
Grey haired

Author's Note: Okay so I'm probably expecting some assassins against me after this chapter so I wanna make it clear. I'm not putting words into Dumbledore's mouth. He is slightly AU here and I've worked hard on it. I hope everyone likes it.


*Dumbledore's POV*

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. That was my full name. A name that would certainly garner attention in any wizarding community. A name that has been for better or worse remained prevalent in the previous decades.

My name had been called with a tone of respect, a tone of desperation, and even by a tone of absolute hatred from a lot of people. I didn't care for any of that though. Well, wording it like that might seem wrong. I did care. For a few things of course. It'll be hard to find a totally desireless person in this world. Even those Monks from sects wanted to be free from the cycle of reincarnation and desires. Which in my humble opinion sounded like a desire in itself.

Me? I woke up everyday to look out of my office's window to the miles of green forests surrounding the school.

The school I had taught at for 35 years and had served as the Headmaster of after that. I didn't desire greater power as Tom Riddle had. What was I gonna do with it? Things were at peace, throughout the world. For normal people at least.

It's quite funny how I fought so much for peace and justice but now the idea of signing more paperwork seems more terrifying than having another duel with the self-proclaimed dark lord.

But peace did have its fair share of uses. If I had been told in the early years of my life that I would live long enough to discover 12 uses for Dragon's Blood then I would've called the man a fool.

The early years of my life had been anything but forgiving. To the point that I had harbored hate towards Muggles although that corner of my heart had been thoroughly burned and cleansed.

I had discovered a lot in times of peace. How easy it was to wake up with a smile and do nothing but ponder if you should write another alchemy article or not and if you should enchant a student's goblet to give off smoke or not.

The most priced of my discoveries were made during such times of peace.

War made stronger people but the foundations for that strength were laid during times of peace.

Foundations that seemed to be becoming more important by the day as the candle of peace flickered above the wizarding world's head.

So reading my name on these three letters certainly did put a small smile on my face.

All addressed to me with my full name and stamped with three very distinguished seals that any politician worth their salt, Wizard or not would recognize. The letters were different in wording, different in tones, different in calligraphy. You couldn't find even a shred of similarity between the 3 letters yet their purpose was the same. Preparation.

For what we were preparing was yet to be determined but the purpose still stood.

So I'll prepare. I'll prepare for everything because sipping butterbeer just wasn't comparing to Duelling Death Eaters by the dozens. Giving interviews on events long passed just wasn't comparing to being in the middle of it all. Gathering every bit of information possible, rallying strength behind your name, trying to gain even the most insignificant of advantages against your foes.

So the school would have to change. I had already been prepared. If someone would look into my mind they would call me a madman but what could I do? Leisurely life just didn't suit bones that had to hold their wands in their sleep as if their life depended on it. Because in matters related to me it usually did.

Was the Ministry going to go mad in a few years? Were they going to shout at me? Threaten me?

Well of course they would. Those were the same people that had gone mad when someone started a rumor that Voldemort likes to wear Woman's underwear.

Though the rumor of course wasn't started by me. But we did find 4 dark wizards with bags filled with the rumored articles so that was surprising to learn.

The memory of course was stored behind every lock and key possible but I somehow still remembered. The curses of a great imagination I suppose.

A couple of reminders about my abilities would surely be enough to keep the ministry in line. Some incidents would be required and a proper stage would be needed of course. A fool could cast the Death Curse but a Great Wizard could cast Expelliarmus on a Death Eaters back in front of an entire town of wizards and make it sound like an honorable duel between the Light and Dark.

It was exciting. Trying to think of the possibilities. What the enemy was capable of or in this case what the enemy might even be. It took me less than an hour to prepare a rudimentary plan and another 2 to put the plan into motion. The finer tweaks could be made between the process itself.

So now here I was. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. Rubbing the little spot on my nose that hurt me every so often. Watching as the first pieces fell upon what would surely be an important plan. Watching and pondering about how interactions were going to occur, circumstances were going to be resolved, allies to be made, who all are trustworthy, and all of those that would certainly stab me in the back with a sweet smile on their face.

I wrote a reply to all the three letters, appropriately stamped them and sent them to the respective parties, and stood up from my chair. Ready to go towards the staff room.

It seems I was a bit too excited because either I had displaced a bone somewhere or Fawkes had found his way into the armoury again. I did not want to think about which possibility was worse.

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Author's Note: Hope everyone has a nice Day/Night.