

*Anos's POV*

"So you're telling me that I can take this Oath and bind 3 Affinities at max to any 3 things," I asked for confirmation.

"Not just 'any 3 things'. You'll have to choose between your Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul. All have different effects and you'll have to mean the words that come out of your mouth because there will be no going back.

There have been many who have tried to bypass this and their fates have been worse than Death. Prometheus for example is still being torn apart every day for trying to bend the rules. So I need you to keep it in mind when deciding." Alucard said slowly making sure I understood everything.

If it was any other situation I would've been angry to be treated like a child but the guy was helping me with a life and death situation and I would like to not experience death again, thank you very much.

The more I thought about the idea, the more it seemed plausible. I was cursing myself for not reading the whole wiki regarding Cursed Energy in my previous life but what was done was done.

I did certainly remember about Heavenly Restrictions. Similar to the Blood Oaths they were exchanges placed on children without their consent.

If someone was born with a body similar to that of Hercules then he would sacrifice his ability to manipulate cursed energy or if someone was born with an immeasurable amount of cursed energy then they'll have an extremely weak body that will burn even in moonlight.

The thing was I wasn't sure about sacrificing one and the other and it seemed that here I only had to 'sacrifice' cursed Techniques and choose only 3.

It would certainly make sense. Maybe it was something those Angel and Devil dickheads were supposed to do.

Just thinking about it made me angry but I knew that there wasn't anything I could do there.

The word sacrifice was a bit much since I would still be fucking overpowered if I went with Limitless alone but hey, they were giving me three so I was gonna take three.

The specific techniques I was already sure of but still wanted to make sure of. Alucard's warning had certainly worked and I was doing my best to think about it.

Alucard noticed and went back to his book, deciding to not disturb me.

So I sat there contemplating with arguments and counter-arguments against choosing one Technique or the other.

As the Sun started to come up again both I and Alucard went back to our room where I promptly filled thirty pages of my notebook with everything I knew about Infinity, Limitless, Six Eyes, Ten Shadows, and everything else. Then slowly and carefully went through them.

I wanted to talk to someone about this but no one other than me would even know of these things and I would be stupid to tell anyone else so I spent god knows how long scribbling in my textbook and sometimes despite the pain flowing my cursed energy to confirm some things.

*Many Hours Later*


I looked up from the textbook at my gate. A quick look at my phone told me it was 7 PM. Well, this was one way to spend my Sunday.

I stretched my legs and opened the door being greeted with a yawning Lan.

"Yo. You just woke up?" I asked getting out of the room.

Lan nodded.

"It's time for dinner, the others were worried. They're all waiting. Are you sick?" Lan asked, uninterested.

" Nope," I replied and he left it at that.

Then we entered the Common Room and I was greeted with a flurry of questions.

"You dieting or something?" Draco asked seemingly unworried but tugging at his collar showing he was worried.

I walked up to him and gave him a smack on the back of his head.

"Ouch, why did you do that?"

"Well, it seems I can still beat you in my sleep so I must be fine," I said and the room seemed to lighten up.

It still took a couple of minutes to answer a lot of questions and I just lied through my teeth.

" I drank a vial of red watercolor instead of blood," I said and everyone took in a sharp breath.

If I didn't know better I would've thought Alucard looked proud for some reason.

"Well, that explains the appetite loss. You sure you're not feeling sick?" Hermione pressed on and I shook my head.

"No, I'm not. Just embarrassed." I said with a chuckle.

"Well, I've missed three meals so I'm hungry," I said and all of us went to the Great Hall for dinner.

Dinner was 'Interesting' to say the least. Dad looked torn between worried and angry.

More than half of the staff was looking at me when I entered, clearly worried.

Only Zephyr and Dumbledore seemed relaxed. The former gave me a reassuring smile which had the effect of making all the third year and above girls to blush while all the boys looked angry.

It was funny how Zephyr didn't even notice their reactions.

All of us sat down and things seemed lively. Belmont and Alucard didn't look like they were going to tear each other's faces off, Draco was trying to talk to Lan and the others and Hermione was doing her best to not go into nerd mode over the smallest of details.

It was a lot of change but living together for a week can do wonders sometimes.

Harriet told me about how she was accepted into the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"So you got accepted for a broken wrist?" I asked, smiling as she turned red from embarrassment.

"Well, Professor McGonagall told me that I reacted quickly and they needed a seeker since the last one finished school and all the applicants are too heavy..." She continued on about the sport, extremely interested in it.

It wasn't much of a surprise, Professor McGonagall had been the Gryffindor Head when her father and mother studied at Hogwarts so it wasn't much of a problem.

Besides from what I remembered of Draco drawling about Quidditch good Seekers were always hard to find since they had to be lightweight to be fast and strong enough mentally to not collapse upon a single impact of the Bludger, which honestly who decided to put a Damascus steel ball that travels faster than cars in a sport?

It made me smile until I had to remove my mask to eat. It felt so comfortable on my face that I actually hesitated before taking it down to the minimum and putting it back on as soon as I was done.

When we were finally done I was again called to stay in the Great Hall while everyone went back to their Common rooms.

I asked Alucard to stay since he would probably do a better job at convincing others about the Blood Oath.

Before I knew it, I was being hugged by my greasy-haired Father.


Author's Note: Read upto 16 Chapters Ahead on my Patreön while supporting me.

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Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night