
Insanely spoilt wife: master delicate wife

Sold to mafia organization, responsible for her sisters death and lives a life of pain .Anlan has to do the unthinkable in order to raise funds for her mum's treatment and safety of her little child, A very cold and dangerous man in the country who she never thought she would have anything to do with suddenly becomes her husband in a wink of an eye In a fancy restaurant a cold man is seen looking so domineering and dangerous "You owe me something pretty and you can only pay back by being my wife.. there's no other option"His cold voice rang out in the room Anlan had to do what she can to help her mum so she accepts the proposal and became the spoilt wife of The the cold Second Master **** Daily mission 50 power stones=1 chapter bonus 100 power stones= more 2 chapters 50 Golden tickets= 2 chapters bonus 100 Golden tickets= More 5 chapters

DaoistdayjSh · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
115 Chs

Chapter 110 Are you Alright

Ming Xue trembled at the sight of the person behind Liwei and fell to the ground, why was he here ? He hardly interfered with people's affair.

"What are you both planning to do..I couldn't hear it quite well from behind"He said again with a gentle smile curled up in his lips but this made Liwei and Ming Xue tremble more, his smile was though charming and gentle but it had an hideous meaning.

"W..we were planning nothing.. we were just chatting okay?"Liwei said trying to let him forget about this she didn't want to get into trouble. The tall man walked closer to Liwei his bangs covering one of his eyes with his hands tucked into his pocket, making him look mysterious and handsome.

"Scram"He whispered into Liwei ears gently, Liwei thanked him before going she was lucky that he didn't do anything to her but she had to be careful in the future. His eyes went to Anlan who was still struggling on the ground unaware of what was happening. 

He picked her up from the ground and took her to a place to sit. Anlan opened her eyes gradually and caught a pair of black captivating eyes glancing at her, she moved back from him gently looking confused.

"Are you alright?"He asked her coldly trying to grab her hands but Anlan moved it back.Her dazzling eyes filled with fright and confusion, how did she get up from there?

"Let me have a look at your hand"Shengli Zhe said coldly and tried to take her hands but Anlan moved it back again and stood up.

"I'm okay.. thanks"Anlan told him holding her bleeding hands and turned away to leave. Shengli stared at her from a distance and wondered why he was so determined to help her when he saw her getting bullied, this was something he had never done before. 

Anlan returned to her work struggling with her one hand but after doing few work she was called and told that she had a visitor and Anlan's mood lit up a bit, could it be Han Jing ?