
Oaths Part 4

*Anos's POV*

"That should work." The beast said before its claws came down and I lost consciousness.

*Unknown amount of time later*

"Wake up before I break your mind to pieces. It won't be pleasant." A booming voice called as my eyes snapped open.

" I'm up I'm up," I said a bit panicky with all the darkness around me.

'Piece of shit.'

" I can hear your thoughts. I'll let it slide this time human but if you don't want to become a husk of flesh without your sense of being then you better keep your thoughts aligned. Goodbye." The beast said as sweat ran down my back.

"Hey wait where are you going?" I asked but the beast wasn't there.

"How?" I asked incredulously. That thing was massive, did it jump behind a fucking sun to play peek-a-boo with me?

Now that it was gone I noticed the darkness, all around me. I could close my eyes and open them again and there was no difference.

"Well shit. I'm stuck here aren't I?" I said to myself.

My voice didn't echo, it was muffled.

"Well, what the fuck should I do now?" I said a bit grumbling. At least give me a book or something to read though I probably wouldn't be able to read anything in the pitch-black darkness.

The bastard didn't even tell how long I was supposed to be here.

"I don't have a clock here how the fuck would I know the time anyway."

Didn't mean the piece of shit couldn't leave a clock or something anyway just for the heck of it.

" Let's start counting. 1 Sheep, 2 Sheep....


".... 7309 sheep, 7310 sheep. Wait did I say Uno or not? Ah, fuck let's get back to it. 1 Sheep, 2 Sheep,.."

I was bored out of my mind. Turns out having nothing to do in the darkness gives rise to certain thoughts that I would rather not think about.

I would've loved to touch my hands and feet if that was even possible. Turns out I'm an ethereal being here so fuck me. Is touching your own face too much to ask for?


Did I die? Or did the ritual fail? Is this what they call the vegetative state? I can't even listen to what's going on outside.

Dad must be worried. If I survive this he'll probably throttle me to death again. Better to not tell anyone about this when I wake up.

At that moment it was barely a whisper that I heard that said "IF you wake up."

That motherfucking dragon better come back quick.


Now I'm going to say the word Eclipse.



"....eeee." I said that right? Without the pronunciation mistake? Hmm took about an hour for that. Or maybe it didn't? I don't know the time anyway.

Should I try to summon Set and Sif? They'll come here, right? I mean they're supposed to be magic.


'I'm alone again aren't I.' I thought with complete calmness trying but failing to make shapes out of the shadows or remember names, faces, and other things.

Is this what it would've felt like if those gods didn't break a glass vial on my head? Did they revoke my license or something and now I'm stuck in this Limbo?

Questions a thousand but none to answer. I should probably do a bit better.


" Two hundred fifty nine thousand two hundred, Two hundred fifty nine thousand two hundred and one,....."

Anything to keep myself safe from going Mad. Or did I already go mad? Fuck me.

At least I had 11 years to make friends, that's more than most people get right? Or was that a dream and I'm gonna wake up right now to find that bitch beating me with a broom again?

Or would I be born again? Well, let's hope.



"I promise. I promise I'll keep myself in check. I promise god fucking dammit!" I tried to shout but my voice came out calm.

That didn't work let's try to make new combinations out of words.


" I swear on my heart and body to be the pride of the human race."

Nothing happened.

" I swear on my heart, body, and mind to be the pride of the human race."

Nothing again. Should I start using synonyms?


" I swear on my heart, mind, and soul. I'll be bound by none, I'll be without any shackles, without any bindings, without anything to hold me down. I'll be all that's given and more."

I wanted to move away again but something banged my head against something solid. Like.. like a wall.

The pain didn't register before the happiness did.

"Well done."


Author's Note: I apologise for the massive delay in the chapter. I was visiting a friend who's really sick and I can't say much except I was trying to break down his isolation walls.

While I do appreciate people being so interested in my stories that they'll send Curses as comments when the chapters are late but please try to understand that your comments are auto deleted most of the time so only I see them (If that was your aim then congrats you hit the bullseye) and that I have obligations outside out of writing.

Writing is a commitment and I have promised that I'll never drop a book but please understand I sometimes am inconvenienced for extremely long times and problems arise. I'll still try to do better with the release rate but I wanted to get this out to the readers cause I've done a piss poor job at communicating.

If possible, consider supporting me on Patreön so I can gather enough money to buy the mythical laptop and finally have a way to not fight in the thunder dome whenever I wish to release or write a chapter for you guys.


I've tried to make it worth the bang for your buck so check it out.

Now I've several sample papers to complete and will be awake till 4AM probably so I'll get back to it.

Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night.