way then leaned on the wall. he watched her every move, from her slightly shifting to her fully moving. he didn't want her to get away again and have to play hide and seek. silence fell over the both of them again. Aemii looked at her interrogator and took note of everything. he was wearing all black from head to toe the only visible skin was on his face. his skin was pale and eyes redder than blood itself, she quickly looked away and fiddled with the blanket as she was scared to speak again.

"For starters..i want to know the simple stuff. why did you kill him? and why did you seem so relieved about it?" they said to her. the memories of that night and previous years came rushing in, but she managed to suppress the emotions. "pretty straightforward are you? it's a bit long so i'll make it short" Aemii spoke before letting out a deep sigh and looked towards the window. outside..the thought of freedom and the open worlds made her realize that it's fate. she can't escape something that was destined for her.

"when i was a kid..better yet when i was born, i was born with a skin condition called vitiligo and floppy ears. because i was born like this..getting all the attention and being everyone's favorite my brother, Takahiro grew jealous. the more i was being treated better the more he hated me. i grew up being tormented by his actions..going from verbal abuse and altercations to physical ones." she says clutching the blanket as she began to speak more of her past. her voice was shaky and very melancholy. "him and his friends grew fond with me and their obsession of doing...unspeakable things to me. i fought my way through that shithole. everyone disregarded my pleas and cries for help. my own father disregarded me as well. later on the years past i endure the physical and mental scaring i had until i heard he wanted to sell me..again. i had enough of him..so i decided to kill him. you witnessed that night so there is nothing more..the end." Aemii ends violently hold the urge to just breakdown or zone out.

after finishing her rant the interrogator stood in silence to process what he heard. he stared at her taking note of her slightly trembling and crying. Even Aemii didn't know she began crying. he looked away to give her privacy and let out a sigh which came out disoriented by the mask he had on his face. "is that all?" he spoke which earned a soft yes from Aemii. "we will stop here for now." he said to her whilst turning his back to her. "for now..? let me guess you're gonna use me for info, gain my trust to then leave me in the dust. traumatized and scared all over again..if that's the case don't waste your time. besides people like you that just want info from someone are just pathetic and useless." Aemii said slightly annoyed at the fact that she's been getting asked about this whole incident numerous of times. they person quickly turned and in one swift motion he held a knife to her throat. "talk to me like that again and i'll show you what hell is..understood?" he said to her forcing her to look at him. neither of them breaking eye contact. "i've already seen hell..this is just the icing on the cake for me." she said not afraid f what fate holds for her now. the top of the blade slightly cut into her neck as her remark ticked him off more. the blade also seemed to heat up and burn her. Memories began to flood her brain and she became helpless and frail.

"make it stop..please.." she spoke softly with tears streaming down her face.

Aemii began to wince in pain and grabbed his arm to pull him away. the once tingling sensation turned into a burning one. "i'm gonna say this again...if you talk to me like that again..i'll show you what hell is..understood?" they said as flames flickered in his eyes. "fuck!..yes it burns!!make it stop!! please i'm sorry..!" Aemii pleas begging him to stop. tears formed in her eyes again as he began to let her go. a burn mark could be seen on her neck bur only noticeable up close. "i'm the one that gets to decide of you live or not. get cocky like that again and i won't be so gentle." they said then vanished in thin air. Aemii held her neck and sighed, finally laying on her bed as tears and crying took over. "why does this happen to me..why..?" Aemii questions herself but a bigger question was who were they and why are they so interested in her brother?

"what the hell did you do Takahiro..?" Aemii says before closing her eyes and drifting off into her slumber.

as for the i the person, they made their way back to their home and began documenting everything they got. as his mind kept coming back to her and the book labeled 'book no.1'. *"could their be other books..? why is she so..interesting yet so naïve.. and why can't i stop thinking about her??"* he thought as he jots down a few things then goes to finally rest.

"she's just..different.."






Word Count: 1233