bad grammar
Sora and Summer hugged each other for some time, before Sora pulled his head back, catching Summer off guard, he kissed her, stunning her. she wanted to push him, but her body felt lightning glowing through her from the kiss.
Her hands which were on Sora's chest, about to push him away just froze, meanwhile, Sora pulled her closer into his arms. Summer's hands slowly wrapped around Sora, not wanting this kiss to end, she moaned slightly as Sora's hands reached her ass, Sora which Sora couldn't but play with.
soon, the kiss had to be broken as she had to catch her breath, but once she caught her breath, she pulled Sora and kissed him. she couldn't be blamed, this was her first space, and it was with someone like Sora.
Sora slowly removed her clothing, and Summer didn't stop him, but went on to help Sora remove his clothing while Sora removed Summer's clothing. their skin connecting bought another sense of closeness to each other, making Summer hug Sora deeper.
the two fell to the ground, still hugging each other while kissing. Sora's hands slowly reach the spot in between Summer's legs, and once he began playing with it, Summer felt something she had never felt before. she began moaning, she wanted to keep the kiss going, but this new feeling took all of her attention away.
and so, time went by. moans filled the room soon, Summer's loud moans filled Sora's office, they went at it for hours until they came to stop. although they could go longer as they and an endless amount of energy after Sora came into her throat, he had to get on with his day.
today was a Saturday, there was something he needed to do today. So, Summer got dressed, although slightly displeased that they had to stop too easily, she was willing to put up with it as Sora promised they would continue later
Monday seems to be when Dormammu, Sora of course didn't like this. he wanted the chaos to happen as soon as possible, so since yesterday he had been working on this ship which would give one power. Sora was planning on using this to create a robot that would speed things up.
So, after Summer left to explore the palace, Sora went on to get to work. but while he worked, Cheetah came into his office with a bored look, unlike the others who had something to do she didn't. other than training, but the Amazonian woman was not here,
So, she came to see if Sora had something interesting to do. so, she came to check on what he was doing. Sora looked at her for a moment, before he had a good thought, since she was pretty much like a pet, he should play with her.
"you're hungry?" Sora asked with a smile, to which the Cheetah girl's eyes stood straight up, she was always in the mood to eat something Sora was cooking. seeing this, Sora used the earpiece to change air into wipe cream. this cream was of course unique, since he made it, he made sure it was far better than the normal stuff.
So, he had her come over and he put some in her mouth, Cheetah girl moan slightly as this was the best wipe cream she ever had. but when she closed her mouth, some of it fell on Sora's pants, seeing this she opened her mouth and went on to lick it. she didn't care that it was on his pants, all that she cared about was that this stuff was the best.
Sora went on to put some on his pants which she quickly licked away, next he removed his pants and put some on his dragon. The cheetah girl didn't see this as her eyes were closed enjoying the taste, when she opened her eyes all she saw was more cream.
she licked away before she froze when she felt something hard. the hard thing seems to also taste... nice, licking away, she was shocked to find it was Sora's thing. she was confused, why did it taste so good? after a moment of hesitation, she kicked it, but this time Sora placed his hand on the back of her head.
she was stunned for a moment, but she opened her mouth, seeing this, Sora had her move to under his table, while he returned to work. time went by, and soon Sora finished the chip, after making sure there was no trouble with it, Sora created a robot which he installed the chip into
the robot looked like a normal human, it just had unmatched Psychic power, enough for it to use to rewrite reality to a limited degree. he had Techno control the robot, it's not like he gave the robot an A.I. or something like that.
after doing all of this, Sora went on to make a space gun, which was based on someone on earth who had already done this. Sora simply stole the idea and began working on something which eats space but ignores time.
Space gave this world form, while time gave this world change. without time, then nothing could change, which is why Sora thinks no one could stand above time. because if someone isn't affected by time, that means they can never change, any form of growth is impossible for them. they would remain the same no matter what, in Sora's eyes, you would have to be omnipotent to ignore such things
So, if Sora makes something that indeed devours space but ignores time... that would kill time. where would time be without space? at the same time, space needed time as without time everything is still.
So, the concept of was created, a space-devouring worm. its goal shall be to devour and destroy the dark dimensions, but it would grow out of Sora's control, leading to the whole universe being in danger.
as he began, he looked under the stable and saw a Cheetah girl covered in the white stuff, he licked it off her, but there was so much and she was tired. this white stuff tasted good, it was all because of the males Sora had copied, the more he copied the better his white stuff became.
seeing she was tired, Sora sent her to bed, before he returned to work. but it didn't take long until someone else entered his office, looking at the door. the Amazonian woman entered while looking at him with near eyes.
