
Infinite Revival : Becoming Invincible With 100 Billion Lives

When Yue Yang woke up he was already in a dark Cave, With no light and no-one to help him ~Ding [Checking Host compatibility] [Host is 100% compatible] A light shone in Yue Yang's eyes, he finally saw a ray of hope. Will he be able to Survive in this New and Unknown world? Follow Yue Yang on his journey, As he becomes strong and Conquers the World.

Little_cultivator · Fantasi
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17 Chs

: Once Again Dead!

"I was passed out unconscious at that time, So I wasn't able to see the how Senior defeated them. But apart from Extreme Moon Sect's elders, there was no one else present..."

Elder Liang was like a detective who had discovered a major clue and immediately came up forward.

"How can you guarantee that no one else passed by when you were already unconscious?"

"Since you didn't see him defeating them with your own eyes, how can you be so sure?"

"Nephew Su, You're so naive, he must have played some tricks to get them and also you recognised an outsider as the Sect Master?"

"Do you know how important is the position of the Sect Master, If our sect falls in his hand, you will be know as eternal sinner in the Sect history!"

He took one step at a time, and continued to persuade everyone .

Su Yan was not a sharp-mouthed person, and was speechless for a while.

She just had confidence in Yue Yang, not to mention that he saved her life.

If he wasn't an Expert why would he risk making enemies with the Extreme Moon Sect and their allies.

"Anyways, Are you finished now?"

Yue Yang watched for a long time, he was irritated.

This Elder Liang wanted to cheat his disciple's resources, he could tell at a single glance.

Yue Yang's arrival had made his plan go waste so he was just pointing his fingers back at him.

"What's the point of this useless nonsense here, I will just go and destroy those who attacked Flying Fairy Sect, So you can just see everything with your own eyes"

Elder Liang was angry he wanted to retort but controlled himself, he instead laughed straight out of this sentence.

"Destroy them? Only you?"

He squinted and looked at Yue Yang up and down.

In his eyes, Yue Yang, who was just in the fourth level of soul realm, If he goes to Flying Fairy Sect alone to seek revenge at the time , it will be nothing more than courting death.

After the four major sects destroyed Flying Fairy Sect, some of their people remained there in order to loot everything that were left in Flying Fairy Sect.

There are no less than twenty Soul Realms Cultivators there, who in the right mind will enter The Tiger's Den knowing that there's a Tiger.

"Yes, you can rely on me! If I can do it, what will you do?"

"If you can do it, I will immediately worship you as the Sect Master!"

Elder Liang wanted him to die. After he died, this group of people will have no choice left but to adopt his plan of offering treasures to get help again.

"But I'm afraid you dare not to go..."

This kind of provoking was too irritating, let alone Yue Yang, other people also heard it.

Everyone frowned.

Regardless of his strength, Yue Yang was willing to join the Flying Fairy Sect when the Sect was at it's most difficult time, which was quite brave and admirable.

Besides, Su Yan was also rescued by him.

Luo Yuan and others persuaded.

"Senior, let's consider the long-term plan!"

"Yes, there is no need to rush for revenge right now....."

Yue Yang shook the sword in his hand and smiled freely

"These Four Sects on the enemy side are just like chickens and dogs in this Venerable's eyes!"

"I can slaughter them even with my eyes closed"

After that, He started flying towards Flying Fairy Sect.

Su Yan was confident in him, and was the first to follow after him.

Others saw her following him, so they also tagged along.

Elder Liang stomped his feet with anger, he didn't wanted to go back.

How dangerous the situation was there now for them, if they are not careful, they will be found out and fall into enemies hands.

But if I stay here alone, I will be deemed as greedy coward.

"Humph, I also want to see how you will die!"

When they arrived at one of the Flying Fairy Sect's nearby mountain, everyone looked at the brightly lit place from a distance, they were both sad and angry.

There were many people going in and out the Sect's gate.

After the Four Great Sects defeated Flying Fairy Sect, they began to destroy and plunder everything. They wanted to destroy Sect's thousand years old heritage.

Sect's Treasury, Cultivation techniques and resources were had long been swept away by the enemy's leaders, Now only the Sect disciples of the four major sect were all searching for the remaining loots here.

"F*ck !, They even smashed the Ancestor's statue!"

Looking at the thirty meter deep crater,

"The spirit vein was also cut off by them!"

