
C o ru ption detec ted

>system i s c orr u pted

>n o fu rther a ction can be taken

>system boot down

>logging off from s e rver




>logged offf from serevfer

>system has shut down

>power off

>Admin Note:

Alright that's strange. I swear I wrote one already.

Regardless of this.

4 and 5 has confirmed that this is A3 of Building Block K.

As of right now, we do not know what happened to the files that A3 retrieved. 10 says they'll travel back there as soon as the contamination levels go down.

A3's body was identified at the site.

NOTE: Please forward the last few notes over to 3. I'm sure they'll enjoy the infection process.

>Admin 8


SharpJestercreators' thoughts