
75 Proposition

"You need to explain more than that. He wasn't in class this morning." Reiko informed the excited little brunette, seemingly quite amused by how much more lively the normally shy Cassie was when she was around Wolfe.


"Well, you know how the Academy is mandatory for Witches, but it's not free, right? Graduates repay the academy either by taking Government jobs or with family influence." Cassie asked.


That Wolfe did know, nothing in life was free, but the failed applicants who dropped out of the first year were exempted from repayment because the Witches didn't want to be associated with them, and they likely wouldn't amount to much anyhow.


"Well, one of the ways that those of us without Coven families pay off the debt is with a two-year position in the city guard. Either working with police or base security. Wilderness Protection is one of those options as well, and a better-paying one.