
Advertising Campaign

Heinz's advertising campaign was held in their headquarters building. Early in the morning, Andrew, Jimmy and others were waiting outside the meeting room in the building.

There were three main companies competing for the advertisement this time, namely IPG, Ogilvy and Lion.

Among the three, only Lion was the smallest. If it were not for the recommendation of Domino's boss, they could not even enter the door of the building.

From this point, it can be seen that the senior management of Heinz Company did not seem to be rigid, and everything was based on creativity.

Andrew wore a formal suit for the first time today. The gray-blue suit with a dark green tie looked elegant and charming. The short skirt and black stockings female clerk who was receiving the reception next to him would peek in this direction from time to time. Perhaps she felt that it was not enough to be far away, so she simply brought a glass of water over and handed it to Andrew.

"Thank you." Andrew nodded and thanked her with a smile.

"Damn it, Andrew, I really shouldn't sit with you." Jimmy rolled his eyes. It was like this when he was in school. Whenever there was a good-looking girl, she would definitely go for Andrew. Standing aside, he was like a foil.

"You are also handsome, Jimmy, but you are just a little bit behind me." Andrew said and looked at the other two. Apollon was still as solid as a hill, sitting up and down on the chair like a balloon.

And Maroni was even more showy today, wearing a white suit and a pink tie, like a male host in a nightclub.

He was holding a few pieces of paper and silently reciting the words, and seemed to have made sufficient preparations.

In comparison, Andrew seemed much more casual.

Several people waited for a while, and suddenly heard the light yellow wooden door of the conference room creaking, and then a group of elites in suits and leather shoes walked out from behind the door.

They were from IPG Advertising Company, which is a global advertising company based in New York and is very large. So just from their temperament, you can see that they are a little arrogant.

When this group of people passed by, Maroni wanted to stand up and say hello, but as soon as his butt left the chair, he found that they had no intention of stopping at all, and walked straight past with big strides.

"Uh..." Maroni had to pretend to be calm and brushed off the dust on his body, muttering to himself: "It's tiring to sit."

But no one paid attention to his words, because Andrew had already stood up and walked to the meeting room.

"Wait a minute..." Maroni stood up and rushed to the door before Andrew.

Seeing this, Jimmy whispered sarcastically: "I thought he was a chimpanzee seeking a mate in Africa, so anxious."

"Don't insult chimpanzees, Jimmy." Andrew straightened his collar and followed Apollon into the room.

There were several sofas in the room to form the judges' seats, on which sat the senior executives of Heinz Company, and opposite was a whiteboard and several drawing boards.



When the executives of Heinz Company stood up to greet them, Maroni went forward to shake hands with them and introduced the four people on his side.

And David, the Heinz executive, also briefly said the names of the judges on his side.

But Andrew didn't pay attention to the others. He only remembered the young man with short blond hair named Henry who sat in the center, because he was the CEO who made the final decision.

"Okay, then let's not waste time. Let's get started."

After a few pleasantries, David announced the start of the advertising creative speech, and Maroni immediately stood in front of the drawing board and talked freely.

"In fact, it's like this. Our Lion Advertising Company has prepared two creative ideas for the Heinz advertisement this time."

Maroni made a lot of small movements when he spoke, like a hip-hop singer, and his fancy clothes made everyone dazzled.

"And the first idea is what I came up with, called "Bring Heinz Here", gentlemen, please look here."

He was still talking about the previous idea. After showing Henry and the others a few foods, he turned over the plastic film, and a line of words suddenly appeared in front of everyone. Then he praised this advertising slogan again, from user psychology to advertising, and from advertising to journalism and communication.

In short, it was vague and sounded very high-end.

However, Don De noticed that Henry's brows tightened and then relaxed after seeing this string of words. When Maroni paused in his voice, he suddenly interrupted and said, "But it doesn't look like it's showing our ketchup."

"Of course!" Maroni didn't hear Henry's underlying meaning, but excitedly said, "Salad, steak sauce, ketchup, all kinds of seasonings are fine. Heinz, two words represent everything. You know, the most effective way of marketing is association, which is the audience's fantasy." "Hmm." Henry propped his chin with his hand and made a short nasal sound.

"Of course, if you need, ketchup can also appear in the picture. We can use both methods at the same time."

"Okay, I understand." Henry nodded lightly, his eyes drooping, and he seemed to be bored.

Seeing his expression, David said, "Okay, thank you for your creativity, we will seriously consider it."

As soon as this sentence came out, even the carefree Apollon heard something wrong and hurriedly said, "Sorry, but we're not finished yet, there's another idea."

"Another one?" David looked a little impatient.

"Yes." Jimmy also echoed: "Completely different ideas."

"Then listen to it again, David." Henry forced himself to cheer up and smiled, signaling to continue, but David looked at his watch: "Then I'll give you five more minutes, let's get started."

Andrew stood up and came to his drawing board: "In fact, it doesn't take five minutes, two minutes will do."

"Oh?" This sentence finally made Henry feel a little interested, and Andrew's confident temperament also made him a little more serious.

"You must have been troubled by competitors for a long time, right?" Andrew did not talk about his own ideas first, but instead raised a question.

Then he said to their raised eyebrows: "Various flavored ketchup are emerging in an endless stream. In publicity, everyone claims that their taste and flavor are the same as ketchup, but in fact... This is just deceiving the public, and it has been deceiving for too long."

Henry nodded silently. This is what they have been worrying about. The market share of ketchup is so large. If it is taken over by other condiments, the profit of their company will be getting lower and lower. The

cost of making real ketchup is already very high, so the market share must not be given up, which is why they keep promoting it.

Andrew hit the point. Now it depends on how he can help himself solve, or alleviate, this situation.

Andrew was prepared: "Look here."

He turned the drawing board over. It was a vertical cover. At the top was the classic Heinz tomato glass bottle with rich sauce flowing down, and below was a row of advertising slogans.

"Heinz, the only ketchup."

After Andrew read out this line of words, Henry immediately sat up straight and leaned forward slightly.

"We don't need to emphasize too much, just emphasize the three words ketchup, because other companies' ketchup is flavored ketchup, which is the biggest difference between them and us.

"So what we have to do is not to lower ourselves to their level and talk to customers about discounts and taste. Instead, we have to seize the minds of users and equate Heinz with real ketchup. In this way, those flavored ketchups will naturally not threaten us, right?"

After Andrew finished speaking, the conference room was quiet for a while, and then Henry applauded and stood up with a smile: "Great idea. "

David and his other executives also stood up and applauded. On the contrary, Apollon and his colleagues were a little flattered.

As for Maroni, although he also smiled with a wrinkled face, there was a hint of sourness in it.

"Heinz is the only ketchup. I believe that when customers see it, they will throw away all those junk seasoning ketchup."

Henry continued after applauding: "Direct and concise, it is fundamentally different from other brands. Do you know what a really good idea should be?"

"What?" The senior executive next to him asked puzzledly.

"It should be done so that other companies cannot borrow this idea!" Henry pointed to the sentence: "The only ketchup, they can't use it at all, only us, only Heinz can use it this way, this is a good idea!" "

Henry, what about other companies?" David didn't expect the CEO to think so highly of this idea, and hurriedly reminded him.

"Other companies can just refuse, David."

Henry smiled and looked at Andrew: "I don't have time to deal with them now."

(End of this chapter)