
Chapter 35


Serafall was quite fast in her work, she already made the two other factions swear to attend the meeting, though only Michael needed to be persuaded since Azazel has always been waiting for this chance of making peace. Three of the four Satans were having a meeting, the other one was lazy to attend and its not really an official one so he just didn't bother to join.

"Good work, Serafall. We only need to prepare for the meeting, I'm sure they wouldn't miss a chance like this to attack us." Sirzechs commended Serafall's work as he mentioned the problem in the meeting. Even Serafall's mansion was planted with a rat, how could they not think that they doesn't have one.

Ajuka stared at Serafall for a few minutes now making her weirded out by Ajuka's stare. "W-What is it, Ajuka-chan?" Serafall asked while giving a worried smile on her face. Ajuka shook his head and asked. "Serafall... Did you grow stronger?" He thought about it for a moment and asked.

"What!?" Sirzechs was surprised by Ajuka's question, he also stared at Serafall more clearly and he only realized that she is halfway to being a Super Devil. Ajuka's observation skill was always been higher than any of the Satans, making the Evil Pieces was not a simple thing that anyone could do.

Serafall squirmed in their watchful eyes as she replied "Yes.. I ate foods that made me stronger!" Serafall said as she raised the volume of her aura which made them amazed for how potent it became, she is slowly becoming something like Sirzechs. "Food?"

Ajuka was even more interested to know that a mere food made so much change in a devil's structure, right now Serafall's body wasn't the same as before because her body gained an adaptation ability that it didn't have before. "Yes! It was so delicious, though it was only a one time thing" Serafall said while sighing since she can't gain strength again from eating.

Sirzechs was also interested by where such food could be found, raising the power of devils was one of their dreams, specially common devils which wasn't blessed with anything except for longevity and sturdier body than humans.

"Hm? This, don't tell me its Sona's fiancée's doing again?" Sirzechs asked while thinking about that guy who made them suffer from overworking because of his works. "Yep! He is literally a cooking God, he can cook delicious things that even our chef's couldn't make~" Serafall said excitedly, as she started imagining Xander's cooking again.

"Then did he tell you where he gained the food that you ate?" Ajuka asked clearly curious to what food can make Serafall become so strong that she only need a signature move before she can jump on the ranks.

"He did mention it, though I have no knowledge of what it is, he just said that its a monster whale that even most dragons could damage" Serafall recalled how Xander explained the monster to her family while they were eating. Ajuka started to look on his memories whether there was a monster like that, however he cannot find any record of a whale monster in his mind at all.

Sirzechs got a question to Serafall. "Serafall, did you try to invite him to your peerage? You still has a lot of free pieces right? Him becoming a devil would bring many benefits to us" Sirzechs asked while Ajuka nodded his head at what Sirzechs is talking about.

"I invited him one time, but he refused because he don't want to be shackled by something, even So-tan invited him but his answer didn't change" Serafall pouted thinking about Xander who refused her offer nonchantly. They sighed as they can imagine Xander's character now.

"Then, Serafall, can you let me inspect the city core that the Sitri Clan is using? I just want to see if I could replicate something to make our race even more secure" Ajuka asked Serafall about that, he was already excited to study something that was never seen in this world before. "Its fine! Let's go right now~!"

Serafall was excited and immediately teleported the three of them to the Sitri Clan's domain. Instead of the prosperous land of Sitri Clan, they arrived at a wasteland where no life can be seen from miles away. "Eh?" Serafall was dumbfounded by what happened, so she tried again and nothing really changed.

Ajuka and Sirzechs was also confused by this, they thought that Serafall only got it wrong in the first time, but seeing the spell fail for the second time was surprising to them, specially that Serafall became much stronger than before.

"What's wrong, Serafall?" Sirzechs asked as he thought that there might be something wrong since, he never saw something like this happen. "Wait a moment! I'll call father, maybe he did something" Serafall said to them while using telepathy to call Lord Sitri.

Lord Sitri was sitting in his office, checking some papers that needed to be signed. He signed a paper when he suddenly felt a group trying to teleport inside of his domain, so just like a normal lord would do... he kick the intruder away. 30 seconds after kicking the intruder, he suddenly received a telepathy call from his daughter.

"Father! Did you do something to the territory?" He heard the bubbly voice of Serafall as he started to gain understanding to what happen. "I just made it so nothing would be permitted to enter my territory without permission" Lord Sitri explained as Serafall understood what just happened.

