
Inter dimensional

Three naive teens looking for simple joy. Nobody could have guessed what they would find instead.

Joemama0306 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Batter, Batter Swing

As JJ walked through the woods he couldn't help but notice the dissonant sound of dry leaves crunching a few yards behind him. At first he thought nothing of it, but soon began to worry that someone, or something was following him, and if he had learned one thing from all the horror novels he had read it was that it usually does not end well for the one being tailed. JJ decided to take the initiative and he slowed his pace. As swiftly as he could, JJ picked a large stick off the ground, and began to fiddle with it, swinging it back and forth to make it seem as though his only intention with it was to bring in a sense of childhood joy. JJ slowed his walk even more until he barely took a step for every two his pursuers. A single moment before the mysterious person/thing would have been directly on top of him, he leaped and turned midair, and landed while already swinging. The stalker was in fact a human, and a man at that. he ducked under JJ's first swing and JJ swung again, barely being able to stop himself, leaving maybe 2 inches from the face of his friend Indigo. "Jesus JJ, watch where you're swinging." Indigo said. "Well maybe you shouldn't creep around on people." JJ retorted. "Touché, but you aren't supposed to come here alone man. This place isn't safe. There's dangerous animals all over the place. Why did you choose this area if you weren't planning on having company?" Indigo asked. JJ shrugged off the question and started walking back the way he had come. Indigo caught up and searched for an answer on JJ's face, but it was like a stone wall. The pair walked back to the portal they had come through and once the pair was only a few hundred feet from it, Indigo spoke in a soft voice. "You don't have to prove yourself to anyone you know." He said. "The only person I was trying to prove myself to was me." JJ snapped back. "I'm just saying man, you don't have to put yourself at risk for some crazy notion that it will make you more of a man." Indigo said with more conviction in his voice. The two young men reached the portal and then, as if on cue, turned and stared at each other. This was the best way to read someone, better than facial expressions, or even words, because the face and words can be changed, and be a mask for the person's emotions, but the eyes cannot hide anything, that is if you know how to read them of course. This was the way that the two friends had many conversations, few words, and unhidden emotions that filled in the gaps that words simply could not. After they got a read on each other, the two stepped into the portal, and the friends were pulled away from one another, into pure nothingness.

Main characters introduction