"Sigh, come sit down and let's speak. you know me better than most, so just ask away." Sora said with a sigh, the Amazonian Woman's eyes were cold, but she put her drawn sword away and went to seat down.
"Are you bull's eye?" She asked to which Sora shook his head, stunning the Amazonian woman, Sora didn't lie, so Sora shaking her head was something she didn't expect.
"I took his clothing, but I'm not him, yes I killed him, but I'm not apologizing," Sora said calmly, the Amazonian woman's eyes narrowed upon hearing this. she stood up while looking at him, all this time Sora was playing with her.
"And no, I was not playing with you. I love you, so I wanted to get close to you. I don't know about you, but even though the time went spent together was short. I enjoyed it, yes, I should have been straightforward, but I was planning on telling you soon, but all of this happened." Sora said with a sigh before putting the stuff he was working on down, but in doing her, it caused it to explode, into a mini black hole that began absorbing space, yet ignored time
in panic, Sora formed a hologram which grabbed the back hole and threw it out of his house, and into space, many light years away. seeing this, the Amazonian woman was shocked,
"What was that?" She asked as she felt the danger that thing held; Sora sighed softly
"It was going to be something I was going to create to destroy the dark dimensions, but it might destroy all of the space since it's unstable," Sora said with a sigh, the Amazonian woman was stunned, she looked at Sora in shock and confusion
"You don't need some stuff to destroy it with your strength and powers." She said unable to understand Sora, Sora looked at the sealing which was fixing itself since the back hole destroyed it.
"... well, my powers are boring. with them, I can never enjoy anything. so, I do this... it's like working for food compared to it being just handed to you. they would taste different, I love you, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way." Sora said softly, the Amazonian woman was quiet slightly, as she looks deeply into Sora's eyes.
"This is my life; I have no powers and I'm only a smart person. that's all, so what is your choice? will you hate me, or will you stay?" Sora asked with a smile,
"... I will stay on one matter if you tell everyone this. I'm not going to ignore the good you are doing, but I can't forgive you for playing with me. but that would be a step." She said softly, Sora looked at her for a moment before shaking his head
"Iron bat told you to say such stuff, but I'm not asking him, but asking you. will you stay, or will you leave me?" Sora asked as he flashed before her, the Amazonian woman took a step back, indeed Iron bat told her all of this. He warned her of Sora's mind game, and how easy he could be of getting her to do stuff, so she was avoiding eye contact. but she made a mistake as she was talking to Sora
Seeing her taking a step back, Sora took her hand, and pulled her close into his hands, she tried looking away, but Sora's hand her made her look at him. as they looked at each other, Sora placed his hand over her heart.
"You're so panicked... I will not let you leave, I will not let you go and cry over something like this, if you have a problem, it's best we work it out together. as lovers." Sora said softly, the Amazonian woman didn't know what to say. Iron Bat's words were in the back of her head, but she found that his voice was dying out,
"The first step to fixing anything saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hiding the truth, I shouldn't have hidden the truth from you. from now on, I will tell you anything you want you to want to know." Sora said softly,
"... I-I guess I can give you second chance." She said softly, who could stay mad at Sora, Sora smiled slightly as he went in for a kiss. but before their lips could touch, Sora felt the power of space lock him down, looking around, Sora saw infinity had appeared, looking at him angrily.
"What?" Sora asked as if he didn't just create a black hole that was slowly killing her, Infinity took a deep breath to calm herself down.
"That black hole will destroy the universe in a few days, the universe the infinity stones to destroy them." She said calmly, Sora had a look of shock for a moment before he sighed. looking at the Amazonian woman, she nodded slightly allowing Sora and infinity to disappear and appear next to the black hole.
"What?" Sora asked seeing she was looking a bit too deeply into him, Infinity thought for a moment before her eyes slowly narrowed.
"This was not an accident; you planned to try and see me." She said with narrowed eyes, Sora was stunned for a moment before shaking his head.
"This was never part of the plan, a black hole is not in my control. but what works, works. so, are you free?" Sora asked, making Infinity's face turn dark, she was slowly dying and this is what he wanted to ask.
Sora laughed slightly seeing her reaction, before he reached out and grabbed the black hole, and destroyed it with ease. it was swallowing her, if she neared the stronger the black hole would become. meanwhile, Sora didn't have to bother himself with such things.
"So, you wanna come back to my place?" Sora asked as he reached out to grab her, but his hands simply went through her. unable to touch her, Sora sighed as he looked at her.
"That will never happen." She said softly before she froze slightly, didn't phoenix say something similar? shaking her head, she was about to disappear, but Sora said something which made her almost want to explode
"Sigh, I will just make another black hole. if it means seeing you. hole the damage will never be too bad." Sora said nothing, Infinity's body shook slightly, and all of the space began shaking as if mirroring the rage, she felt.
