
Insanity Duo

It was suppose to work, a really simple idea was suppose to work. All Pono wanted was to help people and no other god responded to their plee for help. So she reached out to the goddess of insanity and it's been a journey ever since. ----- Writing Prompt turned Novel, title is a WIP so is this entire story.

WIHachilles · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 2

A news alert played a panicked news anchor with clear fear in their eyes. "We have no updates on this mass serial killer or monster who managed to kill the entirety of Portland, Oregon." The anchor breathed out heavily, his heart was racing. "Please escape out of Oregon if you can, if not lock all your doors and hide." The office shook violently, people screaming as blood-curdling screams were let out. "They're here! Run while you still can, nowhere is s-"

The anchor was cut off as a spear made from blood seemed to pierce through their skull, and immediately collapsed on the ground. Pono walked on the screen a sinister smirk on their face, and the blood on their body was constantly moving like it was alive. Blood dripped from their teeth as their mouth slowly grew wider and wider. A bloody tendril latched onto the camera lens and tore it off.

Pono breathed in and out, and the moving blood on her body dropped to the ground and splashed everywhere. She slid down the blood-covered desk and gripped her head, the voices were lessened over here. There were a couple of people left in this general vicinity, but nothing to worry about. A whirling gate appeared behind her, and Lyssa hovered behind her. She giggled like a child, "Oh my! You got rid of so many in the state of insanity?" The goddess states mischievously.

Pono rolled her eyes, cracking her neck as she popped it. The room shook violently again, then the blood moved once more. It entered her left eye socket, and she violently shook. Blood from the rest of the bodies entered through the same eye and she screeched out in pain. Her left eye was now constantly bleeding, a bloodshot red. The bloody tears looked painted on her face, but if you looked closely. It was slightly flowing like a river.

She breathed out, her breath husky and hitched. Then loud banging on the door, before it was kicked open. Pono was expecting police or swat, maybe the military or the FBI. However, it was just a solo figure. A man with green dreadlocks with purple tips bright white robes and body hair showing on his chest. The main difference though was a weighing scale in his hands that was heavily leaning on the right side. A loud deep voice erupted from his throat, "Pono and Lyssa! You've both been sentenced to Tartarus for your crimes against humanity. Don't fight back, I Cias will put you down."

A girl escaped from the scales and looked down on both of them with disgust and hatred. She spoke out, "I, Themis. The Goddess of Justice. Will make sure you suffer for your crimes." There was a white blindfold around her eyes and her hair up in a very neat bun. Themis wore greek fashioned clothes and sandals.

Lyssa did an audible eye roll, before speaking sarcastically. "Oh really? You were one of the most uptight out of us minors. Always following rules and making sure everyone does the same, I can wait to break you finally." Pono was slowly crouching at each word the mistress spoke. Their right eye glowed a bright yellow as a small dagger in their right hand. She launched forward at great speeds. "Maybe she can put you out of commission for a while," Lyssa screamed maniacally.

Cias barely had enough time to block the blow with his weapon, a curved sword. He stood his ground and repelled the blow by adding more pressure by using the scale in his offhand on the blade in an x formation. What was wrong with this chick? Pono slid back as a wolf would after a failed attack. Stepping back in fear at the feral beast in front of him, he regained his composure. "Due Diligence, you filthy scum" Cias shouted, his hair floating in the air slightly at the command. His clothes floated with him, as the scale glowed a golden light.

Themis laughed confidently, as Pono was pushed back against the wall forcefully. Screaming out in pain as she was stuck against the wall, "You should know Lyssa, that the more crimes a person has committed. The stronger all my powers are?" She boasted, a cocky smirk on her face. "You should know Justice always prevails."

Lyssa growled out in slight pain and anger, "How are we going to get out of this one?" She snarled out in a low mutter, looking down at Pono. Then another command Cias spoke out, "Arson! Burn for your sins!" He says similarly in Themis.

Pono's eyes went wide before a demonic smirk as blood sought through her teeth as her teeth grew sharper, whatever was holding her broke as the flames hit her. She screamed in joyful pain as the flames hit her body and started burning her skin. Then she started walking through the fire, slowly but surely. Her skin slowly burned off, then it stopped.

Themis puffed her cheeks and pouted, "Hmph! Why did you stop? You know it would've been easier to just kill her, than the goddess. That psychotic bitch, caused so many problems for us." She spoke, annoyed and a little upset. Even though all the gods and goddesses represent the thing they ruled over. Themis's personality slowly shifted into a dual personality disorder. Representing the two sides of the law equally Corrupt and Just.

Themsis was about to speak before being cut off, by a burnt-alive Pono staring at them. The right side of her head was burnt off with only small pieces of skin left, mainly the skull. A faint yellow glow was shown in the socket, as the blood-soaked teeth grew wider. "I plead Insanity, your honor." She smirked and launched forward, her bloody tears moving constantly as they escaped and dropped to the floor. Then the blood moved quickly towards the justice goddess. A large hand made from solid blood grasped her and slammed her to the ground.

Pono took advantage of Cias not paying attention and launched forward. Stabbing into the gut of Cias, twisting the blade as they dug into their gut. She muttered into his ear, "Lunacy.." and licked it. Glowing yellow-red light as the dagger tore apart their insides, Cias screamed out in pain as he dropped down to the ground.

Then she collapsed on the ground near the body of Cias, sighing as she returned to normal. Lyssa spoke up leaning down on the ground as she stared at the cowering body of Themsis. "See look, I'm not very surprised." She muttered as she stepped on the back of the goddess. Puncturing the back of the goddess in different spots as she coughed out in pain. "But, my special little follower is pretty smart." She giggled.

Themis coughed out more blood as she growled out, "They won't allow this. You know they won't, I can't wait to see them get back at you." She grinned as a blood spike pierced her brain. Then a scale appeared on her right wrist, and Lyssa's eyes widened. "You can take the god's power as well, oh my! You'll be so dangerous my little follower."

Pono rolled her eyes, distasteful as she ignored them. One of the many kills she has done to people shrugging off her mind.

I might rework the first two chapters on a later date so I can add more detail, maybe even a prologue.

WIHachillescreators' thoughts