
Infinity: Reborn!

What if you could escape reality for a while? Adventure out into a place and have everything you desire? Fame, power, money. Who wouldn't want those? Sure, there may be people who aren't greedy, but we all know there's that lingering feeling somewhere deep inside of us. Why not let that feeling be free once in a while? Out of all the games you could play, a VRMMORPG caught the attention of millions. This was called 'Infinity', an MMORPG game with infinite possibilities. Everyone wanted to take advantage of Infinity. It had everything to offer. Every action you make, every decision, it all has an effect into this never-ending web of game lore in Infinity. Your actions may cause a new item to be made, a new quest to appear, a new monster created. Watch the rise and fall of many kingdoms to come. Everything has a purpose, everything has a meaning. Become anything. That is what Infinity is.

TwistedFantasies · Fantasi
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The sun peeked through the curtains of the grand master bedroom. Whether it was the Almighty's purpose, or the Devil's trick, but the bright sunlight directly hit Kaori's eyes. Whether it was the Almighty's gift, or the Devil's pity, Ari's eyes were blessed and protected by the curtains. 

Kaori grumbled as he sat upright on the bed. He was then hit with an intense headache. The sun's intrusion felt like a personal hate crime against Kaori. He winced and brought his hands to his temples, trying to ward off the throbbing ache. It was as if a bunch jackhammers were drilling against his skull. 

Ari, nestled comfortably beside him, was completely ignorant and spared by the sunlight's vicious assault. Her soft breaths rose and fell rhythmically, the peaceful arch of her brow a stark contrast to Kaori's own disheveled appearance. How did she even manage to keep her appearance while sleeping? She was a heavy sleeper, not to mention she constantly turns during her sleep. It seems that the gods just hated Kaori in general. 

"Fuck you, whoever's up there…" Kaori muttered to the sun, which seemed to respond with a mischievous flare of its rays.

After a moment of fruitless resistance, Kaori gave up and gently shook Ari awake. "My love, it's morning."

She only responded by groaning and muttered. "Five more minutes…"

The responsibilities of the day crept back into Kaori's mind like an unwelcome guest. He remembered the notifications that had lit up his phone last night. Fumbling on the nightstand, he found his smartphone and swiped the screen.

The bright lock screen absolutely burned Kaori's eyes. He blinked multiple times to adjust his vision. The lock screen was an adorable image of him and Ari, on a 'vacation' in The Philippines, which was Ari's home country. They were enjoying the beaches of Siargao Island. Kaori was on the ocean trying to use a surfboard for the first time, and Ari was swimming beside him. The funny story behind the picture was the picture taken was moments before Kaori pulled Ari to the shore and then bent the knee. He proposed to Ari. It was a picture of the day of the proposal.

Kaori softly smiled at the picture, but was dragged back to reality. He swiped the screen and was met with a lot of unread messages from Kyuu and the other guildmates. It was the guild group chat. It seemed that the guild was ecstatic and buzzing around during Kaori's absence. 


Kyuu: Good morning, Kaori :) Hope you slept well!! Let me know when you're available, we need to talk A.S.A.P!

Aeve: yeahh you would love this

Aeve: are you joining the game later?


With a sigh, he quickly typed a short reply, letting them know that he was alive and would catch up with them soon.

Katsumi: Yeah, just gon eat then log in.

Katsumi was Kaori's username in the game Infinity. The name came from his father's surname 'Itsumi'. Merging the name Kaori and Itsumi gave birth to the idea of Katsumi. Although Ari likes calling Kaori 'Katsudon' because it rhymes. And the fact that katsudon was Kaori's favourite meal when he was younger.

Keszil: oi hop on @Amarisu~

Amarisu~: huh?? i just woke up whats happening??????

Keszil: 🤦🏽‍♂️

Aeve: @Amarisu~ theres a guild meeting we're waiting for everyone else

Amarisu~: oOHHHH ok ok give me a sec

As he hit send, he reluctantly left the warmth of the bed and headed downstairs. As he entered the hallway, he took a moment to reflect on the grandeur of his mansion. The home was created with an open concept, and Kaori could see the double imperial staircase that led downstairs. The classy railing on the staircase added to the house's overall elegance. The many rooms and areas that made up the mansion awaited below, on the ground floor - the kitchen, a huge dining area, a nice living room with large windows overlooking the pool and well-kept gardens.

The delicious aroma of food flooded the air, drawing Kaori's attention away from his hangover. Harry, the butler, was hard at work in the kitchen, cooking a late brunch. Kaori glanced at the time and realized it was already beyond breakfast time. Harry had chosen to make something hearty to help them recover from hangovers.

"Good morning, Mr. Idris. Have you slept well?" Harry noticed Kaori walking to the kitchen. 