She turned and punched Sora, this was a full-power punch. she was unable to act under some rules, but she was able to act under some conditions, and this was one such condition. but she was shocked when Sora caught her fist with his pinky, Sora grabbed her fist and pulled into his arms before she could react,
"That was only a little joke, but since I just caused such trouble for you, allow me to make it up to you. over a meal," Sora said softly, Infinity disappeared from his arm, only to appear behind him, she angrily looked at Sora, but under that rage was shock at how powerful Sora was.
he might be the strongest being in the universe, which was something she didn't want to believe, but she had no choice but to believe it right now. She looked at Sora for a moment, was his copy ability that overpowered? did he copy her yet?
the two floated there while looking at each other, none of them said anything until space seemed to suddenly shatter. turning around, they saw that the dark dimensions had broken the barrier, and armies from the dark dimensions were rushing out.
"you're not going to stop this?" She asked to which Sora shook his head
"I'm not a hero, and you're more important..." Sora said as he held his hand out, Infinity looked at the hand and just looked blankly at Sora. did he think she didn't know his little games, Sora stretched his head slightly,
'Well, these all-knowing guys... I guess I should improve my barrier to block them off.' Sora thought as he sighed,
"It's not like I'm playing any game, whatever, you can come if you want," Sora said with a shrug before leaving, once he left, Infinity snorted and disappeared.
upon returning home, Sora saw that the robot had returned, everyone else had left to go be a hero, even Poison Ivy was out being a hero. Sora sat down and a screen appeared before him, allowing him to watch the hero's battle.
within an unknown country, the great 4 led by Lex were fighting against Doom, Doom was a mage who could rival the likes of the former Sage, to say the least, their battle was heaven-shaking. Doom combined Tech and Magic, making him even more powerful,
on an island, Magneto was fighting against his daughter, the scarlet witch, she was a mage who depending on her mental state could reach levels like Odin, or even the likes of the infinity stones, acting as backup for the X-Men.
Sora thought for a moment while watching her fight, before having Techno restore the memories the Summer removed from the Phoenix,
Phoenix was laying around dodging cars that were thrown at her by a man in a red suit, but she was suddenly caught off guard as memories returned her. At this moment she was hit by a tree which sent her flying far away
Sora watched this scene for a moment, before turning his attention to Risa and the others who were acting like heroes, helping people. Poison Ivy didn't act well around humans, so she was acting to kill the incoming monsters from the dark dimensions.
Cheetah Girl was quick and was running around saving humans at a quick speed, Cat Woman was using the power of luck to its fullest. throwing coins around which always ended up leading to the enemies' defeat in some strange ways.
The Fire empress along with Justice Girl was working together with the other heroes, attacking the Dormammu. but it was hard to battle, which they were losing. but things became easier when lightning flashed across the sky, before a huge lightning bolt hit Dormammu, slamming him to the ground.
"you took your time to arrive." The Amazonian woman said with a sigh seeing Thor floating down with his hammer.
"My apologies, with everyone back to life, we were celebrating. my short time on the throne was short-lived, but it's not for me." Thor said before looking towards Dormammu who was looking coldly at him.
Thor smiled slightly, although it was only a few days since he was king, it felt like years for him. it was nice to let loose. but before he could rush forward, a beam shot from the sky, slamming Dormammu to the ground once more.
"you mortals seem to always be in danger, leave this to this old man. coming back from the grave, I need to stretch." the ground shook as Odin appeared while calmly walking towards Dormammu. Thor was stunned seeing his father out of all people was here. Doesn't he normally look down upon the mortals here?
"Odin..." Dormammu said with narrowed eyes, with Odin joining the battle things would be troublesome, among the gods Odin was considered the ruler of the 9 realms. the other gods ranked below him,
each god was special, Odin was killable but in return, he was much stronger than others. Zeus was unkillable, but in return, he was weaker,
Odin pointed the spear forward, sending a blast that sent Dormammu back into his dimensions, with a step, Odin teleported to the dark dimensions, where they began their battle, it didn't take long for the shock wave from their battle to reach this realm, causing earthquakes to fill the planet.
this whole realm was shaking, but the heroes moved, to protect the planet to the best of their abilities. those planets light years away which were not protected by special means exploded on the spot, killing the many life forms on there, meanwhile, Earth and every star system were protected by a spell.
so although cracks filled many of the planets, and they shook heavily, they were not going to be destroyed.
"well... that was not fun," Sora said softly the fact Odin suddenly appeared was something he didn't like, hopefully, he would lose or something. shaking his head, Sora ran out of his house and a hologram of s suit appeared around him, shooting him off into the sky.