

Life for Jacob was simple. Go to school, go to work then go home. It's not much, but it's all he had. It's all he had until he met Lezlie. Everything he's known is gonna be turnt upside down, and he doesn't know if it's for the better.

CDeity · Realistis
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Gratuity

I wake up to Coron yelling that it's 7:43. I put on my clothes, wash my face and brush my teeth.

I walk downstairs to see Coron eating a granola bar.

"That's not breakfast, you need energy bro"

He shows me the watch on his wrist, he says

"Well unless you can make breakfast in 16 minutes, it's all I'm eating"

I whip him up a grilled cheese in 7.

"I don't know how you do it, whenever I make them, it never tastes as good"

I look him dead in the eyes and say


He finishes his breakfast and leaves. I let the pan soak and leave. I bike it to school.

My first class is history with Mr Lam.

He talks about Vimy ridge. Vimy Ridge was a battle Canadians fought at. It's what put our military out there. It's interesting stuff. Well, it's interesting to me at least.

Next is Science class with Mrs. Bertucc.

She's talking about covalent bonds.  I listen but it goes through one ear and out the other.

The rest of school is a blur.

I bike to work. I work at a local store called Red's Refined Records but I call it Tripper.

It's not super busy but it's got it's a fair share of customers.

Although there's this one girl who always tries to tip. My boss, Red says we shouldn't take tips. She'd rather get paid for our products, not for being a decent human being.

She always comes in buys a record and tries to tip. You'd think it'd get annoying but I think it's sort of endearing.

I sit at work for hours, some people come in, nothing really interesting happens. I haven't realized till now, but I'm looking forward to her coming.

It's almost closing time. I check the register and lock it. I'm about to lock the door when she runs up to me. She's out of breath but manages to get a few words out.

"Can you....please.....let me look...around"

I let her in. She grabs a record, I see that it's Gunshot moonrock. A good choice.

She gives me the money. I give her the change. She puts a bill on the table and runs away. I chase after yelling

"We don't take tips! Hey!" She jumps on a skateboard. I can't leave the store like this.

I lock up as fast as humanly possible.

I bike after her. She might have a headstart but I'm faster. She's not too slow though.

I eventually get close enough to yell to her


She gets startled and starts wobbling.  She's slowing down and I'm going too fast. My bike hits her board and we go flying. I land first. Instinctively, I break her fall with my body. She shakes her head then looks at me.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay???"

"I'm fine. Now here, we don't take tips."

She looks at me funny.

"You chased after me, to give me back the money?"  She starts dying of laughter.

"Just keep it. It's after store hours so just consider me giving you money, not a tip. Besides, there's a little extra with that billable." She says as she skates off.

A little extra? I turn the bill over.

It has her number on it.