"Uhhh," Kaori mumbled, "Yeah." 

"Please, sit. Brunch will be served soon. Will Mrs. Idris be joining us?"

Kaori could only shake his head. He didn't feel like talking or even moving. He felt that he could throw up any moment. But as Harry suggested, he sat down on the dining table and just waited for Harry. 

The mouthwatering aroma of the bacon made Kaori even more hungry. The hiss and sizzle of the bacon in the pan was like music to Kaori's ears. He couldn't help but smile, despite the persistent headache, as he watched Harry work his culinary magic.

He pointed at the ingredients on the kitchen counter. "Brechdan Bacwn?"

"Indeed, sir. A hearty bacon sandwich to start your day and, I hope, ease that headache."

Harry finally turned off the stove and deftly transferred the crispy bacon strips between some soft white bread, then onto the plate lined with paper towels. "Breakfast will be ready shortly, sir. I've prepared some tea and fresh fruit as well."

Kaori smiled gratefully as he watched Harry assemble the bacon sandwiches.

Harry gave a modest nod, a hint of pride hidden behind his professional demeanor. "I have left a portion for Mrs. Idris. Is she perhaps feeling unwell? I could serve breakfast in bed. I'll make the preparations right away." 

"She's still dead asleep. I'm sure she'll eat later." Kaori replied. And as such, Harry then took Ari's portion to save for later. 

It was a rather quiet breakfast. The sound of running water could be heard as Harry washed some dirty dishes. Nonetheless, Kaori enjoyed this quietness. The serene atmosphere allowed Kaori to savor his bacon sandwich in peace, savoring every delightful bite as the savory flavors melded together, providing a comforting start to his day.

Returning his attention to his phone, Kaori noted the notifications from the groupchat. It was still buzzing and active as ever. 

Aeve: NO IM TELLING YOU its vv weird 

Amarisu~: ig we'll find out when we get there fr


Katsumi: Yeah, I'll be there. Give me like 10 min

After finishing his meal, Kaori went to the office room, which blurred the lines between a typical office and a gaming sanctuary. The walls were covered with posters and souvenirs from both the virtual world of Infinity and his physical successes in real life. The VR capsule, a gleaming technological marvel, was at the heart of this office room. It called Kaori to enter, a portal to a world where he was not just a successful individual but a renowned player, acknowledged and revered by countless others across Infinity.

He felt the usual hum of anticipation as he walked into the capsule, ready to immerse himself once more. He got comfortable inside the capsule, made sure his posture was straight and comfortable. He didn't want to get out of the capsule with cramps all over. That happened that one time, and never again. 

He was greeted with a female robotic voice. It spoke professionally and with a British accent on top.

Welcome, User Kaori. How may I assist you today?

"Play Infinity." Kaori commanded the capsule.

Closing the capsule. Gentle reminder, you will be forcefully logged out after 24 hours due to health reasons. You will forcefully be logged out if the capsule detects any major bodily malfunctions. You will not be able to log back in for 72 hours after being forcefully logged out.

This was a constant reminder every time one uses the capsule. This was the standard according to the law, and it was to ensure the safety of it's users. 

Now entering… Infinity.

A bright light engulfed him, and for a brief while, everything was white. But, as quickly as it had appeared, the radiance dissipated, and he found himself in the virtual world, this time as Katsumi, his avatar.

Katsumi was a Felstari, the highest and mightiest demon race in the game. In the world lore of Infinity, the Felstari were considered the direct offspring of the Fallen Morningstar, a lineage that afforded them enormous power and prestige. Katsumi's look was both striking and intriguing, with dark red skin and entirely black eyes—no irises or whites. Those of lower levels, whether players or NPCs, couldn't see his true appearance. Instead, they saw him as an eerie figure wrapped in an impenetrable black mist or darkness.

Katsumi found himself in the guild dormitory. The purpose of having a guild dormitory was crucial. Stamina stood as one of the game's five core stats, alongside health, strength, intelligence, and dexterity. Unlike mana, which could be swiftly replenished with a potion, stamina could only be rejuvenated through rest and being idle. The concept of a 'Stamina Potion' offering an instantaneous replenishment was basically nonexistent.

There was also great benefits building a dormitory within the guild territory. By default, one of the benefits of being in a guild was that you restore missing stamina and mana quickly within guild territory. Add a resting place on top of that, it was a huge buff.

This was where Katsumi found himself. In his room within the guild dormitory. The guild building was a multi-floored white greek-styled temple, where most of the floors were underground. Only 2 floors were visible on the surface. The guild dormitory rested at the 6th floor underground. There were 7 floors in total to the temple.

