

Fiksi Realistik
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Baca novel INI BUKAN JUDUL yang ditulis oleh penulis Firmansyah_Anzar yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. cerita ini mengisahkan tentang seseorang yg tak punya bakat,jelek,gk bisa olahraga,dan masih banyak yang lainnya yang menjadi isi dari novel ini.Namanya adalah Tito,ia memulai dengan kisah dirinya yan...


cerita ini mengisahkan tentang seseorang yg tak punya bakat,jelek,gk bisa olahraga,dan masih banyak yang lainnya yang menjadi isi dari novel ini.Namanya adalah Tito,ia memulai dengan kisah dirinya yang sedang terkena stroke ringan yang mengubah hidupnya menjadi seorang pengecut yang tak memiliki bakat.Dia mempunyai seorang sahabat bernama Ray yang telah menjadi sahabatnya sudah lama.Tetapi Ray tak menganggapnya sahabat,dia hanya memikirkan dirinya sendiri dan kurang menghargai sahabatnya itu.Ya...hampir seperti anak-anak yang lain yang menganggap Tito adalah seorang pengecut yang tak memiliki bakat.Dia sering dibuly karena dia tidak memiliki bakat dan sikapnya yang selalu diam dikelas dan selalu terlihat mengantuk, terlebih lagi kalau mata pelajaran matematika,tetapi dia memiliki seorang sahabat setia di kelas yang selalu mengisi kebahagiaan diantara kesengsaraan yang ia miliki.Dia adalah Tono

Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai

DxD: Golden Peerage

[Do you desire to save your race from extinction? if so... accomplish a mission for me and I shall bring your race not only to salvation but also... supremacy!] Those were the words prompted in the mysterious screen in front of her as blood kept pouring out of her wounds, for Grayfia Lucifuge, a devil in the middle of the civil war against the Old Satan Faction; there could not be more treacherous yet hope-inducing words, it could be a trap, but it could not. She had the option to choose between 'Yes' and 'No'. For her who was at the edge of death with a family that needed support and a cause to fight for, there was not much of a choice. Little did she know, the mission she was tasked to do wouldn't be a simple or common one. In the faraway multiverse of Helius, one of the most powerful entities in endless existence slumbered atop his myriad treasures when his senses perceived something that shouldn't be possible. Intruders were common; Intruders remaining in his realm this long without perishing... were extremely rare. Upon appearing before the silver-haired maiden in odd attire, he huffed a breath frightening enough to make the strongest gods flee on the spot, but she remained in place - conflicted, but in place. "Before you perish, tell me... what is an ant like you doing in my realm? and why are you still alive?" Disbelief was concealed in his mighty voice. The maid thought a lot about what words had to come out of her lips for her to survive this hurdle, eventually, with her century-worth of experience in romance, she managed to find a fitting answer. "You're the Primordial Golden Dragon God, Richter-sama, right?" She asked with serenity. "Sama? I don't know about that... but you're correct. With your foot standing on my treasury realm, do you still dare ask about my identity, Demoness? you haven't-" "Richter-sama... my name is Grayfia Lucifuge and I'm here to conquer your lonely heart" "..." ** ** https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7 Feel free to join my discord server to have novel discussions with your peers, get illustrations and participate in polls! Get up to 30 advanced chapters in my pa-tre-on: pa-tre-on.com/photosphere

Photosphere · Komik
217 Chs


这世上哪有什么十年之约,终不过一句“就到这儿吧”。 云织是一座藏在山坳子里的小城,冬天山尖笼罩着白色的雾,小城四处散落着雪绒花。山庄的火把节一年又一年的亮着,东山寺的早钟声年年岁岁的响着。 从前,颜暮歌总是被舒一含拉着拖着,后来也不知道是谁跟着谁,走了好久好久。从前,舒一含总觉得颜暮歌是他见过最笨的人,拉着她走好像成为了自己习惯。后来才发现是她陪着他在走。只不过,后来的日子,他弄丢了她。 颜暮歌总说“舒一含,如果十年后我还没丢下你,就带我去看一场花火吧,以示感谢!如果十年后我不在,就在春天给我寄一朵梨花吧,让我记得你。” 而他总是满脸嫌弃的敷衍她“可以,只要你活到那时候。” 后来,十年还差三年。颜暮歌在那个下着暴雨的夜里消失了,那年天气返冬,初春开的梨花都被冰霜冻死了。剩下的三年,她的故事里不是他。 十年未见,付方白看着面前喝得烂醉,却还死死端着架子的人。冷冷说了一句 “十年前,我信你,让她受了好多苦。如今,你连做对手都不配。” “你若有事,我定让所有人永远活在地狱里。” “......咳咳,你高兴就好!” 他以为她心之所向,是他永远不能企及之处。 可她却说: “我在等你同归故里。”

西南有城 · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
145 Chs


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  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia


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