
Inheritance : The Progenitor of DxD

Living my life as a normal teenager was more troublesome than I could have ever thought .Not only did something terrible happened to me one year ago, but after that incident I had to live in a town that was filled with the smell of fallen angel, devils and church slaves. And above all of those things, I had to keep a low profile so that I could keep my life intact and my bloody diet. * I don't own High School DxD or Strike the Blood Same thing with the cover. The only thing that I own are my OC and the changes that I would make. * Also this is a fan fiction aka an AU world so for the love of the God, don't start yelling that in the original that didn't happened or that it went completely different : I know and I don't care. Love, Meatbun

MeatBunKun · Komik
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40 Chs

Chapter 24

Running as fast and normal as I could, since I was going to be late thanks to an accident that happened a few streets away from my current location, I was finally able to reach the shopping district of town to which my date with girls will take place. Unfortunately, I didn't notice the attractive woman with a bat-like designed dress with brown hair that stood in my path, and thanks to that I run straight into her, making both of us drop to the ground while the flyers in the girl's hand flew all around us.

"Sorry, are you all right, miss? Did you get injured?" I quickly went towards the girl, fearing that I may have hurt her due to my negligence.

"My, my, you were in quite a rush since you didn't even see me standing there. I'm fine, but my flayers…"

"I'll get those for you, miss, since it was my fault they all flew away."

I quickly grabbed all of the flyers that were on the ground, but I believe a few of them were blown away by the wind, making my task of getting all of them quite impossible.

"I'm sorry, miss, the other ones flew off somewhere, and I hope that I didn't cause any trouble for you losing those flyers."

I looked apologetic as I handed the flyers to the girl while at the same time scratching the back of my head, clearly embarrassed by what I'd done.

"Don't worry about them, the fact you still helped me, is more than enough and as for you troubling me, you don't have to worry about that either. As long as I give even one flyer no one will say anything about losing a few. But I have to say that you are truly something, seeing how you picked all of the flyers, unlike what most people would have done."

"Can you explain, please? I do not understand what you are trying to say."

"I mean, any ordinary person who would have rushed into another one would've picked at most a few of them, compared to you, who picked all of them, at least the ones that you could pick."

"I like to impress and be different from all other people."

"While this doesn't require a reward, I want to give you a flyer. You can use it to ask for anything. Take care, Kojou-kun."

"Okay, miss, thanks for the flyer." I pocketed it then turned to look at the girl, but she seemed to disappear and not to mention the fact that she knew my name, strange, way too strange.


A cute voice called out for me, followed by another serious yet familiar voice.

"Kojou-kun, I'm glad to see that you got here faster than us."

"Abe-chan, Sona-kaichou?"

"It seems that we weren't late, seeing as you have just arrive not too long before us."

"Sona is right, Kojou-kun, we thought that you will be late, knowing you and your hero personality."

"Don't worry about it. I'm not going to be late, especially when I know that two beautiful girls like you two are waiting for me." I grinned while patting Abe's head which gained a blush from the girl who seemed to enjoy a little too much than she actually should and at the same time, I was gently caressing Sona's hand, a small gesture that she seem to enjoy more than my head pats.

After that, we continue on with our date. Since Abe wanted to try winning a few games we went to an arcade place where we played a variety of games, while I wasn't a pro, Abe and Sona won almost every game that didn't require my reflexes, since I wanted to make them happy, winning almost all of the prize s that could be won and possibly getting a ban for basically stealing almost all of their prizes. As soon as we left the arcade, we went out to a café where I had to share two single pieces of cake with both girls, due to them wanting to try what usually girls do on a romantic date or something, I didn't bother to ask as it was enjoyable and that was what matters, while at the same time having to finish my own piece of cake. After eating, we went on a walk around the park, the very same park where Yuuma tried to kill me for whatever reason.

"So how did you two enjoy our date?"

"Today was really fun, Kojou-kun and while I would love to have more dates like this, I prefer them without a rival."

"Really? And here I thought that you liked me, Sona-chan."

"Don't fight girls, or do you two want to get slapped on your asses right here and now?"

Both girls turned red when they heard my words since it wasn't the first time I stop their verbal fight using my hands to slap those bountiful asses of theirs.

"Sorry, sorry. It won't happen Kojou-kun."

Sona nodded at Abe's words, most likely fearing that she could get punished for being jealous of another girl that share the same feelings as her for the same idiot.

"Kojou-kun… I and Sona talk about our current relationship with you and we both decided what to do."

I was curious and scared for many reasons, but the main one was if I would ever forgive myself if one of them decided to cut all of her ties with me so that the other one could be happy."

"As Abe-san was saying, we both know that you like us and no matter what we could try, we are sure that you won't choose one over the other."

"Not to mention that there's also Yukina-chan and don't try to deny, I saw her looking at you as if you were her world."

"And since we also know that you would rather do something stupid than hurt us, we decided to go out with you, all three of us at once. Please take care of me."

"Please take care of me."

I could only smile as nothing could have made me happier at that moment and as a sucker punch for those three perverts that tried to sneak peek at Yukina changing her clothes at school, I've deiced to take a photo of us as the girls kissed me, with their permission of course.

<Issei Hyoudou POV>

"Hey guys, did you also get a text from Akatsuki?"

Issei, Matsuda, and Motohama were just leaving the school after another attempt to peek in at the girls from middle school but the many bruises on their faces show how unsuccessful the trio was.

"No, I wonder what he sent you." Motohama nodded as he looked at Issei's phone more closely and watched as he opened it to see the unforgivable, dropping the phone while also making all three of them drop on the ground clearly shocked by what they have just seen.

"Don't tell me that he..." Matsuda gasped.

"Yeah, he did...lucky bastard…two of them at the same time…" Motohama bit his lip in sadness then cried.

"I want to die…" Issei cried while drawing circles

"I know! How could he pretend to befriend us then rub it in our faces!?" Matsuda cried then clenched his fist, "He's gonna pay for this!"

"I think we'll be the ones that will pay?"

"Why do you say that Issei-kun?"

Issei pointed his finger to the left, where the whole kendo club was watching them ready to strike.


<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel(at least six chapter ahead ) or my other active one(The Son of a Legend and for the upcoming Zombie novel about a group of students trying to survive in a Zombie apocalypse >

<Patr3on Link : https://patr3on.com/meatbunkun