The color pattern of Katsumi's dorm room was dominated by dark red and black, which mirrored Katsumi's features. The highlight of the room was a big four-poster bed with ebony curtains took center stage. The bedding was embellished with crimson and black decorations, adding a regal touch to the luxurious carpeting beneathfoot.

It hasn't even been a minute and Katsumi heard a woman's voice ring inside his head. It was a familiar voice. It was Kyuu.

"Heya, Katsu!" Kyuu spoke. "We're all here in the meeting hall."

Katsumi scoffed in amusement, "It hasn't even been one minute."

Kyuu could only laugh in response.

"Okay, okay." Katsumi spoke. "I'll be there."

Despite being deep underground, the place was fancily decorated and easy to breathe in.

Katsumi then leaves his room, gently closing the door behind him. From both his sides were long hallways with numerous doors following. These doors each led to one of the guild member's personal dorm room.

The surroundings exuded elegance and prestige, befitting of a guild created by elite players. His gaze wandered the corridor, which was adorned with countless framed portraits depicting guildmates' grand achievements. The pictures celebrated their victories in difficult dungeons, thrilling boss encounters, and moments of togetherness. A shared journey was presented on the walls as a monument to their strength and solidarity.

Walking down the grand hallway, Katsumi attracted attention from numerous maid NPCs. They paused to bow before him in utmost respect, their eyes filled with both awe and, in some cases, fear. Compared to the maid's levels and Katsumi's level, the maid never stood a chance. In the maid's perspective, Katsumi was a literal shadowy demon. He had a commanding presence that few dared to challenge. As he continued his stride, the maids remained bowed, watching him with reverence until he was out of sight.

Katsumi eventually made his way to the Meeting Hall. The elegant double doors swung open, revealing Kyuu, Tarou, and their guildmates. They were huddled around a polished oak table, obviously absorbed in conversation, their faces lit up with laughter. When they saw Katsumi, their voices became ecstatic, and the room filled with joy.

Kyuu, the guild leader, spoke first, a warm smile on her face. "Katsu! So glad you could make it. We really appreciate you joining us even during your vacation."

Kyuu, the guild leader of the Sansai, radiated a captivating presence. Her avatar's species was a Dryad, but her race was a rare one - The Miliae. It was a vision of grace and nature, held an air of enchantment that drew the admiration of all who beheld her.

Her character's face was framed by cascading auburn brown locks, which gave it an enchanting radiance. A crown of golden flowers that hung over her head like a celestial halo gave her a pristine and ethereal look. She wore a flowing white dress with a brown corset that both improved the look of the clothing and kept it firmly in place. She was a vision of pure beauty. Golden jewelry completed her majestic appearance and emphasized her presence by catching the light. She held a staff made from a branch of the revered Saelrunatré tree, the Fairies' sacred tree.

"KAAAATSU!" A male voice followed. It sounded so desperate, as if the man was waiting for this moment his entire life. The man in question was Tarou, the third and final guild leader of the Sansai. 

Tarou, the final leader of the Sansai Guild, entered the meeting hall with an air of exuberance. His avatar's species was a Draconian. Similar to Kyuu, he had a rare race of the Draconian species - The Wyndlass. Despite looking just as intimidating and grand as Kyuu and Katsumi, he was such a baby. 

He drew attention wherever he went with his deep blue hair and piercing golden irises. Dark blue scales that decorated his arms and legs but eventually blended into human flesh up to his elbows and knees. His hands and feet became powerful, dragon-like limbs. The rest of his body was still human in his present 'human form', allowing his Draconian characteristics to stand out from the rest of his body. In this form, he held a massive spear that appeared to be capable of penetrating the heavens.

"It's fine, Kyuu." Katsumi chuckled. "I'm already here, so let's get it over with. What's happening here?"

Aeve, one of the Sansai guildmates, was the one that wanted to start this meeting. Kyuu just made it happen. 

"I found an S-rank dungeon. But it's completely strange… I've been going crazy trying to figure this out."

"What's so strange about it?" Katsumi asked. 

"Look." Aeve pointed to the table. 

A carefully detailed map of the supposed S-rank dungeon was on a table. There were several raised eyebrows among the other guildmates when the map displayed every room, corridor, and boss room. The map showed the boss room, which was unnerving because it suggested someone had gone inside to sketch it out.

"Why was the boss room already drawn out? The fuck?" Amarisu~ claimed.

"Who sketched the map?" Moro-Moro chimed in. 

"What did the boss look like?!" Sssaint was excited.

Aeve said, "But here's the plot twist," her voice tinged with awe. She said, pointing to the center of the boss chamber on the map, "There was this. The boss room was empty. An un-raided S-rank dungeon, with all the Myhr untouched. No boss guarding it."

She pointed to the center of the boss room on the map, where a massive, swirling blue portal had been meticulously drawn. "But, instead, there was this..."