

And so with that i died, right there and then. All my life span got taken away from me and i was now being reincarnated with 4 other people.

I decided not to know their names so i gave them knicknames, Archer Girl. Sword Girl. Magic Girl. Princess Girl.

Princess Girl wasn't really a princess but she had the air of one, like those royals. Anyways, they decided to reincarnate us into a world where everything is peaceful, and we'll be normal humans which everyone here agreed on except me.

"I'm sorry, but I'd rather not"

I exclaimed when they were agreeing with each other, i gave them knicknames based on what proffessions they did in their past lives which is how i came to naming them.

"Why not? Are you disappointed"

Asked Sword girl with a wierd expression saying 'Why?'

"It's because i need to get stronger..."

Is what i wanted to say but i couldn't. These people died in their worlds being brave heroes butt if the numerical power score was still in place they would be in the low millions.

'Hm, this young one really has a different attitude compared to those I've reincarnated. Maybe, he just didn't have enough fun? But, he did die in his world so...why would he want to return to such a place...'

The god contemplated while sitting on his throne.

"Anyways...i'd rather be sent to a modern-day Swords and Magic kinda world where i can"

I said after a few moments of silence.

"I suppose i can make this one wish for you come true but under what circumstances would i want to?"

The god spoke out loud so the other girls could hear.

"I know Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. I believe my second Reincarnation knew him. And they were basically good brother's...i think you may know him since i know...Sun Wukong talked about him to you a couple of thousand of year's ago when his cloud was still with him..."

"W-wait...you don't mean..."

The god stood up trembling, he knew of a mortal that forced the Monkey King to use at most 45 percent of his power even without his armor and weapon that was an impressive amount.


I said causally, the other girls nearby were confused. They knew various powerful beings but they hadn't known an existence such as Sun Wukong. But seeing the God tremble in fear must mean he's a powerful guy...

And so they kept quite while the silence in the room made the man who just spoke out feel wierd.

"Y-you can't be...i thought he..."

"Hahaha! So you must remember that Human who could rival the gods, correct?"

"K-kuro...a great warrior and mage. I've heard various tales about him...that he created a magic similar to our Creation Magic...."

"Yea, i can show you..I think i can use it here" I extended my arm and closed my eye's, i whispered 'Create:Human Boy:Walk 2 steps foward: 2 steps backwards:Stop'

A human boy suddenly appeared, it walked 2 steps foward and back then it stopped moving altogether.

"Even, I only seen a few gods use this power before. And because im from the Reincarnated Faction i don't need this but..."

The god swallowed his salvia as he realized this mortal was, Kuro. It was known throughout the Heavens that Kuro could destroy gods when he was around a thousand year's old which was considerd Young. It was easily compared to a teen. The gods knew with his potential given a few year's he would become a strong being, which was correct.

Later on, 900,000 year's later. He would dominate every God and be known as the 'Creator'. He would have the power to do anything and yet he felt empty.

I smiled at the god as i realized he must be putting the pieces together, i smiled and then thought of something else.

"No wait, just put me in a more advanced Swords and Magic world. Like, they're actually smart...that'll be better"

He chose a very beautiful world, one where danger didn't lurk but it was a competitive world. Nothing bad happened there were no criminals and the races living there were happy and safe.

Only problem was the occasional attacks from Demonic Beasts.

"Hm, okay. Problem is that in this world you'll only live for 300 year's before you'll be teleported back to my world. I will help you break any barriers and you'll help me save planets like this one. Your mission shall be to kill all demonic beasts, until next time, young God"

The god whisperd the last words as a beam of light shot from his hand onto Bais body. The rest of the girls were also teleported into that world with a few memories in tact, only this conversation and their own skill set to make it easier.

As bai was being teleported he realised he forgot to tell the God to make him a male in his next world.


Bai roared as he saw the God smirking.


Everything became black.

He couldn't see.

He didn't know who he was.

But then he saw the light.

A vision of some sort.

Everything was dark and their he saw a man who's aura was destructive and yet for some reason he felt something was wrong. Before he could sense anything the man began to speak.

"Haha! I wish i could help you but what im doing is already disrupting this worl- no this Universe's peace. Young...*****. Don't trust the God's, don't make the same mistake i did. Even if i did overcome everything i could have done everything in less then a million year's. Don't trust. Anyone. Only Humans. Can you...actually...trust...."


Someone disrupted the message, he left and I...was born.

I who was a man, was now a girl. What i hated the most is that Lala didn't want to come out saying something like, 'Why are you cuter than me?!' 'Why do i want to eat you up?!'

I shivered when she said the last phrase. I was born into a good family, it was the third strongest family in the entire world. Apart from the second family we were a family of Wizards and some sort of magic user's. The arch mages in our family were powerful but were always practicing their own magic in seclusion. But, if they sensed that anything was amiss then they would come out and seek out the thing that was happening.

The second strongest family was the Hero Family, they were the strongest beings, and the person who would kill the demon king along with the Arch Mage and the Healer.

The strongest family, number 1 was the churches and Royal Familys. These two combined because they on their own couldn't take on the Arch mage or the Hero family alone.

But, they couldn't do anything now. The arch mage and the hero family were now thr strongest and they also had a great connection since in most partys the arch mage and the hero would be friendly and if it were a boy and a girl then they would marry. This meant that their ancestors were once together, and now they would still be together as great familys which existed to protect the people.

The hero would be chosen within the family, the God of this world would then choose the hero in respective family. One with a bad attitude would still be lucky since the power of the Hero would overwhelm them.

The arch mage would be the one with the power to cast World Magic which at the moment was yet to be recieved.

I was now 5 year's old and it was the time to check our power's and potential.

My family within the arch mage family was still strong, within it we were the most influential family and we had various Arch Mages on stand by.