
information of character and species of tvshow and movies that I watch

Information of tv show character that I watch mostly tvd/to Xmen/marvel, problem more this information come straight off of the internet, this contained some boys that has been with boys and girls that has been with girls so no homophobic comments this is high key just for fun

WiccanDemiurge · Televisi
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99 Chs

Bonnie Bennett



February 5, 1993 (Mystic Falls; Age 25)


Alive (Resurrected/Granted Rayna's Remaining Lifespan)


High School Student (Graduated)

High School Cheerleader (Formerly)

Member of the Spirits (Formerly)

Anchor to the Other Side (Formerly)

College Student (Formerly)

Prison World Prisoner (Formerly)

Elena's Life Link (Formerly)

Vampire Huntress (Formerly)




Witch (with ambiguous psychic abilities)

Ghost (Formerly)

Anchor (Formerly)

Supernatural Huntress (Formerly)



You made me realize that I had all the magic I ever needed right inside me. Now, give me a little luck.


Bonnie Sheila Bennett is a very powerful witch and one of the main female characters of The Vampire Diaries. While she filled the role of counselor and confidante to all of her friends, Bonnie is a feisty, yet empathetic witch, who discovered her powers just in time to help out her family and friends. She is best friends with Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert, Matt Donovan, Damon Salvatore, and her ex-boyfriend, Jeremy Gilbert and has known most of them since childhood. She is also close friends with Stefan Salvatore and Tyler Lockwood. Bonnie was in a romantic relationship with Lorenzo St. John before his death.

Bonnie is noted for having many heroine tendencies, such as being very compassionate, empathetic, helpful, and very selfless (to the point of martyrdom). Bonnie is repeatedly ready to sacrifice herself for her family and friends without any hesitation. As her powers grew, she's stepped up at every opportunity to protect her friends, even if it meant trading her life in the process. Her spell-casting abilities most definitely came in handy when the Originals came to Mystic Falls. Gaining the power of Expression, she was able to take down two Original vampires, as well as the very first immortal, Silas. Despite the warnings from her Grams, she combined spirit, Expression, and dark magic to resurrect Jeremy back from the dead. While successful, it was too much for her and the spell killed her in the process.

Existing on the Other Side as a ghost, her very ancient and powerful ancestor, Qetsiyah, transferred the status of Anchor to the Other Side from Amara to Bonnie, allowing her to exist on both sides of the living and the dead. However, Bonnie was forced to feel the pain of every supernatural death and no longer had access to the powerful magic she once had. After Markos violently tore his way out of the Other Side with the help of the Travelers, it began falling apart. His unnatural resurrection unbalanced the Other Side which threatened Bonnie with permanent death. Despite great effort on both her and her friend's part to save the Other Side, it eventually imploded on itself as Bonnie and Damon spent their last moments together. However, Shiela's last act made sure that Bonnie would be fine. Before it's destruction, they were engulfed by a white light.

Bonnie and Damon found themselves back in Mystic Falls. However, they were forced to repeat the same day, May 10, 1994, over and over. Though Damon retained his vampiric abilities, Bonnie was unable to perform magic. Eventually, they learn that this world is inhabited by another, Malachai Parker. When Kai attempts to kill Damon, Bonnie arrived just in time and regained her magic at the prospect of losing the only friend. Bonnie learns that she, rather her blood, is the key to free themselves from the prison world, using a Gemini artifact, called the Ascendant. Sacrificing herself, she sends Damon back to the mortal plane and is forced to endure Kai's torturous pursuit until she's left alone in the prison world without her magic. Reminded by her friends, she travels to Novia Scotia and retrieves Qetsiyah's calcified blood and reclaimed her own magic, freeing herself from the prison world. Her experience with Kai and her time in the prison world, however, drastically changes her. She decides to puts herself first but continues to suffer signs of PTSD, such as being unable to adjust to other people. With time, Bonnie falls back into her old life, but not before imprisoning Kai in the 1903 Prison World. However, he escapes as had Bonnie did, an links her life to Elena's. As long as Bonnie was alive, Elena would be forced to slumber in a magical coma.

With the return of the Heretics, a coven of siphoner-witch, vampire hybrids, Bonnie and her friends eventually turn to the Armory for help. However, in exchange, they want Bonnie to unseal the Armory's vault that was magically sealed by Lucy. Refusing to unleash a monster, Bonnie went into hiding with Lorenzo St. John. Over the course of three years, they developed a romantic relationship. Enzo eventually learned that the Armory's anti-magic pills that was helping Bonnie hide from them was also poisoning her, an illness that could not be cured and would eventually kill her. Rayna agreed to transfer her last life to Bonnie. As the spell is completed, Rayna revealed that Bonnie became the new shamanic huntress in her place. After Damon destroyed the corpse of the last shaman, Bonnie's connection to it also broke, freeing her from her duties and abilities as the huntress.

