
Inside An Ad**t Game As A Former Hero

I got pulled into the NTR game I was going to gift to my pure harem lover friend. The game has already progressed to the middle, and the heroines seem to have been already stolen away from the hero, in which I was transmigrated into. Now I just deeply crave for a cigarette, but I can’t even smoke in this world…! This novel is a real work. The reason I'm publishing this as a fanfic is because I want people to read it for free. As for Patreon, I'm sorry but I have to pay my rent. I would be very happy if you became the boss :D patreon.com/Daoist02

Daoistmtl02 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
128 Chs

EP.45 Dungeon

You can read fully translated chapters, including the last chapter, for $20.


After my meeting with the Empress, I immediately remembered what I had forgotten while I was getting ready to set off for the dungeon.

'The receptionist who stole my 9000 gold…'

I'd definitely warned her over and over again.

If the adventurers she introduced to me were once again problematic, she wouldn't be able to keep her husband's honesty, I had clearly told her.

And the adventurers she had introduced backstabbed me right in the spine.

So, this is no different than indirectly conveying that money is more important than her husband's love.

Instead of going back to the inn where the three were waiting, I headed to the street lined with red banners, aka the "Red Light District".

So what? It's daytime, chap.

At this time, the pleasure district is no different from other districts.

Except that women with pretty faces are washing their faces by the well.

I asked the women I encountered about the whereabouts of the most popular courtesan [1] on this street.

– The most popular courtesan? Why are you looking for someone like that? Brother, I'll do it.

– Is your lower waist already itchy so early in the morning? Haha. Come on, this big sister will take care of it for you.

Surely, they weren't professional, instead of answering my question, they took an interest in my lil brother.

Yuck! Hands off!

After shaking off the claws of the ravenous beasts in a jiffy, I was finally able to find the location of the most popular courtesan on this street.

'It is said to be the most popular brothel here, but the building itself is not much different from others.'

The renowned Imperial Capital, but the pleasure district is only of this level?

I hope this helps.

While a little worried, I still walked inside the building.

"Hm? Are you a guest? Sorry. The kids aren't ready yet. Can you come a little bit later?"

After walking a little inside, a woman who seemed to be the Madame [2] approached me.

Long, curly orange hair and a voluptuous body.

True to the name of the Pleasure District's most reputed Madame, she was full of mature color.


"The guest is surely very handsome and our kids will definitely like you. So if you come after a while…"

I pulled out a heavy money bag.

"…I'll get the kids ready soon."

"I don't want to see other prostitutes. Madame, I want you."

Madame put on a troubled expression.

"Ummm… Though, I'm already retired… The customer is really handsome… But…"

I pulled out another money bag.

"…Would you like to wash up first? Or shall I wash you?"

Money is the truth wherever you go.

* * *

"Ah… So the guest doesn't mean that he wants me… You want me to start a new life?"

"When you say it like that, it sounds too grandiose. I'm just trying to give you a chance to start a new life."

"To seduce a man who has a wife..?"


Madame, no, Yuriel had a dissatisfied expression on her face.

"Sir, I don't know what you think of me, but I'm not a s!ut who would sell her life for a few bucks. And especially if it's ruining someone else's life…"

I opened the money bag and knocked it over.

Gold coins poured out of the fallen money bag.

At least 1000 gold coins.

Yuriel's eyes widened.



Her expression contorted as if she was seeing something unbelievable.

"Why are you so surprised? Did you think I'd buy you for a small sum? For a few thousand gold coins? That's disappointing, Madame. Aren't you underestimating your worth too much as the most reputed Madame of the Pleasure District?"

"No… that's… That, how much is it…"

I brought my face closer to the bewildered Yuriel.

I whispered in her ear.

"100,000 gold coins."


Surprised and startled, Yuriel quickly covered her mouth in case anyone else heard it.

I smiled.

"How about it, isn't that enough to buy a woman who was once the best in her profession, the ace?"

"…how could I be the pleasure district's ace…"

"It's only natural for an ace to take on the role of Madame…"

I got up from my seat and went behind Yuriel.

I stroked her cheek and whispered in her ear once more.

"If such a beautiful woman is not an ace, who else is?"


Yuriel's face turned red.

Seeing she was half way convinced, I timely hammered on the wedge.

