
Inmates Ballad: Revenge



The use of air-crafts was strictly for mission use after the era of Aragami began. Especially when they learned to fly.

I traveled on land for most of the way here.

Sameem needed to eat too and stopping to handle local Aragami had its benefits. Made it easier to cross borders without interruptions.

Come to think of it, considering the tracker in my arm, getting in was easier than I thought.

As the years went by Aragami migrated mostly to the East.

This section of Europe was more or less untouched after the Gen-0 years. HQ was Switzerland, but HQ territory could be considered anywhere from the UK to Italy, with the line being Romania.

All that considered it was a safe bet Director Avan sent his son here.

HQ had everything, food, shelter, and more god-eaters than they needed. Any god-eater stationed there would find a cushy post.

I bet some of these kids have never seen Aragami. This was as far as you could get from Aragami.

I walked through the streets with Sameem over my shoulder and they stared at me curiously. The adults were wary but kept to themselves.

I was only after one person…if the people left me alone I left them alone.

Some god-eaters tried to scold me for having my weapon out in the walls.

I was close to ignoring them outright, but then I got the idea I could use this.

I played dumb and said I was looking for my guide.

I dropped Aadhira's name and they pointed me straight to the bastard!

I don't know what scares me more, how well that worked, or that I thought of it.

Regardless…I wasn't turning back.

Sameem wrapped around me, responding to my building anticipation.

Back at the Sikkim Branch I may have had to shift focus, but I never once thought about letting go of a chance for revenge.

The director pleading for his son's life only sparked it anew.

The Aragami killed my family and I hated this human more than I ever hated them!

I didn't care that the Director was going to confess!

I didn't care about them going to jail!

I was only the survivor in Bangladesh, of course, it was a lie!!!

Just as I was increasing my pace, I suddenly started slowing down.

I couldn't ignore this new thought.

I was only the survivor therefore there should've been no story for Aadihra to lie about.

So how…???





But did he????

I only checked that story out in the first place, because of the circumstances of my survival.

I never actually saw my family die, and I let that haunt me.

To this day I don't even know why I survived and they didn't.

I tried to ignore the feelings that started this in the first place and kept towards Aadihra.

With every step, I could only picture my mother.

Then my father.

Then my little sister Janna….





I nearly let my tears fall as I extended Sameem and dragged Aadhira out of the street.

Sameem dragged him by his tendrils on the wall and I jumped for the nearest roof.

Sameem didn't need to be told not to treat him gently.

Aadhira skidded across the rooftop, before trying to gain his bearings.

"W-What's going on!?" he said

Sameem morphed into his predator form ready to strike anytime.

"Who are you!?" he screamed, trying to back away. As he fell back Aadhira realized they were on a rooftop. Aadhira stared at me in fear as I glared at his cowardly form.

My white hair. My white-yellowish eyes. My wolf-like stare.

Seeing these features Aadhira began to recognize the god-eater in front of him.

When I first met this ma-no goddamned pig, I was 7, I almost wished he didn't recognize me just so I'd have another excuse to kill him.

"You…" Aadhira whispered.

Sameem snarled, as if eager for the order to devour Aadhira.

"W-Wait!?" Aadhira begged.

"If you know what's good for you, answer me. The Bangladesh Branch was completely destroyed. No one made it out. Where did get your information from!?" I said as Sameem extended towards him.

Aadhira shivered as Sameem stretched, overbearing in stature.

"I-I'll tell you, just put the god-arc down!" He said.

"No." Sameem bound Aadihras arms and legs and pulled him to me. Strewn up like a scarecrow.

"TALK!" I demanded and Sameem tightened his grip with a snarl.

"I-I don't remember, it was a long time ago!!!" Aadhira pleaded.


I sunk my fist deep into his face and a tooth came flying out. His blood covered my hand.

"I'll make you remember." I warned, getting into Aadihras face.

Sweat poured down his forehead, and if he was silent any longer he knew I'd continue the onslaught.

