
I can help you

*3rd POV*

"I can help you." Alucard suddenly said as Anos looked at over at him curiously.

"And why do you think I need help?" Anos asked resting his head on his hands.

"Don't beat around the bush. I'm talking about the rat explosion you caused in Transfiguration. I'm not a wand expert but that thing is broken, one way or another."

" And suppose I do accept then how exactly can you help me."

" You don't know a lot about magical theory, do you? Tell me what have you read about till now." Alucard asked resting his feet on the table.

" Well there isn't much to know is there? 10 Stars to a single cluster, 9 clusters result in a single circle, 8 circles to a single ring and 7 rings to a single Constellation." Anos said lazily.

" Well, at least you know the basics. Those are the ranks of magicians. You would've found this out in the magical theory class tomorrow anyway but I know things they won't tell you. You command an entirely different type of energy don't you."

Anos only gave a nod in response.

" When I first met you I thought you'll be able to command the Mana around like all vampires. If what the Vampyr records show then it should be true. The problem then is your wand." Alucard explained

" Then what do I do? It's not like I didn't try it before but there are things I just can't do without another medium." Anos said with a little frustration in his voice.

" Wands are a medium. Just that, a medium. I don't know if you noticed but I too do not own a wand, neither does the Hunter boy and the Belmont too. We could still perform the task splendidly, well except the Belmont. He's just an idiot." Alucard said as his eyes looked up at the starry sky.

" So I should just keep trying till I get it?" Anos said in a muffled voice since his face was buried in the couch.

" What I'm trying to say is that there must be a way for you to do it. You don't have to be so glum about a single rat. You'll figure it out sooner or later. The others might not notice but I did. "

" And how do you know that I was sad. Have experience with it?" Anos said finally sitting upright.

" Yeah. Do you happen to have the blood vial on you?" Alucard asked expectantly.

" Here." Anos took off the vial and threw it into Alucard's hand who drank a single drop before returning it.

"You don't have to be on the guard all the time you know. I don't know if you noticed but there aren't a lot of people here who're smart enough to take advantage of you or your position." Anos said drinking a drop himself.

Alucard gave a subtle nod in return.

"Hey, you like dogs?" Anos asked suddenly.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Alucard looked away from the stars and straight at him.

"Well too late now," Anos said as two poofs of smoke appeared in Alucard's lap and started to search him for snacks.

They spent the rest of the night on their respective seats talking about anything that came to mind before they finally fell asleep.

*3 AM*

*Anos's POV*

I opened my eyes to the starry sky above my head.

'It really is surreal sometimes.' I thought as I breathed slowly and my thoughts returned from being a mess into a more manageable position.

I looked back at the seat to find Alucard was still sleeping with his hand on his face leaving only his right eye visible, Set was lying in his lap sleeping while Sif was sleeping on my chest.

Slowly I picked up Sif and held him in my hands and nudged Alucard to wake him up.

"It's going to be morning in a couple of hours so unless you want a good itch I suggest waking up," I said and picked up Set too.

" Up for some coffee?" I asked Alucard as he flicked some hair away from his face.

" Depends on if you're making it or I am," Alucard replied.

"I'll be out with it in a couple of minutes. Here take care of these two till then." I said and handed Set and Sif back to Alucard who reluctantly accepted the canine companions.

I walked into the kitchen and just as expected it had a coffee machine now. The beans and milk were right next to it.

*5 minutes later*

"Here. Didn't know if you liked sugar so instead, it has a blood drop." I handed Alucard his coffee.

The noise finally woke up Sif and Set as they looked up at me with groggy eyes.

"Yeah yeah I know. Here biscuits." I fed both the wolves a couple of biscuits before drinking my own coffee. They didn't need it but sure as hell craved it.

After finishing the coffee Alucard and I both returned to our own rooms to set up our stuff.


Author's Note: Caught Covid. After 2 years of eluding the shit out of that virus and hiding in my blankets, shit finally got me. I can't get tested since hospitals are full but I'm pretty sure about the symptoms so I'm self quarantined at home. So if I vanish into air for a bit, you know why.

The hospital bills will burn through my chances of buying that laptop for writing anyway and I don't have that kind of money.

I'm noticing a pattern with how easily I get sick,and take this as the ramblings of an idiot that's running a high fever at the moment and can't differentiate between the smell of air and a rose but I'm going to try a lifestyle change.

Gradually I want to make myself better at avoiding these things cause god fucking dammit they hurt and I would love to not be sick anymore.

On that note please take care of yourselves, all of you guys might be getting sick of hearing this from me again and again but you all are the best and make my day sometimes.

Take care of yourself and hope you have an amazing Day.


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