
Infinity World: The Legends of the Legendary Astral Gladiator

In the year 2050, a company called Carnival Entertainment Org but also known as C.E.O, created something that everyone dubbed "the perfect game". A virtual reality game, a VMMORPG with a magical and almost real world called Infinite World. Where the motto is: One World, Infinite Possibility. Players can do whatever they want as if it were real life, as long as it doesn't go beyond the rules imposed by the company. Fish? Design and create clothes? Forge weapons? Cook? Mine? All this was possible and more. Hand skills can be used at the player's will so that he can create anything up to something that exists in real life. Combat classes? Magic classes? Ranged classes? Everything was possible. A player could learn any skill from any class as long as they have the required attributes and skill books. A warrior can use magic or a mage can use a bow. In Infinite World, players choose the possibilities for their characters. ... Wang Cai was a regular player of Infinite World, but he found the quest that gave him one of the game's tens of thousands of hidden classes, the Astral Gladiator. Because of his health problem due to a work accident, Wang Cai stayed in the hospital for several years. His parents died about ten years ago and his best friend also died in the hospital a few years earlier due to a car accident. With no visits from relatives, Wang Cai had a lonely life in the hospital, so he was immersed in Infinite World. But there was one exception, the only one exception he would never forget in his life. In his last breaths, he was discovering the last secret of the Astral Gladiator class. But destiny was cruel to him. Before he could look, he took his last breath and died. However, just as it was cruel, destiny was also something magical and strange. For some unknown reason, Wang Cai got another chance to discover this secret.

_chomps · Game
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110 Chs

Investigator Job

"General, I think you should hurry and send soldiers to arrest the traitors, as they can be alerted when they discover something wrong." Wang Cai recalled that he captured the bandit leader, so he had to do something about it.

"I will make preparations as soon as possible. Adventurer, you've contributed to the city. So, I would like to know if you would accept to work for the city as an investigator" General Beno proposed.

ding… ding…

"Quest: Investigation Job: Plavin City and the Agoria Kingdom have many hidden issues that cannot be resolved easily by those of dubious character. General Beno, one of the most respected and authoritative generals in the kingdom, has had a good impression of you, so he wants you to be able to solve these mysteries as a private investigator for the Agoria Kingdom."

Requirement: Contribute to Plavin City with some achievement and get General Beno's attention. Rank SSS


1 Complete Quest: 10 Healing Potions

5 Complete Quest: A weapon of the player's choice among those available

10 Complete Quest: Access to privileged areas

25 Complete Quest: Access to privileged information

100 Complete Quest: A property on the edge of Plavin City

250 Complete Quest: An estate within the capital of Agoria Kingdom

500 Complete quest: A basic estate within the Agoria Kingdom

501 Complete quest: An estate with a small castle within the Agoria Kingdom and a peerage

Flaw: Beware of certain jobs, for you can be considered a criminal if discovered.

(An SSS Quest!!!!!) Wang Cai couldn't believe he would get a quest of this difficulty at such a low level.

The number of quests he had to complete would increase, but the last two objectives were the most valuable. That would be the hardest quests.

The fifth bounty was already a very good and profitable thing, but it was not compared to the last ones.

"General, before accepting this job. Do you have a time limit to complete these jobs?" Wang Cai greatly feared that the weather might get in the way of his leveling.

"No. Each work will be given in due time."

"So I accept to do the investigator job"


"Quest accepted"

"Young adventurer, about the other request, have you reached level 100 yet?"

"Not yet, but I'm getting there."

"Very well. I will be waiting for your next news. But changing the subject here's your first mission." General Beno handed him a sealed folder.

"I will do my best" Wang Cai left the headquarters.

"You don't have the necessary level to open the post. Required level: 100" This was the warning that was shown.

(It looks like it's all connected...) Finishing business in the city, he returned to the mountains.

"Hey!!! Wang Cai, I reached level 250 as you asked. How do I get to the Southern Continent?" Lin Hai spoke using whisper.

"According to the information on the forum, you just need to take the airship or a ship. But the travel time will change according to the method used. It is faster by airship and the ticket price is one hundred gold coins"

"All right. I warned my group mates that I was going to another continent to help my other friend"

"Just come. I'll give you some things"

"Wang Cai, the helmets you bought have arrived. My sister has been playing this game for some time now, but it doesn't look like she wants to leave." Yue Xi was excited to see that her little sister was interested in doing something, but a little anxious because she didn't seem to want to stop playing.

"This is normal. A few hours of playing is fine. On the side of the helmet, there is an alert button, when you need something, just press the button. She should leave the game when she has time."

"Wang Cai, thanks for that. It's really a big help what you're doing"

"You're welcome"

"Some other day... When I take my sister back from the hospital, do you want to hang out for a bit?"

"It's all right. Just let me know when you're going to do that."

"Okay. I will do it"

"Is this really true? Snow Queen failed to defeat a player who was only half her level?"

"Yea. This is really true. Look at this"

Images of the fight between Wang Cai and Snow Queen were shown.

Speed, reaction time, and attack pattern.

All this has been analyzed.

"I have to admit he's actually pretty good, one of the best I've ever seen, but this guy is playing a different class than an assassin. Mutilate is not an assassin skill, what class is that?"

"We think it's a rare assassin-type class, but we still can't figure out what it is."

"Look at this scene. The two daggers glow brightly before he speaks Mutilate. It looks like it's some kind of enchantment for the weapons. His class must have explosive damage to kill a player of his level with just two skills, a little over five thousand damage using just one skill. This is a really high damage class, but he must have very weak HP, MP, and defenses. The game wouldn't allow a class to have that much damage and be a tank"

"What should we do?"

"Just monitor him. He seems to be a lone player, if there is an opportunity, just do your best to try to recruit him into the guild. Someone with his skills will be very valuable in the future."

"What are we going to do with that woman?"

"She's also a lone assassin who doesn't like to hang out with others. Just ignore her."

Wang Cai was aware that what he did in the mountains would be seen by other players, but he didn't care.

His name was hidden and the only way to find him was to see him in person to compare the images.

After arriving at the entrance, he noticed that the two were still inside the cave and tied up.

Without making a sound, he entered to knock out the undercover subordinate.

Only the leader of the Mountain Bandits was awake, but blindfolded, bound, and gagged.

"Who are you??!!! Do you really dare kidnap me??!!! I have connections with many nobles in Plavin City and the kingdom!!! If anything happens to me, you will suffer the consequences!!!!!!!" He screamed angrily as the gag was taken from his mouth.

Even without knowing who the person in front of him was, he kept talking threats.

"I don't mind throwing you off the mountain until you're down there and then taking your body to hand over to the authorities. I think they will be very happy to hear that you are dead. Some nobles with connections to you should also be happy to know that there will be no witnesses to know about their hidden plans." Wang Cai spoke threateningly. He was trying to force a quest or extract valuable information.

To increase the chances of success, he threw the leader of the Mountain Bandits out of the cave, he fell several meters down before screaming crazily.

"DON'T DO IT!!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!! I WILL SPEAK!!!" The fear of the unknown was a very frightening thing.

ding… ding…