"The plaques in the main hall had been removed. They are no different from bandits"

"Damn it!"

Seeing that scene, everyone was angry.

However, they couldn't do anything.

"Sect Master, how can we help you?"

The only one who called Yue Yang Sect Master at present was Su Yan.

Yue Yang's mouth curled up in smile, he put his daughter in her arms.

"Leave it to me, i will take care of the enemies, you just need to cheer up for me from here, also take care of my daughter"

After that, he simply flew away.

Su Yan was in a daze, she had never heard of the word cheer but she couldn't help but blush thinking about Yue Yang's charming smile and handsome figure flying away.

Seeing this, The rest felt really powerless to stop him.

"Senior is too daring..."

"If he just goes there like this he will definitely be attached from all directions!"

"It's much safer to sneak in and attack them one-by-one ."

Elder Liang gloated: "He wants to die by himself, who can stop it?"

Yue Yang flew very fast. Before everyone on the other side could react, he landed on the already torn apart main hall square.

The main force of the four sects were now hunting the remnants, and the upper-echelons of the Sects already returned to their sects.

They had harvested a lot this time.

In the cultivation World, During war it was very important to completely destroy your enemies right down to their roots, because if the roots at left then there's a chance that the tree can grow again, so it was very important to hunt down every single remnants of the defeated sect.

At this time only 18 elders in the Soul Realm and more than 80 disciples were remained here.

"Who are you!"

Seeing Yue Yang appeared before them, they frowned.

But this person was not from Flying Fairy Sect, and they didn't know him either.

"Only disciples and some elders from the four sects are stationed here for miscellaneous works"

If they hadn't been seen that Yue Yang was in the fourth level of the Soul Realm, the elder on the opposite side would have killed him directly.

"Sir, What is your purpose for coming?"

Yue Yang chuckled and said with a smirk on his face

"Actually I am here just to do some work, ofcourse the work is to get rid of insects that are crawling at the property of the Flying Fairy Sect"

The faces of the elder on the opposite side instantly turned black.

And the disciples around also gathered around.

"What do you mean by that Sir? Are you going to stand up for that Flying Fairy Sect?"

"I advise you to think about the pros and cons for offending the Four Sects first!"

They couldn't figure out his details and they didn't dare to try to kill him.

Coming here with so much confidence,

What if there was a big force standing behind him?

Yue Yang smiled and corrected them.

"I'm not here to help Flying Fairy Sect, I am just here to sanitize my Sect's floor and get rid of all the germs."


"My sect....?"

The elder did not understand for a while.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that now the Sect Master of Flying Fairy Sect is me. You are carrying my things under my nose, Aren't you too shameless?"

As soon as his voice fell, the sounds of the sword being unsheathed on the opposite side came.

Immediately afterwards, he was surrounded.

"Are you the new Sect Master of Flying Fairy Sect?"

The elder with a gloomy face on the opposite side wanted to confirmed it.

"Yes, I was freshly appointed yesterday!"

"The remnants of the Flying Fairy Sect are really blind, and they have found such a fool as their Sect Master!"

The other elders of the four factions staying here also rushed over.

Even though Yue Yang was in the fourth level of the Soul Realm, They can just send two elders to take care of him.

But since he was the New Sect Master, they wanted to make it more grand.

"Since you are already here, don't even think about leaving alive!"

Elder Liang, hiding on the mountain side in the distance, almost laughed when he saw this scene.

This kid's head is filled with iron, right?

I really hate that you are going to to die so fast!

Luo Yuan and others were worried.

"This is not good, Senior Yang is surrounded!"

"There are 18 elders of the Soul Realm on the enemies side, and hundreds of Disciples, this is a dead end!"

"Unless he is in Soul-Splitting Realm or above, otherwise..."


Elder Liang was afraid that they would rush to rescue Yue Yang on impulse, and then they would all be killed.

"Don't be impulsive."

"It's his business if he wants to die. But if you die too, Flying Fairy Sect will be completely gone!"

If you die there, I won't be able to get the resources that are in your rings.

"Senior must have a way!"

Su Yan had heard Yue Yang say that he had lived for a thousand years.

However, as soon she ended her sentence, Yue Yang in the distance dropped on the ground forming a pool of blood.

Su Yan: "_"

Everyone: "_"

NOTE :- Sorry guys for the inconvenience

New chapters incoming soon.