However, her magic did not return, leaving her devastated over the loss of her powers as well as Enzo and Damon being taken by the Armory's monster, Sybil. Bonnie was eventually reunited with Enzo after he was freed from Sybil's mind control. However, upon his tragic death at Stefan's hands, Bonnie unleashed a psychic blast, preserving Enzo's spirit in a newly created dimension. Eventually, she and Stefan fight Arcadius, the Devil himself, which led to Stefan killing him, though Hell was not destroyed — Katherine was its new ruler. Letting go of Enzo, Bonnie is able to regain her magic. With her magic restored and with the support of her many ancestors across the centuries, they managed to destroy Hell itself and Katherine along with it. Bonnie's eventually able to free Elena from her magical coma, sparing both of their lives. Determined to keep her promise to Enzo, she decided to live her life to the fullest and wanted to see the world and enjoy her life.

Bonnie is a member and the last surviving witch of the Bennett Family.

Early History

Bonnie Sheila Bennett was born on February 5, 1993, to Rudy Hopkins and Abigail "Abby" Bennett in Mystic Falls, Virginia. She is the youngest and last known member of the Bennett family. Sometime when Bonnie was a young child, her mother had abandoned her, after taking down the Original Vampire, Mikael and losing all of her powers, to protect her best friend Miranda Sommers-Gilbert's adoptive daughter Elena, who is a Petrova doppelgänger needed to break Klaus' Hybrid curse. Because of her mother abandoning her and her father seldom being a part of her life, Bonnie experienced severe parental abandonment. It could be assumed that since her mother abandoned her, that it was her Grams that had raised Bonnie for most of her life. Even though it isn't implied, it appears that her father, Rudy, gave Bonnie Abby's maiden name "Bennett", although the reasons for this are unknown. During Bonnie's early childhood, Bonnie became best friends with both Caroline Forbes and Elena. When Bonnie was nine years old, she lost her favorite teddy, Ms. Cuddles. In regards to her personality, she is moral, passionate, opinionated, free-spirited, feisty, determined, defends her opinion fiercely, and is unable to keep quiet about what she thinks is right. She is also extremely compassionate, kind, empathetic, caring, friendly, gregarious, and protective, especially of those she loves. Bonnie is also known to be a martyr; extremely self-sacrificing and selfless and she is always willing to put the needs of her family, friends, and loved ones before herself. She will always go out of her way to protect the people she loves and help others in need without asking for anything in return. Bonnie is also shown to be a romantic, someone who finds comfort in love and romance, although at first, she is more focused on her identity as a witch and protecting her friends. Because of Bonnie's opinions about vampires and their way of living (since vampires have to feed on humans and human blood for survival, thus increasing their chances of harming innocent people), this often makes her look like a prejudiced and judgmental person from time to time. However, Bonnie eventually comes to accept vampires and vampirism and even helps them and befriends them (as both her best friends Elena and Caroline are vampires), although vampires and witches are known to be natural enemies.

On December 22, 2007, Bonnie is fifteen years old and a freshman at Mystic Falls High School and is also helping her town prepare for the Mystic Falls Tree Lighting Ceremony. Bonnie threw a snowball at Elena and also revealed that her father is taking her on a trip and that she'd miss Christmas with her friends, so Elena revealed that she was going to convince her parents to let Bonnie stay for the holidays as they've never spent a holiday apart from each other.

During the weeks approaching December 22, 2008, Bonnie is a sophomore at Mystic Falls High School.

Her maternal grandmother Sheila Bennett at one point tried to explain to Bonnie about her witch heritage, although Bonnie dismissed this because she thought that her grandmother was drunk and before the beginning of the series, she tried to explain to Bonnie about her witch heritage again (even though Bonnie said that she was psychic). Unseen, during the events of Season One and December 22, 2011, by this time Bonnie would have told Elena about her heritage. Bonnie and Elena watched Elizabeth Forbes' speech during the Tree Lighting Ceremony and also Bonnie and her friends did secret Santa and Stefan Salvatore gave Caroline a key-ring snow globe of Mystic Falls, which disappointed her and she also gave Bonnie a gift.

Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series

In Pilot, as Bonnie began her junior year at Mystic Falls High School, she, along with every other girl in the school, fell under the charm of Stefan Salvatore; a new, handsome and mysterious student at school. Bonnie also revealed to Elena that she is a descendant of the Salem witches and that she and her grandmother are supposedly witches. As Bonnie continues to joke about her preternatural powers, during the Back to School Party, Bonnie inexplicably reads Elena's past.

In Family Ties, Bonnie and Caroline arrive at Mystic Grill. Bonnie is worried about Caroline seeing Damon but Caroline assures Bonnie that Damon is safe and that he just has lots of issues with his brother, Stefan. Bonnie encourages Caroline to give away the secret that Damon revealed to her about Stefan. Soon at the Ball Bonnie alone at a table notices a candle being blown out. She relights it just by staring at the candles, but instantly she blows it out. When Carol Lockwood complains about the unlit candles in the uncrowded room and the waiter goes to get the matches from the kitchen, Bonnie amazes herself by lighting one and the one lite candle lighting the unlit candles and the lights with her powers.

Bonnie questions Shane on how he got the pastor to massacre eleven people and Shane tells her that it wasn't a massacre, but a ritual to resurrect Silas and that he would bring them all back anyway. Bonnie says that Shane is crazy, but Shane offers Bonnie something that she just cannot refuse: information on her Grams and if she would like to see her again. Shane starts to minimize Bonnie and she starts using Expression on him. Rudy tried to intervene, but Bonnie created a wall of fire to prevent her father from coming any closer. Shane convinces her to calm down, but Shane tells Rudy that Bonnie is a "ticking time bomb" and only he can help her. He also said that with his help, Bonnie could go on to become the most powerful witch in the world. At the Mystic Grill, Rudy and Bonnie talk and he tells his daughter how she lost control of her powers and she needed help. Bonnie insisted that she didn't need help, but Rudy said that the fact that she thinks she didn't need help only meant that she needed help even more.

In Down the Rabbit Hole, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Shane arrive at the well where Shane claims Silas is. Massak claims that he will not go any farther and Shane gives him Silas' Headstone, which is not needed to open Silas' tomb, just to pay Massak with. They proceed their journey into the well where Bonnie promises Jeremy that she won't let Shane raise Silas and she will kill him if he tries to hurt anyone. Bonnie begins a spell which "vacuums" up Jeremy's Hunter's Mark (meanwhile, another hunter of the Five, Galen Vaughn, has his tattoo disappear as well). She successfully opens up the passageway, also causing a cave-in, which causes Shane to break his leg. When he asks Bonnie and Jeremy to help him, they refuse and advance into the passageway.

Bonnie frantically searches for something to defend herself, as she's still without her magic. She breaks off a wooden coat rack knob prepares herself. Stefan mocks her and she attempts to defend herself though he easily stops her attack and grabs her forearm, squeezing it, causing her physical pain. He asks why she continues to care about Elena, when she was going to die by his hand. Bonnie fights back with the only other "weapon" she has; the Cure. She stabs the syringe into his side and injects him with the cure. Stefan collapses as she succumbs to the cure. Bonnie runs towards Enzo, tears in her eyes and screams his name. Enzo's body has already desiccated as she cradles his head; at a complete loss of words, her future dies right before her. In that moment she lets out a painful and agonizing scream, energy radiating from her as she continues to hold Enzo his her arms.

Bonnie prepares herself for the spell. Spell books lay open on the table beside her as she's lighting many candles that span a couple tables. She takes a breath and calls out to her Grams saying, "If I ever needed you to hear me, hear me now." She begins her chant Phasmatos incendia movet, phasmatos incendia moventur, ego ex vos, vos ex unos, phasmatos incendia entrare at the Armory. Her magic fills the room and begins to shake and rumble chandeliers and other artifacts around her. As the clock tower strikes 10 PM, Vickie rings the bell for a final time and hellfire explodes from the bell, shooting outward from the bell tower. Bonnie's magic contains it in a powerful, protective barrier, preventing it from consuming Mystic Falls. She draws it inwards, down through the tower and into the underground tunnel systems and to the Armory. It blast roars through the tunnels consuming everything it touches and bursts through the Armory's Vault doors and straight towards Bonnie. With all her might, she contains the hellfire, keeping it at bay, preventing it from consuming her as well, just mere feet away from her.

