
682 Arise, Fallen

There were already victory celebrations going on by the time that the group made it down to the walls, but the King seemed to have the same concerns that Wolfe did. That wasn't enough of a threat to have come straight to him and expected to win. 

Logically, they should have started with the outlying villages and made him split his forces, so he was already extending his senses and sending messages to make sure that none of his villagers were under attack.

He looked up to greet Wolfe as he came in, and smiled as he saw the armed Maids following him around, as well as the big Wrathbringer with her grenade launcher.

It was a much slower firing weapon than the rifles, but she was already running low on grenades, and she was going to have to get more of them very soon, unless this really was the end of the attacks.

"Ah, Wolfe. Just the man I needed to see. It looks like your experiment went well enough?" The King greeted them.