
Ch 568 - Finding Debbie

Ezra stepped outside and made a call. "What do you want me to do with her?" he asked.

"The plans have changed," a deep voice answered from the other end of the phone. "The boss says to kill her."

"Kill her?" Ezra asked. "But she still has value to us."

"Ezra, you're overstepping your bounds," the man said. "Your job is to carry out the orders, not question them."

"Fine, I'll take care of it." Ezra hung up and returned to the shed. "Give her the pill," he said to one of his subordinates.

The man came forward holding a small pill in his hand. A drop of sweat dripped from Debbie's forehead, but she looked straight at the man. His face was devoid of expression as he forced her mouth open.

Shrill screams were heard from outside the shed—sounds of alarm and terror. Ezra panicked as he turned to look.

The door flew open, and Alex strode inside, brandishing a sword. Ezra's men moved to a fighting stance, slowly closing in on the lone fighter. Alex went blow for blow with every warrior until only Ezra and one other man were left.

Ezra gritted his teeth. "Kill him," he said, looking at the other man.

The man screamed like a warrior entering battle as he ran toward Alex with his sword held high. But before he could take a swing, Alex slashed out with his sword, disarming his opponent. Without a weapon, the man backed away slowly, knowing that further fighting would only be futile. Alex stepped forward, punching him in the face and knocking him unconscious.

Ezra was terrified, knowing he had no chance in single combat against Alex. All his men were out of action, either unconscious or nursing their injuries, and now he stood alone.

He looked around, hoping to find a way out, but Alex stood between him and the only exit. Terrified, he was starting to wonder if Alex was even human. How could one man have taken on so many others and still emerge victorious?

"Alex," he said, eyeing the other man. "You've caused a lot of trouble for my family."

Alex didn't answer.

"Move an inch, and your girlfriend will die," Ezra warned him, edging closer to Debbie.

Alex still didn't react. His eyes were cold and emotionless as he stared at Ezra and inched closer.

"Lay down your sword, or I'll kill her," Ezra said with a shaking voice. "I'll do it! If you take one more step, she'll die." He knew his only chance to escape would be to use Debbie as a hostage.

Alex took another step forward. "I came here for Debbie, and I won't leave without her."

"You're testing my patience," Ezra responded, smart enough to keep Debbie between him and Alex. For Alex to reach him, he would be forced to maneuver around her. "Give up now, and we'll let your woman live."

Three of his men had finally regained their feet, and now they stood with crossbows aimed at Alex.

"No," Alex said firmly. "Debbie and I are both leaving."

"No, Alex!" Debbie called. "Go! Just leave me!" She was worried about him and would happily sacrifice herself to ensure his safety.

Alex smiled, knowing what she was up to. But he was confident he could protect her and deal with these men. As long as he was around, he would never allow anyone to hurt her.

Ezra was growing nervous, and he wanted Alex to take his threats seriously, so he grabbed Debbie's shoulder, digging his fingers in hard, and making her cry out in pain.

Alex was infuriated, and he dashed forward and struck Ezra, knocking him to the ground.

The three other men fired their crossbow bolts right at Alex, but they missed, and the bolts lodged in the walls. A moment later, there were three small explosions as the walls burst into flames.

Using the smoke as a cover, Alex attacked the men, quickly neutralizing the threats.

Alex moved closer to Debbie, intending to free her.

From his position on the ground, Ezra took a blowpipe from his pocket and blew a poisoned dart at Alex, hoping it would kill him.

Alex saw Ezra move, and worried it was another crossbow bolt, he dodged to the side, evading the dart.

Ezra clambered to his feet, deciding to make a run for it. It was his only chance at surviving, but he was determined to retaliate before he left. Since Alex was too strong, he went after Debbie. Pulling a small knife out of his pocket, he threw it at her back.

Alex's expression was horrified. He charged forward so fast that Ezra had no time to get away. Alex held his sword straight in front of him, piercing Ezra through the chest.

Ezra looked down at the blade, confused, as he fell backward onto the ground with his eyes closed.


He looked over at the door and saw Will and Rufus rushing toward him. Then he looked back at Ezra, realizing he had lost his chance to get answers from the man.

Debbie looked around, feeling shaky. Then, without warning, her eyes rolled back, and she fainted.

Will and Rufus had brought paramedics with them, and they decided Debbie should go to the hospital to get checked out. She was barely conscious when the paramedics loaded her into their ambulance.

Although Alex wanted to go with her, he couldn't leave yet, because he needed to stay and help his people clean up the scene.

He glanced at Ezra's body, wishing he hadn't had to kill the man. He still needed answers, but it didn't look like he would be getting any.

Sighing, he walked to the road in front of the farm, trying to calm himself. As he stood there, a red sports car speeded toward him. Then the car slowed in front of Alex and the driver's side window rolled down.