As she holds it back, she can feel that she's losing it and continues to fight saying: "No, no I can do this. I can do this! I can beat you. You can't have me. It's not my time!" In that moment Enzo appears to her and is happy that she is finally ready to live out her life. Enzo tells her to keep fighting but Bonnie tells him she can't, that it's too strong for her alone. He tells her it's nonsense that that she's strong enough to do anything she sets her mind to. He then reminds her that she's not alone and vanishes. Sheila, returning from peace, takes her granddaughter's hand, smiles and gives her a nod. They continue the spell once again. Beatrice also appears and takes Bonnie's other hand and chants along with her descendant. As they chant and stare down the hellfire, generations of Bennett Witches, including Lucy, the Witch of the Five, and Ayana, return from peace and aid Bonnie, fighting back the hellire with their collective magic. With a final burst of magic, they successfully push back the hellfire, sending it back from whence it came, destroying Hell and Katherine along with it. Bonnie exclaims "I did it!" and collapses on the floor from exhaustion.


At the beginning of the series, Bonnie was a good-hearted, bubbly, sweet, fun-loving, spirited and optimistic individual. With regards to other people, Bonnie is described to be kind, warm, sympathetic, caring, compassionate, empathetic, selfless, and self-sacrificing. Bonnie has shown that she makes a very loving, devoted, loyal and caring friend. Bonnie could be considered to be a very spiritual person and she originally identifies herself as a psychic before discovering her identity as a witch as well as her witch heritage. In the beginning, Bonnie was an optimistic person who always chose to see the positive in things. However, as the series goes on and Bonnie begins to suffer immense grief, loss, pain and tragedy as well as the losses of people close to her (most notably, her Grams and Jeremy), she begins to become a much more serious and even depressive person. Although she has shown that she is generally a positive and optimistic person, she has also shown that she is capable of being depressive, withdrawn, martyring, and apathetic. After her Grams dies in season one, she distanced herself from Elena and her friends in Mystic Falls. Her grief was shown to be so bad that Bonnie had even left town for a few weeks in order to escape. Despite all the pain, loss and suffering that she has endured, Bonnie still remains rather strong, especially in the face of danger and adversity. She has shown that she is willing to put her own personal pain on the back burner in order to pay attention to the needs of her loved ones. It could be argued that Bonnie is much too emotionally invested or involved in the lives of her friends and this is probably the reason why Bonnie never seems to find a long period of contentment or happiness. Bonnie remains the person who is deeply loyal to her friends even through all of the challenges that they have faced. While Bonnie has become friends with and likes Stefan, she remains cordial with his older brother, Damon, despite Damon's actions that have affected deeply including turning her mother into a vampire. Bonnie also sees the good in Damon and believes that he has the potential to be a good person and that there is hope for him if he makes the right choices. Bonnie's most defining trait, as well as her greatest weakness, is her compassion, her selflessness, and her undying devotion and loyalty to her friends and her willingness to constantly sacrifice or martyr herself for them and for the greater good. Multiple times throughout the series, Bonnie uses her powers and abilities as a witch to save the people she cares for as well as innocents, despite knowing the consequences. Although every single member of her family has warned her about the consequences of some of the spells that she has performed, Bonnie's belief is that it is her duty to protect, save and help her friends at all costs. Despite her strength in the face of loss, all of the tragic events that have happened to her and her friends has taken their emotional, mental and spiritual toll on her, particularly with Jeremy's death. Although Bonnie puts on a facade of strength and courage, she has proven that deep down, she is very emotionally vulnerable and she is in need of love, comfort and support. Bonnie's grief over the loss of Jeremy allowed her to be manipulated by Silas into agreeing to destroy the Veil between the realm of the living and the supernatural purgatory (the Other Side) just to bring Jeremy back knowing that it would also bring back every dead supernatural being. Since finding herself in a "pocket reality" or an otherworldly dimension with Damon after seemingly being destroyed along with the imploding Other Side, Bonnie has been trying her best to keep it together despite the stress and frustration of having to live through the same day over and over again with the one person she is fond of the least (or so she says), believing that her Grams made sure that she would find her way back to the physical plane.