"Mou! We were the one you kicked father! Please open the barrier~!" Serafall requested while the two other Satans was listening. After saying that Serafall immediately cut of the telepathy. "Serafall, did your father do this?" Ajuka finally asked, he couldn't hold his curiosity back. "Hmm, the City Core to be exact, normally Father can't do something like this, I am stronger than father so the probability of him stopping my teleportation is almost null, but with the help of the City Core's power, I think Father can even kick a Satan class devils right now~"

Serafall explained as she thought about what happened just now, she felt relieved that she wouldn't be needed if something dangerous would happen to them. Though she is also sad that she can't be rely on from now on, her father and mother gained the City Core while her sister is trying to surpass her.

Ajuka was even more interested of that thing now, he wondered how that artifact was made or is it complex. Serafall teleported them again, but this time it didn't kick them, they arrived infront of a huge mansion where there are many maids lining in the entrance.

They bowed simultaneously and greeted the three of them. "Welcome, Lucifer-sama, Beelzebub-sama, Ojou-sama!!" Serafall nodded her head at this greetings and shouted, "We came to meet Father~!" The maids bowed again and led the three of them to the lounge where they saw Lord Sitri sitting.

Lord Sitri stood up and bowed his head lightly to show his respect to the Maous, "What can I do for you today, dear lords?" Lord Sitri asked as he gestured them to sit infront of him. He ordered the nearby servant to brew some tea to the guests. Ajuka and Sirzechs sat on the sofa and made themselves comfortable, Serafall is their friend so they already has a lot of meeting with Lord Sitri to sit comfortably enough.

"Sorry for intruding, Lord Sitri, we heard some information about a artifact that made the territory of Sitri Clan prosper, our curiousity got ahead of us that we came here in person to witness it" Ajuka explained the reason for their visit as Lord Sitri merely closed his eyes.

Lord Sitri thought for a second, "So it's really about that huh? I already expected this" Lord Sitri replied as he opened his eyes and stared at both of them. "Then, can you give us permission to see the artifacts ourselves?" Sirzechs asked while thinking whether Ajuka could decipher the core and make a copy of it. Lord Sitri looked at Serafall before replying. "Watching it would be fine, but touching the artifacts are off limits" Lord Sitri said with stern on his voice, the two were weirded out by the grin that Lord Sitri has on his face as they followed him to the underground where the city core was located.

When they arrived the two's attention was attracted by a item that is rotating in a spot. What they saw was a crystal-shaped artifact with 20 sides shining blue light while floating. "So this is the City Core... Its indeed magnificent" Ajuka said as he started observing what he can get from this tool. As a genius who made the Evil Pieces, Ajuka can immediately see things that normal devil wouldn't be able to see, he saw a lot of things in it, for example were the authorities, he saw a list of authorities that the City Core can give, even changing weather to his fit were in there making Ajuka amazed by the creator of this thing.

Although there is a section that Ajuka couldn't understand, he understood that even if he study it for centuries he wouldn't be able to decipher it. That was understandable since the process of how it was made was not in this world, neither are the items needed to build it.

Sirzechs turned to Ajuka who was still focusing on the thing, trying to get all informations he can get in this limited time. He didn't disturb him since the information that Ajuka could get from it would bring benefits for them. "Serafall, since he gained your approval, you probably lost to him right?" Sirzechs asked making Serafall puff her cheeks at him

"Mou~, that's rude! Though, I did lost to him.. badly that is" Serafall said the last part with a sigh as she can still remember how helpless she is when she fought him. She can't even scratch him, and based on her observation, he didn't try to take her seriously, which means he was just playing with her the whole fight. Just the thought of that infuriated Serafall even more.

Sirzechs couldn't help but think if he landed on a landmine, he stared at the downcasted Serafall, but didn't change the subject as he still want to know more about Xander. "How strong is he? Can he fight me?" Sirzechs asked while wondering how Xander fight, knowing people with high danger level was important.

"I don't know if he can fight your other form but if you fight him with this form then no doubt that you would lose" Sirzechs mouth twitched, even though he don't doubt Serafall's words, it still hard to believe that someone can beat him easily even if he is still in this form.

