

Aemii being a bunny mutation is acquired by a mysterious guy who needs her help to find out the murder of his only family. Aemii is soon brought into chaos and mayhem and things begin to duel between the two. will they ever find out who killed them?

Ccaffeinee1 · Lainnya
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8 Chs

Chapter 3 “On the Other Side”

Boots walking down road slowly and loudy in a city at night

Nameless is walking towards a ball of fire slowly

Man in a half burnt suit kicks car door open while fire and smoke come from the car

Well..here i am. 3 years later after the massive shit show with Dante which made me go a complete 180 with my life. went from being a quiet kid to a contract killer, i now seek nothing but vengeance, seems like a pretty fun life to me.

still walking towards the flames as he crawls out, I watch him on his knees trying to gain a view of his surroundings

"where..what.."- i stop him by kicking his face, making him fall backwards on the now glass and blood covered asphalt. to the outside world, im seen as the bad guy..a serial killer..but little do they know, im just like them..just more dangerous.

"Where the hell is Yagami" I sputter out through the distorted voice changer equipted within my mask


pressing my foot down on his neck, slowly applying pressure. "dont fucking play stupid with me. either you tell me where yagami is, or yagami is gonna have to tell your family where you are once they realize you're missing." he looked at me with distraught anger, but once I applied more pressure onto his esophagus, he began to speak like a little bird.


"then tell me who knows him."


"i know you're lying.." as told him as i applied more pressure to his throat.

**COUGHING* "OKAY...OKAY..I KNOW ONE PERSON *coughing*..Takahiro.."

as i wait for the other half of the name i begin to grow impatient at his slowness..so my eyes set aflame and the heat around us grows stronger.. "better speak faster if i were you..wouldnt wanna end up like over cooked barbecue now would you?"

"BLAINE...BLAINE.. TAKAHIRO BLAINE" he finally spat out. its funny how when you add a little force and a small amount of fear into someone, they'll say whatever you need them to say.

"Takahiro Blaine, hmm? thanks for your cooporation.." as i slowly turn away, but instead of leaving him there I apply full pressure into his throat, causing his blood to go to his brain, popping his skull open like a bottle cap. do i like my job at times? nope. but can i sleep peacefully at night knowing im getting one step closer for dante, despite the fact that im killing tens of hundreds of people to gain information? hell yeah.

*Phone begins to ring*

*answering it slightly annoyed*

"target neutralized. gained a new name as well. takahiro blaine"

"takahiro blaine? well i guess you have everything in your arsenal to figure this out too?" the man on the other line said to me. to this day i still dont know who he is. I just recieve order and make my own orders and things go both ways. I've met his aquantances who say they can help with Dante's murder, but personally i dont trust any of them. especially if whenever i see them, they hide behind fancy suites and masquerade masks. seem just like a bunch of rich assholes to me.

"yep..everything all good here. ill head back to the safehouse and begin on the next mission."

"well..before you do that, todays your lucky day. your blaine person actually is only 4 blocks down from you as we speak. hes a bunny-human hybrid living in a home of 4. mother and two sisters. word has it that they're a busy family so there may possibly be someone there as well. not sure how youd pull it off but i have faith in you since you amaze me every other time."

"what can i say..i aim to please."

"well then, use that same aim to take care of this..oh and one more thing, bring a umbrella with you. you may need it for the storm coming.."

"will do. ill get back to it then."

"good luck" he says, then hangs up immediately. sometimes i dont know how to feel half of the time when I answer to these calls. One side of me knows im doing this for dante, but the other side of me feels as if these people cant be trusted. maybe its just my mindset of being used to not trusting people, but these people give me an odd feeling. but for now i need to focus on this "blaine" character. a half bunny half human hybrid? god just puts anything on earth now doesnt he..which i honestly cant say anything about it since I myself am something i cant explain properly.

the rain begins to pour after a few minutes of standing there. i decided to get a move on to this "Takahiro" guy. Everything around me was covered in rain besides me, as i walked only four blocks down to find a house on the corner. the yard had kids toys and newly planted flowers. Glancing at the mail box to see the homeowner's name "Blaine". i did a quick survey of the area to find an opening in and luckily the back gate as cracked. i went in through there find the power box. As expected it was inside the home. The plan was to cut the power, get in, and eradicate the target without alerting anyone I'm there. since there is an possibility that someone could be home.

i waited for a few minutes before i snuck in through the back door. no one was in the basement as of yet until i heard running from upstairs to down here. i quickly hid in the shadows and watched everything that transpired. what brought me to surprise was the target and his what i think to be his sister. the two argued and fought. the girl yelled she held a gun in her hand the quickly pointed it to him. "d-don't you dare move..or i'll blow your brains out!" the girl said shaking and slowly backing away from him.