"And aren't you tired of working as a Madame? Since it's a brothel, how civilized can guests be? Moreover, among them, there should be noble guests too, which are particularly difficult to take care of. It must have been very difficult. Right?"


"At the same time, the kids, your prost*tutes don't listen to what you say. Instead of saying thanks to you for taking good care of the brothel, they only leave behind complains."


"What is left of you after suffering so much? Is there anything more than that rat-tail worth of salary given by the owner of the brothel? And, when you get old and ugly… who will care what happens to you?"


"When you are walking down the street, don't you see the wives holding the hands of their husbands and children with a happy smile on their face? Don't you feel envious? What makes you worse than them? You look much more beautiful, you know the heart of a man better than many women. Even the skill to please men… you are way superior, right?"


Yuriel nodded her head with a stiff expression.

I placed her hands on top of the gold coins.

"Then take this chance. As long as you comply with the conditions I have stated, nothing else will matter. With the money I'm giving you, you can buy land and start farming or open a shop as you please. You will have your own happy family. Even though it was stolen from someone… how about it? Do you want to miss this chance to be happy? Imagine it. Watching your children grow up together with your husband as you both grow old."


Yuriel swallowed her dry saliva.

She said in a trembling tone.

"Ha, but I can't get out of this brothel. If I tried to do that, he wouldn't leave me alone. He would kill me."

'He' is probably referring to the owner of this brothel. I stroked her cheek a little softer to reassure her.

"Do you think I didn't even think of that? That's not for you to worry about. You just have to make a decision. Either yes, or no. Will you live as the Madame of this pleasure distinct and be abandoned when you grow old, or will you grow old as a mother in a family?"

Yuriel's body quivered. As if to harden her heart, she grabbed the pouch tightly.

I stroked her hair.

"A good decision."

After that, I informed the owner of the brothel that I would take Yuriel along with me. Naturally, the brothel's owner pulled out his sword, hollering that he'd kill me.

I brought out the VIP badge of the Perdiac family.

The brothel's owner, who recognized the VIP badge, immediately slammed his head on the floor. Thanks to which, when I came out, the brothel's owner personally escorted me to the door.

"Cloud..? Who is that woman?"

Neria looked at Yuriel who suddenly appeared, and she asked in a questioning tone.

I roughly explained that she was a woman with some difficulties. Bluntly telling the truth that she was a prost*tute would hurt Yuriel's self-esteem.

"I see…"

Neria didn't ask further, she looked pretty convinced.

But oddly enough, she didn't take her eyes off Yuriel all the way to the dungeon.

When I asked why, she didn't answer.

* * *

[1] A prostitute, especially one with wealthy or upper-class clients.

[2] A position similar to the manager of the brothel.

"Thank you for bringing me here safely. I will be taking my leave now."

"Sure. Just keep in mind what I said."

What I asked of Yuriel was the following.

– To completely conquer Elisha's husband's heart. He shouldn't have any lingering feelings for Elisha.

– After conquering her husband's heart, she also needs to win the heart of the child. She will regard the child as her own.

The reason for adding the second requirement was simple.

It is Elisha's offspring, but the child isn't guilty of its mother's crimes, right?

I didn't want the child to suffer because of family strife.

So I came up with an amicable mother replacement.

A happy family is left as it is, and only the mother is changed in a swipe.

She not only has a lot of money but also a lot of time, moreover, she is a kinder mother too.

Wouldn't that make the child happier?

It is the best of both world where no one except Elisha is hurt.

"Do not worry. To be honest, I have no chance in failing this. Sir Hero, please keep your promise. If I can create a happy family, you'll give me those remaining 50,000 gold coins."

"If the child and father are happy, I will give as much as I can, so go ahead."

"Yes, thank you!"

Yuriel waved her hand and disappeared across the street with a bright complexion.

'I think she said two months would be enough?'

During the week when Elisha was assembling those S-class adventurers, I investigated Elisha's family.

After all, I did need an insurance.

And when I told her the information that I had investigated and found out, Yuriel swore to me that two months would be enough for her.

She was full of confidence, but honestly, I was skeptical.

Even though Elisha ate my money and made things messed up, she was a faithful woman in her own way.

How can it be so easy to break into such a woman's family?

'Well… I should now go to the dungeon and worry about it later.'

If she succeeds, I can pay the promised amount.

If it's in progress, I can support it.

If she fails, I can take my money back.

