
Just ask for it Nicely

*Anos's POV*

"These are the two areas near the hand that we'll be practicing for the upcoming two weeks. I recommend doing some hand exercises in a limited capacity. Read the first ten pages of your book I'll be quizzing you about it. I'll be providing a few of my personal notes to 10 students from the class who do best in the quiz. Now till the next time class." Zephyr finished and dismissed the class.

" Ask him for help," Alucard said as I was packing up my stuff.

" What?" I asked bewildered.

" You know as well as I do that you need all the help you can get. Do you really want to kill every mouse in the castle? Or worse blow up yourself with an incorrect pull of energy." Alucard exaggerated.

I tried to find words to retort him but the little mouse touching my wand came back to my mind and I gave a defeated sigh.

" Whatever. If he says no then the two weeks of blood is on you." I said and moved towards Zephyr.

" I'll be waiting outside with the others," Alucard said as I waited till the class had all exited before going up to him.

It felt weird to call him professor. As I walked up to him I realized how young he actually was. Fey had strong vitality and it seemed their reputation preceded them.

"Professor," I said and grabbed his attention from the papers he was stacking.

I wasn't short for my age by any means but I still had to look up while talking to him.

"Yes, Anos." He said with an evergreen smile.

"Uh... I needed help regarding something." I said hesitantly.

'What the fuck am I exactly afraid of here?' I thought surprised by my behavior.

"Well, then I'll be happy to provide assistance. What is it?" He asked getting on a knee to match my height.

"I kinda can't control my wand," I said finally.

' He'll probably just say no. I should probably not use that shitty piece of wood anymore. I want a refund Ollivander you son of a bitch.'

" Ah, the mouse blowing up right?" He said and I looked at him apprehensively.

" Sorry, when you live like me you learn to pick apart rumors." He said while rubbing the back of his head.

" Yeah, exactly that. Think you can help me?" I asked.

" I certainly can. But do you really need it?" He asked and I was taken aback a bit by the question.

"Of course I need the wand to Transfigure sh- I mean stuff," I said almost slipping.

"Well, then I'll teach you something better than even that. But I'll require chocolate as payment." He said and his sapphire eyes glimmered for a moment.

"Deal," I said immediately.

"Quite the merchant aren't ya. I still want you to have free time on Sunday. Hmm, you only have a single lesson on Saturday right?" He asked and I nodded. There are only gonna be a couple of broom lessons anyway throughout the year so Saturdays will be free after a few weeks.

"Well, then we'll have lessons on Saturday. Around 4 PM will be fine right?" I nodded again.

" Well, then I'm gonna see you on Saturday." He said and Ruffled my hair. Normally I would've protested but decided against it at the moment. His hand was really warm anyway.

" That was a really cool quote by the way," I said as I was exiting the class. I would still bomb the Transfiguration and charms lessons for the rest of the week but I finally had a solution.

"Oh, this one? Don't tell anyone else but I borrowed it from someone else." Zephyr said in a hushed voice, trying to appear secretive.

"Well, then that person must be really cool. See ya on Saturday." I said and exited the class.

Only to come face to face with the whole group standing in front of the gate. I almost bumped into Hermione but ended up using Harriet as leverage to maintain balance.

"Aww, were you all waiting for me," I said cheerily.

"No." All of them denied my claims.

"Hehe, you're all less convincing than a group of tsunderes," I said and all of us burst out laughing.

"Wait what's a tsundere?" Harriet and Hermione asked.

"Nevermind that, going by your mood he accepted," Alucard said diverting the conversation.

'Nice save there dude.' I said and wiped off metaphorical sweat from my forehead.

"Yes. I have extra lessons on Saturday now but no more mouse killings." I said feeling a bit lighter now.

" Wonder how they allowed him a job here? He must've sacrificed on salary or something. From what Dad told me the Ministry is trying its best to pass the 'Lesser classes Act'. They're speed-running corruption there." Draco said and instantly got a glare from every girl in the vicinity that only focused on the first part of his sentence.

" That answer your question for you Draco? That's why I ask you to take it easy and look outside at the world every once in a while. He's a Fae! Your question should be how they begged him to teach here. Fae are everything about nobility amped up to a thousand. They're one of the very few races considered equal to human Wizards and Witches. Depending on who you're asking they might even be considered better than them" I said and Draco conceded.

" Yeah yeah, I get it. They're really pretty and everyone loves them. They're made of marshmallows." Draco said as the glares finally vanished.

" In some countries just marrying one gives you special rights. You get free food and free money for the rest of your life and that's considering you broke up because the Fae can provide things that make those things look like a joke. They're considered sacred in some countries too. Your bloodline is also royal right?" Simon asked Alucard who nodded.

" Then he's the only one out of us that might understand what that actually feels like. He's also considered sacred in some countries though the blood should put off a lot more people. People are weird nowadays." Simon muttered.

" What exactly are they?" Harriet asked and Hermione had no answer for once.

" Fae are masters of mana and their prowess in it is matched only by their pride which they take in their aforementioned prowess. They are also master of a realm and some consider to be the very manifestation of nature being born." Alucard said and waited for his words to settle in.

" But I never read about them. If they are so famous then they should've been mentioned somewhere." Hermione said finding the very idea incredulous.

"It's a good thing you didn't. Some things are never included in there and if they are then it's better to not take the risk of getting the wrong information on species like Fae since most people can't help but write their opinions on them rather than facts." Alucard said as we all plopped down near the lake since the DDA class wasn't going to start until two hours later and Hermione couldn't convince us on going that early.

" That still doesn't explain why there wasn't even a single mention of them in the school text," Hermione said as we all started on the homework. Simon and Lan still needed help with the potions work.

"Well imagine it like this. How many books other than storybooks mention Christmas? Not a lot right. Since it's basically considered fiction in the muggle world but if you ask people what Christmas is of course they'll know. That's one of the thousand things the Ministries are lax at." I put the thought into perspective for Hermione who finally nodded seemingly satisfied.

" Still what the hell did that old sack of bones offer the Fae to get him to teach?" Simon wondered.


" Complete your Potions work first if you don't want to feel like a Dungeon captive tomorrow," I said smacking him on the head.

" Why can't I just copy yours?" Simon whined.

" Because I don't know if you noticed but our Potions Master doesn't seem like the guy who will accept copied work. And I assure you he'll notice so better start writing." I explained and got back to reading the excerpt on Magical Theory.

" Why does your old man have to be so mean about everything," Simon said as he finally decided to start on the work.

" Because he doesn't want to lose half of his class to basic potions when we enter our 4th year. And also because he likes to clean his hair with fresh tears of children." I said with a chuckle.

The sun didn't feel that bad today.


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