
987 Magi History

Wolfe began to delve into the notes that the Librarian had copied for him, and wished that they had a witch handy to duplicate the entire book for him to read. Too much of the Magi history was lost, and the pages that the Librarian thought were useful weren't always the same ones that Wolfe thought would be useful.

For example, the one on the fivefold Kings started in the middle of an explanation about how the five thrones were arrayed in the throne room, which implied that they all ruled from a castle. However, that wasn't anything that was known in Magi history here. They were reclusive, and didn't rule over anything.

Or perhaps, it was only called a throne room because it held the five Kings? There was no way to tell with the pages that he had.

But the fact that there were five of them, each with five pentacles of five advisors suggested that the fivefold Kings were in a Pentacle with each other as well, to balance their powers and help each other grow.