However, despite having to deal with that and Damon's sarcastic quips, she continues to stand tall in the face of adversity, managing to regain her magic at the possibility of the one companion or friend (and someone she cares for much deeper than she realizes) she had with her. Bonnie had no qualms when she telekinetically drove a pick axe through Kai's heart, knowing that he is of no use to her and Damon and also knowing that Kai is a psychotic murderer who has no moral or guilty conscience. However, Bonnie played the hero yet again when she sacrificed her chance to come back and let Damon go home instead, ensuring that Kai doesn't get to come back either. Unfortunately, Kai's return to the real world set off a chain of events that put Bonnie in a most unbearable predicament - she is now stuck in the prison world meant for Kai and can only rely on her friends to get her back since she relinquished her magic and placed it in her teddy bear, which is also in the real world. Bonnie fell into a morose state as she tried to recreate a holiday tradition all by herself. She did her best to keep her spirits up but she ended up setting the Christmas tree she put up alight, showing that she is losing hope that she'll ever get out. Not long after, Bonnie had reached her breaking point, as she found the suicide Bourbon she and Damon made a pact on and began drinking it profusely. She then decided to lock herself in the garage with the engine of Damon's car running, trying to suffocate herself to death. However, as she was recording her final moments, Bonnie was reminded of what her Grams told her and she willfully pushed through the pain of being alone and tried to escape the garage. Through Jeremy's timely intervention, she was able to get back up again and she found the atlas where Damon left notes about Nova Scotia, giving Bonnie the idea of going there to access the power of Qetsiyah's blood in Silas's headstone to bring herself back. Filled with a new determination, Bonnie takes Damon's car and journeys to Silas' tomb, hoping to finally return home. Despite the injuries she sustained in acquiring the headstone, she nevertheless pushed through the pain and accomplished her objective. Even the erratic nature of the Prison Worlds did not stop her from fighting her way back home. When she did, she had a heartfelt reunion with Damon, who was overjoyed to have Bonnie back in the mortal plane. Despite the struggles Bonnie's faced, it appeared that they picked up where they left off and acted like not a day has passed since they got separated. Bonnie is having a hard time reintegrating herself into life on the mortal plane, as she was very uncomfortable being in crowded places and scorched a man's skin because he was getting too close to her. However, she finds comfort in Damon, who somewhat reassures her that it's definitely going to take time for her to get herself together. However, things came to a head when she saw Kai again, threatening to melt his face off the next time she sees him, and she snapped at Damon for making her relive all the pain she felt in the Prison World. In a display of sheer power, Bonnie made Damon feel all of that pain so that her feelings about Kai would be made perfectly clear. Bonnie has developed a more reserved, yet assertive and authoritarian demeanor after escaping the Prison World, even leading Damon (who is rather cocky and aggressive) to concede to her wishes. She acknowledges that her time in the Prison World changed her and is unsure if she is scared of what she may have turned into or likes this new version of herself. However, she is more than willing to pull through and figure herself out. After returning from the prison world, she is struggling to adapt to the real world and hide all the pain and loneliness she felt with angry and hate. But she is very happy to be reunited with her best friend Elena. She is unable to let go of the past, as she refused forgiven Malachai Parker for what he did to her in the Prison World, despite the fact that he was no longer the evil psychopath he once was. She even tried to kill him, even when he did not try to defend himself, Bonnie left him in 1903 as revenge for what he did to her. She is unable to let go of the past, as she refused forgiven Malachai Parker for what he did to her in the Prison World, despite the fact that he was no longer the evil psychopath he once was, becoming much more willing to backstab and even kill others. She is also seen to take a much more active role in the elimination of threats, helpingMatt kill vampires in Mystic Falls, aiding Damon in his revenge plot against Lily and Julian, and cutting off Enzo's hand to save Damon.

Physical Appearance

Physically, Bonnie is a very beautiful and attractive young woman. She is rather exotic and has an "ethereal" beauty with an air of feminine mystery. Bonnie has a very soulful and magical beauty and she is almost uniformly feminine, in which she possesses somewhat of a fragile and enigmatic aura. Bonnie has soft and gentle facial features and she has somewhat of a delicate appearance. There is also something rather dreamy about her physical appearance. Bonnie has a heart-shaped face, with full cheeks and a pointed chin. Bonnie has very expressive, soulful, dreamy and beautiful eyes; they are large, round and almond-shaped which are seen to be olive green in coloring. Her eyes almost have a feeling of a boundless ocean; an ethereal quality that is very hard to pinpoint. She has perfectly shaped arched eyebrows which frame over her limpid and soulful eyes. She has a nice, slender and straight nose. Bonnie has well-shaped, full and sensuous lips, with straight white teeth and a warm and generous smile. She has clear and soft light brown skin or complexion with long, luxurious dark brown or soft black wavy hair. Having been a cheerleader, Bonnie has a slim yet athletic figure. Bonnie is also rather petite at about 5'2" and she is the shortest between herself, Elena and Caroline (with Caroline being the tallest). Bonnie regularly changes her hairstyle, in the early seasons, she had her hair regularly styled in very tight curls and sometimes soft waves, however in the later seasons, her hair is much straighter and the length is somewhat shorter. Her fashion sense or style is described as being gypsy chic with a bit of a hippie trend and she dresses in a casual manner with nice tops and jeans.