
Chapter 912 Intensifying Conflict

Jiang Xueyan watched, dumbfounded, as Lin Ke danced with vivacious steps. Unlike Jiang's affected and pretentious innocence, Lin Ke embodied the genuine sprightliness of youth.

Jiang Xueyan's exquisitely made-up face appeared nobly refined, but it was all artificial, whereas the young girl was naturally fresh and lovely without the need for makeup.

In terms of dress sense too, the young girl seemed to possess an air of purity that surpassed hers.

The loudspeakers could only play the most explosive and exciting pop songs of the moment. Highbrows sneered at them, but the masses adored them, especially for square dancing.

As soon as the music started, the onlookers couldn't help but sway and get excited along with the rhythm.

Lin Ke was especially mischievous, dancing away merrily and beckoning bystanders to join with hand gestures.

Sure enough, in the crowd, girls and young wives, aunties and moms, even old men and uncles, couldn't help but dance along somewhat uncontrollably.