Sirzechs asked for even more information about Xander. "Then how does he fight? Does he use magic or does he have a Sacred Gear that can make him strong?" Serafall tilted her head as she started thinking about Xander's fighting style. "If I have to say, then it might be unothordox? He didn't really took me seriously so I haven't seen any special moves that he did, although I do know that he is super strong and his body is almost indestructible~! He can adapt to anything that hit him, it didn't even took a second before he adapted to my powers making all of my attacks useless against him" Serafall described Xander's fighting ability to Sirzechs who can only sigh, most of the things that Serafall mentioned are vague, the only thing that she mentioned clear was the adapting ability.

For Sirzechs, adaptability was the most troublesome thing to counter, you need to at least erase everything before the person could even adapt to it. He just hope that Xander wouldn't become their enemies, although the chance of that happening was already slim since he fell to Sona Sitri, one of theirs.

Adapting ability is a pain in the ass for Sirzechs because the person holding that ability could literally adapt to anything, imagine someone adapting to your special move, how would you fight that person? Sirzechs even hoped that Rias didn't fought Xander before and hit him with her PoD because that would make his Power of Destruction useless. Not that he's underestimating his ability, its just Serafall said that he wouldn't be able to win so Sirzechs started thinking seriously about that.

After a few minutes of watching it, Ajuka finally snapped from his trance state and looked at Sirzechs, Ajuka nodded his head at Sirzechs and turned to Lord Sitri. "Lord Sitri, thank you for giving us the permission to see this art, though I do hope that you would let me touc- I guess no huh? Thank you again" Ajuka lowered his head slightly to show his appreciation, he gained alot of things just by watching this wonderful artifact that could be even consider a Sacred Gear.

However the thought of it being made by a single being, a human at that was terrifying even for him. What would happen if Xander started to make a lot of these things and just started to give it to anyone?

At the end, Ajuka still couldn't understand how the artifact was made. The only thing he understood was the thing could grow stronger the more mana the owner pour to it, he also tried to look for a way to hijack it to change the owner, it was just trying but he didn't succeed in the end. Its was to complicated for him and there are a lot of things that he couldn't understand.

He doesn't know that the artifact he is trying to decipher right now is just a mere counterfeit, the performance of a real City Core was broken. In the Death March world, City Cores were an unknown item that no one know where it came from, there is even a king who asked the gods how it came but the gods never answered. Not that they don't want to, but they didn't know.

They started to walked back to the lounge where they sat as they drank some tea. Ajuka stared at Sirzechs who understood the message. They both nodded their heads as they lowered their head slightly towards Lord Sitri, "Thank you for letting us look at the artifact today" they thanked Lord Sitri who was amused by their actions, he only let them see the Core because he knew that even Ajuka wouldn't be able to decipher it, as for the other informations, he already considered the fact that Serafall might tell them. Lord Sitri nodded his head while still wearing the amused smile on his face, he watched as the two vanished from their place.

After seeing both of her colleagues teleport, Serafall turned her head to her father. "Father was that really a good decision?" She asked while looking at her father concerned. "Hm, we need to do it" Lord Sitri nodded his head as he raised his arms and stared at the ring that was on his index finger, the ring started to rotate until it turned into the same shape as the City Core.

Serafall was concerned since what they are doing is a treason, they were hiding information about something to protect Sona's fiancée. That's right, Lord Sitri's ring was the real City Core and the one underground was a mere copy. The information that Ajuka obtained were just some minor things about City Core. Serafall could only sigh as she couldn't do anything to change her Father's mind.

Meanwhile at Xander's house, Xander was watching the two cats chatting with each other, trying to make up for the time they lost. Koneko now accepted her heritage as she finally knew that Kuroka didn't go berserk by using her powers.

Even though Kuroka was having the upper hand in their fight, Koneko was also subconsciously holding back in their fight as she didn't know that she still scares for her older sister inside of her. Now that Koneko has used her powers, she only need to get used to it before she can surpass Kuroka.

"Nee, Shirone, did Xander made you do a spartan training? Did he do some cruel things to you?" Kuroka asked worried that Koneko might have sacrifice some things to gain her strength. "No.. Senpai trained me normally, even I was surprised by the result" Koneko shook her head as she explain to Kuroka what she did.

Eventually Kuroka could only just accept the truth as she also know Xander's powers. Kuroka's question made Xander aware of something, he's been too good for other people right? Even he doesn't know why he do that. It seems like I need to change my ways soon, Xander thought as his mindset started to change at that moment unknown to everyone.