"What are you waiting for..shoot me." the male says

"Shut up! i'll do it" the female says

they went back and forth once more but this time the male got closer to her.

"You could never Aemii, look at you you're about to piss yourself. Give me that now..bitches like you need to be put in their place" he says to her. he wasn't wrong, she was scared shitless and shaking all over.

what could he have done to her to make her that scared of him? and why? she seems normal and innocent to me yet so..strange..could she be like me?

"Damnit.." I mumble to myself. If she does anything that could get him killed with that gun, that could be a huge interference with what I have planned. At this point it's now or never..

"I hope you burn in hell Takahiro.." the girl which name i now know as Aemii said.

lightning struck and i vanished to smoke to the power box, cutting the power off instantly, and returned to my original spot, but upon arriving in less than a second, I could do nothing but watch while the girl, shooting him dead in his head, killed my target..the person who could get me closer to who killed Dante is now dead. one the body fell to the ground, the girl got on top of him and beat his face in with the hilt of the gun until she had enough. her once grey hoodie was stained red, covered in his blood. she then sighed in relief. "I'm free.."  the girl muttered to herself looking at her surroundings until fear and panic took over. triggering her senses more, she quickly turned to look in the direction i was in.

i made my presence known but didn't speak.

"w-who..are you.? d-don't come closer o-or I'll shoot!" she managed to say aiming what seems to be a all black Glock 19 gen 3 at me, shaking and sweating tremendously. I looked at her then at a desk behind her. Where on the desk there were letters from my target to a unknown person, which I quickly grabbed and slid into my pockets while she still aimed her gun at me. I turned around facing her with blood red colored eyes, watching her tremble more upon me looking at her directly. I slowly raised my hand and my hand set a blaze, creating a message in the air with fire. she began to read the message, stating "if you value your life and freedom, hand me the gun now, and forget you saw me and say you watched someone do it but couldn't get a good look at the face, or join him in hell." in that moment, she looked up at me without speaking, nodded, and continued to tremble and cry. Soon after the fire disappeared, I heard footsteps running down the stairs and within an instant, i vanished into smoke, sneaking the gun she had away in my pocket with me.

Heading back to the safe house, I made my call back.

"Ah yes, since I know you've done well, why not tell me what you have acquired from our Blaine person.."

"Well" I said firmly, "he's dead, but I'm not the one who killed him. There was another person, name was Aemii I believe, not sure if it was a girlfriend or a sibling but there was a heated argument which resulting in her killing him on the spot."

"We're you able to find anything at the house? And what about the girl?"

"I found some letters and notes, have them on me as we speak."

"And the girl..?"


"You know the golden rule damnit..no witnesses allowed, whether or not they've seen your face"

"I know sir, but something seemed off about the whole ordeal. As if she was relieved. And with the way she talked to him before killing him, I feel like she may have answers as to who he is and what connections he may have."

"Damnit..I hope you're right. And I hope you made a way to get those answers because covering up a murder scene takes skill. I hope you made a good plan."

"Trust me, have I ever let you down?" I chuckle.

"Besides leaving a witness alive, no. No you haven't."

"Exactly" I mumbled, and the line cut off, signaling that they have hung up. I approached the safe house and quickly looked around before entering the code to the room that contained where I both lived and planned. Placing the notes on the table, I sat down and turned on the television, and walked to the kitchen to make a cup of instant ramen. As I began to take the cup out of the microwave, I overheard the television talking about a murder at the Blaine residence, and as predicted, the headline stated someone was killed inside by a unknown person and said person has fled the scene before police could arrive and before Aemii could get a good look at their face.

"Damn I have to say, she's a decent liar I can say that much", I mumbled to myself, looking at her tremble on the screen trying to tell the news reporters and police the incident, and believe it or not, they believed every single bit of the story.

*ring, ring. ring, ring*

I sharply looked towards the cellphone I placed on the table, opening it and answering, the voice on the other line spoke.

"The Aemii name you gave us, turns out she's his sister and apparently they've had a rocky relationship since the jump. Seems to also only be a year, maybe two older than you. Mother is a convenience store clerk and father is nowhere to be seen as presently active in HER life specifically, wish I could say the same for our dearly departed. Forwarding you the information as we speak. Good luck." And the line hung up before I could even have a word to say. What I can say for sure though, this job definitely tires you. Way more than you'd like too.

Yawning, I return back to the couch I lay on every night, and begin my depart into sleep. But for some odd reason, I keep thinking about this Aemii person..something just seemed off about her and I can't think of what. Maybe it'll come to me in the morning, or maybe when I go retrieve info from her. But for now, i need to rest..





Word Count: 2162