
277 Test Test My Patience

The Colonel nodded to one of her guards, and they took out an armour plate and then activated it. Another guard activated their blade and slashed down hard on the steel plate, causing sparks to fly as the flaming blade hit the [Unholy Armor].


When the blade was sheathed and everyone's eyes adjusted, it was evident that the blade hadn't managed to harm the armour at all. The barrier had held against the full-force strike.


"It's more effective than our blades, Colonel." The guard assured her before placing the armour back in the crate.


"Oh, ye of little faith. I said that I would make suitable armour and weapons for the soldiers, and I kept my word. You should try out the bows as well. I'm quite proud of them.


You can create the arrows with them if you want, and you can make them track the target in case it dodges or your aim is mediocre."