If she elopes with my money, I can hire an assassin.

I decided for now to not care about Elisha's matter any more.

From now on, I have to fully focus on the dungeon.

I went to the private lock-up storehouse's caretaker and retrieved the equipments I had left before. Perhaps it was worthwhile to show the Hero's plaque, the equipments were safely stored.

Let's see…

"Take it, Neria."

I handed the Lightning Sword, Storm Shield, Kobold Leather Armor, and an earring with health bonus to Neria.

Neria widened her eyes.

"Cloud, this is..?"

"Your equipments are not quite good. At least the loot was not properly distributed at the previous party. We can't go to the dungeon like that."

Afterwards, the Staff of Woe and Lightning Earrings were given to Eri.

Meanwhile, the Windfortune Ring and Thorn Mace went to Ophelia.

The three of them looked at the equipments given to them with surprise.

I added.

"Take them and follow me. Arm yourselves while we go up."

* * *

The peach trees where the dungeon is hidden.

While Cloud jumped into the pond to open the dungeon, Eri fiddled with the staff and earrings she had received from him.

"Eri, if you keep fiddling with the earrings, it will hurt your ear."

Ophelia cautioned her.

"I, I know. It's just… it's been a while since I changed my equipments… so.. so…"

At Lorian's Party, she was neglected.

Instead of having a share in the loot, she had to be content with just some experience points.

She found herself realizing this once again when she received these equipments from Cloud.

I'm back…

Looking at her side, Neria was also stroking the Lightning Sword she had received from Cloud with a subtle expression on her face.

"It's nice to see everyone looking better. But… why was I given a mace?"

"Maybe it is for self-defense? No matter how much Cloud and Neria protect you, they might miss one or two from time to time. It will be useful at that time."

"Is that so…?"

Just when Ophelia was feeling an unknown sense of anxiety for some reason.



The pond parted and a staircase materialized.

While the three women were startled, Cloud jumped out of the water. He grazed his palm with a dagger and brought it to the stone gate.

– Qualified. Entry allowed.

The four of them were qualified because they were in a party, fulfilling the condition.

The dungeon opened and Cloud walked inside.

The three women hurriedly followed him into the dungeon.

"This is a dungeon… it's amazing…"

Eri admired, she looked further inside. The other two women's reaction was not much different from hers.

Then Cloud spoke.

"This dungeon has a total of 30 floors. It is cleared by killing the boss on the 30th floor."

"30th floors?! It's a huge dungeon!"

"I know, right. It's going to take a lot longer than I thought."

"I don't know if the food we brought will hold up until then."

Each of the three women gave an opinion.

Cloud smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Don't worry. It won't take long."

"It won't take long? How?"

"We will pursue speed. By tomorrow, we will reach the 15th floor."

The three women thought Cloud was joking with them. They smiled and were about to tell him not to joke, but then they looked into his serious eyes.

This man… he was serious…!

Eri hurriedly tapped Neria's back with her elbow.

"Neria, you try to convince him somehow..!"


"You are the most likely among us… If you'd say it, he might consider it even if he doesn't listen to you as unconditionally as before."

"Is it..? Okay, I'll try."

Neria didn't try to hide her nervous expression and approached Cloud. Her face, though hardened by her tension, contained a subtle anticipation.

"Cloud, why don't you reconsider? Going from the 1st floor to the 15th floor in one day…"

"I'm sorry, but it has already been decided, Neria. That's final."

"Ha, but…"

"Neria. Am I the party leader? Or you?"

"Ah? Of course, it's you..!"

"Then you must obey the leader's orders. Oh, of course, if there's a better way than what I plan us to do, you can suggest it. That's always welcome. But the final decision is mine. Got it?"

As Cloud spoke while looking straight into her eyes, Neria abruptly nodded her head.

When Cloud asked if she had more to say, Neria replied in negative and returned to her position.

When she returned to her position, it looked like Neria had tears in her eyes.

'…why did I even ask her.'

Eri felt guilty and turned her gaze away.

'Yeah, Cloud must have made his preparations. No wonder he aspires to reach the 15th floor in one day.'

However, contrary to Eri's thoughts, Cloud was sincere, and the same day, Cloud's Party made their way from the 1st floor to the 15th floor in one fell swoop.

You can read fully translated chapters, including the last chapter, for $20.
