
Ch 78: Books

*Anos's POV*

"Oh God just put my head through a woodchipper at this point," Simon said, dumping his head into the book.

" Tomorrow is Christmas and we'll not be able to do much." Alucard reasoned before placing a Dozen more stacked books on the table.

Simon massaged the bridge of his nose in frustration.

" I thought you liked History?" I asked looking up from my book. It had only been one day and I would've been surprised if they had pieced the puzzle already, I was using the time to read over books that I had an interest in. I won't provide hints this soon.

"I like the History of Monsters and Mana. The good stuff. This is all this wizard did this that Sorcerer did that." Simon answered

"This is going nowhere," Harriet said, removing her glasses.

"I agree," Lan said, turning to another page and muttering the words written on it.

I still didn't say anything, it was exactly this that was allowing me to read my books.

'But any moment now they'll catch up.' I thought before resuming my reading.

"What exactly are we looking for anyway? We don't know next to nothing about what was stolen we're running blind here." Simon said, closing his book with a heavy thud.

" Don't shout Belmont," Alucard said, looking up from his tome.

" We're the only ones that're here anyway. Who's gonna come here? The Prefects?"

" Yes. They and anyone else in this Castle. We've House Elves here and much much more." Alucard said before going back to his tomb.

" We're without a purpose here. If we had to read then we had enough books in our Common room." Lan said but still continued to read.

" We've a whole library here. There must be something here." Harriet said shuffling books to pick a green one and Alucard nodded in return.

" Oi Immortal sucker, the rest of us will die before we finish reading every book in this library," Simon said as he got up to stretch his limbs.

" Anos may survive," Alucard said, still flipping through pages.

"Whoa, I'm gonna stop you right there big guy. We don't know jackshit about if I'm Immortal and all that youthful stuff. Simon is correct." I interjected.

Yeah, I was willing to let them search at their own pace but I didn't want to spend years in this library, immortal or not.

"We need a purpose. A clue." Lan said and Alucard scratched his ring in thought.

"Gringotts..... A bank....." Alucard mused, looking pleased.

"Wow Sherlock, don't go turbo speed. We might actually find a clue." Simon snapped.

"You two, Stop arguing. Simon, sit down, we won't be going anywhere until we know Something." Harriet said and everyone immediately shut up.

" You're kidding, right? Tomorrow's Christmas, we have 12 minutes till dinner." Simon said chuckling but Harriet didn't laugh with him.

" Wait, you're serious? I'll starve." Simon looked about ready to flip the table over and probably would've done just that if it didn't have dozens of tomes and books on it.

"Tell me you're kidding right now."

*2 Hours later*

" You really were not kidding. You stubborn idiot." Simon said despairing.

" I'll make you something when we return man," I said patting him on the shoulder.

It was weird to make an excuse to the Professors about why all 5 of us were not eating but Alucard had helped so that worked out fine for us. Well not so much for Simon.

" If you really don't want to be here you can go," Harriet said, finally taking some pity at the hunger filled boy.

" And leave before the Vampire does? I promised so I'll stay to help, but I do hate you." Simon said angrily looking through the books.

" What will you do with free time anyways? We don't have homework." I said reading quickly through the book. The Dragon Heart was working its charm.

"First of all, I would've eaten dinner like a normal Human being. Second, you sound like Granger. Third, I would do anything other than look at 'A Wizards Pipe is very tight'. Who wrote this book in the first place and what kind of drug were they on." Simon emphasized the point by holding up the book and I had to admit it was certainly..... something.

Even going by the cover it was.... Explicit.

"You would only make those strange noises at night like you usually do," Lan said casually and all of us looked at Simon with a raised eyebrow.

"Way to ruin the fun. I didn't think you were hearing. All of you will find out about that tomorrow anyways." Simon said flustered.

" No!" Immediately me and Alucard declined.

"I think it might just be better to go and eat," Alucard said hurriedly and even a bit panicked.

"Yeah, I'll get on the sandwiches. Come on, let's go." I said hurrying along as Harriet and Lan looked confused.

"Wait but the bo-"

"Will be here tomorrow. Come on tomorrow's Christmas let's go, quick. We shouldn't be here anyway." I said, trying to be calm.

" But I thought Alucard got permission for us to stay here for a few more hours?"

" Which was clearly a mistake. A sleepless wizard is a mad one, let's go." Alucard said doing a much better job than me at keeping calm or at least looking calm.


Hello, Ashara here, good day to all who read this wherever or whenever you do.

First of all we have a new cover, created by the illustrious RainingSky on ScribbleHub who some of you might remember also provided the previous art for I&M. Check out her stories and art.

Now, I decided to write this note for both informing about the art cover and also about well myself; I haven't exactly been in the most healthy of states and well most of my issues are not physical but circumstantial, don't worry the stories aren't going anywhere I'm just giving an update on my health to bring a reasonable amount of transparency into this.

Patre ons are readers first and foremost, and well readers are important to me, so I thought it fit to at the very least give a small life update when I can.

As of writing this I've been informed I've gotten 91.6% in Finals with a less than stellar score in Chemistry, so my weekend is about to be ruined soon, I've already gotten calls over it, so I thought fit to update the stories before the calls turn into physical meetings.

I've been exercising and meditating for the past few months to better help myself write and it has helped, in studies as well and I've fortunately adapted better to sleeping on the ground than what I thought should or would ever be strictly necessary, or in other words things are rough but I'm doing things to help that, writing is included in that by the way. It's one of my main sources of calming myself even though I usually have to hide to write.

For those that support me on Patreòn.com/Ashara or read my stories you have my sincere thanks for giving consideration to my works, all of you make my days better.

If you're considering supporting me on Patreòn I thank you for even the consideration.

Hope all of you have a great day/night and that you enjoy the chapters.
