
Chapter 5 : Training (NE)

William gradually opened his eyes, his body was numb, his head hurt horribly.

As he tried to get up he created a crater of 40 Cm with his left leg by accident.

With each step he took, he left a deep imprint on the ground.

He walked to his house, which was entierly destroyed then entered his interface My Space and repairing all the damage he had caused.

Then William sat on the ground and looked at his stats

Name: William Mancini

Potential aura: 10650/10650

Strenght: 107

Agility: 105

Intelligence: 47

Stamina : 106.5 (1S=100PA)

Skills :

-{Professional Firearm (Max)}

-{NEN} :

Consumption :

_Normal usage


-{Black Light Gene}

_ Ability Cellular control( Passive) :

See how you can perfectly control every cell in your body

_Great devourer: you can devour your target's DNA, skills and appearance.

Side Abilities :

_Shapeshifting :

Change your body as you wish

_Superhuman Strength :

Multiply your strength by 5

_Surhuman Speed: 

Multiply your speed by 5

_Superhuman Endurance :

Multiply your Stamina by 5

_Healing Factor: 

As long as You are not incinerated or sprayed you can survive and ou are insensitive to diseases, viruses, simple poison.

"Caution" : Does not work on soul and spiritual wounds

_Superhuman Senses: Ability to see the invisible spectrum, super hearing, super, night vision and infrared

_Adaptability : Your body can adapt extremely quickly to any circumstance and environment.

William looked at his statistics calmly without letting any emotion appear.

He lifted his arm and with a thought, his hand turned into a blade.

He was able to modify every part of his body and had complete control over it.

He returned to his normal state before walking towards a rock and punched him at superhuman speed.

Bang Bang

The rock shattered into pieces.

"I haven't gotten used to my new strength yet," he thought

Not only had he become physically stronger, but his mind was also strengthened.

He had the feeling that he could always remain calm and unperturbed even if the sky were to fall on his head.

William had reached a state that Buddhist monks would call "enlightenment".

For he found his true self.

The one he had buried in his mind gradually forgetting him

His self indifferent to the death of his parents, his self indifferent to others, his self which embodies his selfishness and indifference to the world.

It was the real him the one he buried deeply in his soul going so far as to forget it.

His real self was neither good nor bad, he was just himself.

He only does what he likes and nothing else.

A smile appeared on his lips, it was a smile of liberation, a smile of joy.

The smile of a person who has been locked in a prison for countless years.

"Infinite Space how long before my next world"

[4d 5h13mn42s]

"It's time to practice a little," William thought

He entered the Purchase interface and found that he had only 21 points left.

He searched in the purchase interface for the HXH manga and the Prototype game to get as much information as possible.

Which cost a total of 2 points

Thanks to his improvement his memory was like a library that he could access at any time.

He remembered all the works he had read, watching or playing.

But he needed more detailed information on his abilities

4 days later

William was standing in a large gym with white aura around his body.

After four days of training, he understood more in détail the horrible ability of the BlackLight virus.

He succeeded in learning Ten, zetsu, Ren in less than a minute.

Even the protagonists of series Hunter x Hunter took a few weeks before they could effectively use their Nen, but in less than a day he was able to master the three basic principles.

Ten :

this is the process of keeping the nodes open, but also having aura flow through and around the body rather than away from it.

Zetsu :

Stops the flow of aura from the body altogether. By closing all his aura Nodes, the user is able to halt all outflow of their aura like water from a valve

Ren :

Focuses on outputting a larger amount of aura than Ten, projecting it outwards explosively.This amplifies the user's physical strength and durability and provides a large pool of aura for any advanced techniques or individual skills they decide to use, albeit at the cost of expending said aura.

After performing the divination of water, he discovered that he was a specialist.

He even succeeded in developing his own Hastsu.

But he did not stop there, he added a restriction or a promise of nen.

William could only use this Hatsu on a person who hit her first If he broke the vow.

He would die body and soul !

Once he activated his Hatsu

His aura turn completely black.

On hnis right hand appears a skull of death with a counter in his mouth.

Materializing in front of him a sword of short types about 50cm with blunt edges entirely white without crossguard.

Every time he received damage the sword darkened and every blow he receives will be recorded by the skull counter on his arm.

He could accumulate and multiply the damage received by the number of blows suffered in a opposent attacks and send it back to its opponent in one single super attack.

He called this faculty "The Law of Talion"

For example, if his opponent hits him 10 times, he will be able to return all the shots he received by multiplying them by 10.

After a day of practice he understood in more detail the use of his Hatsu and then the next two days he developed his Gyo, In, En, Zetsu, Shu, Ko, Ken, Ryu

In :

Is an advanced form of Zetsu used to render one's aura imperceptible, effectively concealing it.


Is an advanced application of Ren by which a Nen user concentrates a larger than normal portion of their aura into one specific body part.

En :

Is an advanced application of Ten and Ren.

In Ren, aura usually envelops only a small amount of space around the user's body.

En is when one extends their Ren so that their aura extends further than normal, then uses Ten at the same time to contain and give shape to that aura, normally a sphere.

Shu :

Is an advanced application of Ten. Shu allows a user of Nen to enshroud an object with their aura, allowing them to use that object as an extension of their own body

Ko :

Is a combination of Ten, Zetsu, Hatsu, Ren, and Gyo in which all of the user's aura is concentrated into one particular body part.

Gyo is utilized to focus aura on a part of the body, while Ten is used to prevent it from dispersing.

Zetsu is used to completely stop the flow of Nen in all other parts of the body, increasing the output in the desired area. With Ren, the amount of aura is increased even further.

Ken :

Is the advanced version of the basic Ren and Ten techniques. It is a primarily defensive technique where a Nen user maintains a state of Ren for a prolonged amount of time.

The amount of aura surrounding the user's body during Ken is about 10 times higher than during Ten.

Ken allows a Nen user to guard against attacks from any direction, but the large amount of aura produced makes it tiring to maintain

Ryu : Is the term for use of Gyo from a state of Ken to perform real-time offensive and defensive value adjustments.

If Ko devolves 100% of one's aura to offense or, much more rarely, to defense, and Ken splits it evenly between the two, Ryu is redistributing one's aura according to any other percentage.

His En could cover a maximum of 10 meters, although he did not master all the principles to perfection he could at least boast of his speed of progression.

But with more fighting and practice he should be able to improve.

He stopped his training and then left the gym.

You could modify your space as you wanted from a luxury house to a simple hut.

From a small forest to a mountain.

Apart from the extremely excessive modifications such as an over-equipped laboratory or a gold forest.

He went back to his house

And changed into a short black coat and discreet black pants.

He cured his hair, took the backpack he had paid in Stranger Things World.

There was the infinite water bottle, an FBI ID card, $200,000 cash, an Ak-47,a steel Knife and 11 grenades.

He looked countdown of the inifinite space and sat on his bed, closed his eyes and waited.

A few minutes later

[Please prepare for sending in your next one, you have 1 minute left]


William did not pay attention and always remained serene.


A red light enveloped his body and teleported him with her.

I wanted to explain the basics of Nen so as not to leave out people who are not familiar with the HXH work, without spoiler.

Its extremly hard

You can support me by paying me drugs and prostitutes on my *******: Otakukin1, link available in the synopsis

Good reading -_-

Otaku_kingcreators' thoughts