
273 Stabbing Tool

"What do you mean by 'how the Covens have treated some of them'? Are some of the witches in your compound renegades?" One of the witches in the room asked.


"No, nothing like that. But during the last invasion, the ugly side of the Coven became really obvious to the witches who were drafted to serve on the front lines.


Many of the Morgana draftees were sent to the front lines with their Familiars and immediately sent on solo kamikaze missions into the Monster Tide without backup. Others were sent to abandoned positions and simply dropped off without any sort of supplies, and things only got worse after the Nerve Gas attacks.


The witches lost their power, and the leadership started to view them as not just expendable but as an expendable liability. The Treatment Camps were overcrowded and underserved nightmares from what I have heard, and we haven't had a single witch who was in them who requested to return home."