

*Anos's POV*

"How do they make such good food every single day," Simon said as he rubbed his belly.

This got some weird looks and snickers as we started exiting the great hall finally finished with our meal.

"I've tasted better," Alucard said wiping his mouth.

"I've cooked better," I said with my hands behind my back.

"Didn't think you would be one to cook," Alucard said puzzled.

"I cook great. You can ask Harriet." I said with pride.

"You almost killed me with Dragonspice," Harriet muttered.

"It was that one single time." I retorted.

" You almost froze my teeth with your 'Helheim'. What was in that drink anyway? Mountain ice or something." Draco asked curiously.

"Oh, it was freshly formed Ice from the Himalayas. I know this Yeti dude real swell guy. Still, the rest of the food I made was good wasn't it."

Draco and Harriet replied with a nod.

" Wait Yetis are real? and you know one?" Hermione asked incredulously.

" I mean we have a Vampyr and Vampire here and a Yeti is where you draw the line?" I asked Hermione.

" No. I just thought the more realistic creatures were possible." She said as her cheeks reddened from embarrassment.

"You can walk less than two miles from here and come across a half man half horse. Reality was thrown out of the window when the first bloodlines started. So as I was saying this Yeti dude I know makes these awesome Ice Cones, I'll ask him to send me some after the winter has passed." I said chirpily.

" How did you like the food Lan?" Harriet asked as he was at the rear of the group.

" Any food that can satiate my hunger is good food." He said and left it at that.

Before we knew it we had already arrived at the Common room and the strength seemed to leave everyone's bodies just like the excitement of the first day as everyone collapsed on various pieces of furniture.

"Well since today all of us aren't new and it seems as good a day as any why don't we allot the rooms." I said since it seemed both me and Alucard were the only ones with enough strength to actually walk to our spots.

"Do we Have to do it today?" Draco and Simon drawled at the same time.

"Well unlike you I would prefer if my chambers were clearly alloted," Alucard said derisively.

"I would also like to start pinning my notes on the walls." Hermione too joined in.

"I take the nearest room." Lan Zhan said, stood up, opened the gate of the first gate, entered, and closed it behind him as we all watched.

"What the hell was that," Simon said incredulously.

"He probably just wanted the closest room so he wouldn't have to walk that much to the bed," Hermione explained.

" Well since all the rooms are similar then it isn't much of a problem. Since I slept in the 6th one yesterday then I call dibs on that one, now divide the rest of the riches between the peasants." I said firmly.

"But you just said-" Hermione started but decided better than to argue with me while already been tired.

"Then I'll take 2nd one," Simon said and looked ready for a counter argument that never came.

"I'll take the farthest one from your tomfoolery." Alucard reasoned.

"Well, then I guess I'll take the third room," Draco said with a defeated sigh.

" I'll be in the fourth one then," Hermione stated and left to arrange her stuff in her new room.

"Guess that leaves me with the 5th one," Harriet said with a smile.

"I guess it does."

The five of us talked about the day for a bit though no one brought up the topic of my dysfunctional wand. Draco did try to bring up the three-headed dog into the conversation but after five constant flicks on the back of his head got the message and decided to go to sleep.

"So how's the magical world, Harriet?" I asked while bringing back a bit too much chocolate milk for a single person. Seriously that kitchen was my favorite part of this common room.

Harriet looked surprised by the sudden question but answered anyway.

"It's fun. I don't understand a lot of things but there are just so many things to learn and so many things that are common knowledge but I don't know of but it's still fun."

" Woah you aren't gonna cry or anything right? I don't trust those two weirdos enough to calm you down and my mother compared my emotional aptitude with that of a senile earthworm." Simon said hastily.

'She was completely correct.' All three of us thought at the same time.

After that, it devolved into a fun conversation about different magical communities while Simon and I told Harriet about some magical shops and things while Alucard commented every once in a while.

*2 Hours later*

"Well, I'm going to crash. You all coming or not?" Simon asked as he got up from the couch.

"I'm pretty tired too." Harriet too got up.

"I'll stay for a bit longer. Goodnight." I said and laid down on the now completely empty couch. "Goodnight Anos, goodnight Alucard." Harriet waved and Alucard reluctantly mirrored the gesture.

" If any of you two tries to get any funny ideas about my blood then I'll dropkick you to oblivion. Night." Simon retired to his room.

" I know it's futile but I really hope he gets better with his conversations," Alucard said as he closed his eyes.

" He'll get better. Or not." I replied digging into the soft couch.

"I can help you." Alucard suddenly said as I looked at over at him curiously.


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