Aadhira struggled to think.


I barely remembered the crack on the back of my head when he kidnapped me, but I would make sure he wouldn't forget this pain!




"WAIT!" I let my knuckle rest on Aadhiras eye socket.

"I remember that a FENRIR helicopter my father sent went to check if there was anything that survived, and the pilot reported zero survivors. The only thing left standing was a house!" Aadhira screamed.

I cursed my stupidity. This was what I already knew. That was MY house!

"…But I still used the information anyway. I made up intel that refugees were coming from Bangladesh after the fall of the branch. I didn't even expect anyone to show up…" Aadhira said with a whimper.

But I did…out of guilt.

He forced me into god-eater life.


I morphed Sameem into his buster form and welted Aadhira over the back of HIS head.

He fell unconscious. His head was bleeding.

When I was like this they hooked me up to an armlet machine.

Aadhira was already a god-eater, and it would take more swings to kill him.

This didn't displease me…

But I couldn't help but dwell on my error. He should already be dead or begging for his life. But I dared to believe he had something worthwhile. Anything that could indicate somebody made it out of Bangladesh other than me.

I wanted to cry, and this was my own fault.

I've let him hurt me enough!

It was my turn to hurt him!

I swung as hard as I could to the ground. It took all my self-control not to keep going…

Aadhira stirred after what seemed an eternity.

He found himself in an alleyway. Standing up Aadhira fought with his blurry vision to get out of the alleyway and find an exit. Once he saw armlets he waived to get the attention of the god-eaters.

The second he rose his hand, his eyes became horror-struck. He quickly fled back into the alley, screaming into his elbow.

Aadhira lifted his right hand to see he had none.

Blood flowed quickly out the wound and he panicked knowing that a trail of blood

would lead them to him.

If a normal person lost their right arm, at least they could still lead a reasonable life. The same could be said for the left. If a god-eater lost their right arm, their life was over.

Armlets were always clamped on the right wrist.

No matter what, if the armlet was knicked, chipped, or worse torn apart;

That god-eater was to be killed on site.

The moment Aadhira revealed himself, he'd be shot.

He fled in the opposite direction putting as much pressure on his wrist as possible.

When Aadhira reached the other end of the alley he saw more god-eaters and even worse with their god-arcs nearby.

If gunfire didn't work. You can bet a god-arcs bullet would do the job.

He turned away to face the wall as he hid his stump.

Alas, it still left a blood trail. They'd see sit soon.

He needed to find an escape.

When Aadhira brushed passed a stranger they excused themselves, but stopped after seeing the trail of blood.

"Hey do you need a doctor!?" the stranger asked trying to catch up to Aadhira only for him to shake off the stranger in a panic.

"(No, No, No!)" Aadhira kept running, bumping into people terrified that they may be god-eater or FENRIR.

With a scream, he tripped down a flight of stairs. He slowed to crawl. Aadhira places himself behind an APV, whimpering to himself.


Aadhira looked up to see me holding Sameem in tow.

Before he could react I threw something toward him.

A red circlet with fingers through it. It was his hand. More importantly, with his armlet attached.

Aadhira crawled to the armlet, and it even looked like he was going to thank me.

I let him get as close as 3ft.


Sameem swallowed it whole.

Aadhira watched on his stomach in horror as Sameem towered over him.

This was it for Aadhira. If the god-eaters found him, they'd kill him, and frankly,

I had no intention of letting him escape alive and he knew I never did.

Aadhira laid before me, broken.

It was almost enough…

Sameem opened his jaws wide.

All that bastard could do was shiver, until Sameem bit

and bit

and bit

and bit!

And Bit!

And Bit!!


The screams of pain.

The crunching.

The struggling.

I didn't flinch.

The only thing left was the drops of blood on the ground.

When the patrols arrived I was just standing there.


I didn't shout.

I didn't scream

and I didn't cheer.

I didn't resist when they arrested me either.

I don't regret what I did this day even now. Not to him.

Never him.