
Infinite Paragon

Evan a young man whos life had always been difficult contracts a deadly disease. After his life is saved by a new world changing piece of technology, he is assassinated in a bid to steal a chip implanted into his brain. Instead of death, or a typical afterlife, he is transmigrated into a new world full of mystery, magical beasts, and unimaginable power. Join Evan in his quest for answers.

Koolaideman · Fantasi
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45 Chs

Unranked Elixir

Evan believed he could succeed with the elixir. He had already done the impossible twice, even more if he included what Feldman had told him. He also knew that it wasn't going to be easy.

To make the process as smooth as possible, he ran through the process in his mind several times. If he couldn't do this flawlessly, then the elixir would fail. This would be much easier for him if he had increased his intelligence, but the thought he was doing quite well in that department for his age. Now he was quietly kicking himself for priding his strength above all else. Just a few more points would give him more time.

He wanted to finish the elixir today. If he could finish it today, he was sure that Feldman would feel confident in his ability for his test. This would give him more time to experiment with his ability.

Evan bit the bullet and placed all of the materials in a specific pattern. Evan had run the scenario in his head multiple times and figured that this would be the fastest setup that he could manage. He put up his spirit dome, and simultaneously started forcing both his spirit energy and the Refinement Fire. He had to work quickly so he started to temper the spirit and condensing as it was heating up. This sped the process up considerably since he didn't have to wait for the excess material to burn away or the vessel to liquify before the spirit was condensed. With his level of control, he then targeted only the excess material with an extreme temperature.

The temperature was perfectly controlled to not change the internal temperature of the pathways but would still eliminate any material that wasn't spirit energy. While this was going on the vessel material had fully melted and was being bombarded with pure spirit in order to fuse the ethereal energy into the physical material. Both processes finished at the same time, this allowed Evan to use his energy to stretch the fused vessel, and the other 2 spirit energies into one thin braided stream of energy.

The thin stream would allow him to combine the materials more evenly, completely eliminating the mixing process. He hit the stream with an extreme temperature flame and exerted as much pressure as he could. He was trying to fuse the materials at the same time that he was refining and tempering the final product. This would eliminate 2 other steps out of the process, saving him even more time.

4 minutes was drawing near at a fast pace. He was starting to get worried, sweat was pouring down his face. He refused to relent, and his effort never ceased. Evan finally felt that he was no longer holding 3 separate streams of energy, but one single stream. He quickly cut out the flames and increased his pressure to condense into a single blob of energy, he then spread a single trace of the flame through-out the entire liquid, creating an eternal liquid state.

The flames could be controlled to the alchemist's desire and couldn't survive in a liquid state. So, the elixir wouldn't cause any damage unless the alchemist sealed it with an inner spirit flame as it was the only type of fire that could retain the heat necessary to injure a person in a liquid state.

Evan pulled out a small bottle he had in the small bag he still carried around, forgetting about his subspace. He quickly used the pure spirit energy to flow the liquid into the container and capped it with a cork. The liquid was not pretty but looked like a glass of cement and grass. It actually smelled quite good though, it had a rich woody aroma with a hint of mint.

Evan smiled brightly and used his Data Tab function.

[Unnamed Elixir- Unranked- Boosts spiritual energy gathering capabilities for 15 minutes, by 100 percent (doubled consumption rate.) 1% of consumption rate increased permanently- Gum grass (Main), Jumping bean (Secondary), Gray Stone (Vessel).]

[Please name created elixir]

Evan thought about it and decided on, "Creation Art Apprentice Booster". It was a long name, but the only use was really for the average apprentice of a creation art. Creation arts could be taught before the ascension, but mostly it was theory with little practice. Evan had learned personally how much spirit energy is required to create an elixir. With time and actually teaching though, his control would become much better, and his intelligence would raise considerably. This would make it possible for the average student to be able to create an F ranked elixir after their ascension.

Evan rushed through all of this on his own simply because he had an advantage that made it possible. The tasks that Feldman had given him were typical tests to see what the potential talent of a student would be. He would look at how long they would persist at the task and how many innovative things they would try. He never expected Evan to actually accomplish these tests. It should have been impossible for him to do at such a tender age.

Evan wanted to run back to Feldman's house immediately but remembered what had happened after he started jumping around after almost draining his spirit pool earlier. He sat down and regathered his strength, killing another 2 hours of time. He wanted to use the elixir, but knew he needed to show Feldman first.

After his pool was full, Evan hopped up and bolted to Feldman's house as fast as he could. It only took a few seconds to reach the door and he burst through with a giant smile on his face. Feldman jumped from shock and spilled his tea all over himself.

"What the fuck!?!?! Ahhh." Feldman screamed from shock and then pain, as the scalding hot tea was seeped into his clothes and burnt his chest. Feldman also looked up to see Evan with a massive smile on his face, despite what he had caused. "You little… What in the hell is so important to scare me half to death? Damnit, my chest hurts. Do you want me to spill hot tea on you?"

Evan felt a little guilty for scaring the old man like that. He did have a few rough days, with Evan coming and constantly shattering his beliefs. 'I need to really calm down with the old guy. I'm gonna give him a heart attack one of these times.' Evan made the resolution to himself.

"Sir, look what I did." Evan held out the glass bottle of liquid.

"Let me take a look." Feldman wasn't even shocked at this point. He was sure that Evan would create something. The kid was too damned determined and too damned talented. Although Feldman thought it would have taken longer. Evan was only gone for only 7 ½ hours, it was 6 am when he left. Feldman was sure that he was coming in for lunch, not finished with an elixir while most of the day was still ahead of him.

Feldman took the cap off and smelled the elixir first, then opened his version of the spirit sense. This was really just a focused mode that he could enter, which would make him more perceptive to the subtle changes in spirit power. He was able to judge any elixir up to the B rank with his fine perception gained from years of alchemy.

Feldman gasped deeply and almost dropped the elixir, spilling a small amount from the top. "How did you do this? This can't be done. I tried thousands of times to do this myself. This is fucking impossible. What did you do?" Feldman was grabbing Evan by his shoulders and shaking him vigorously. He didn't give any chance to answer between his questions, he had gone into a completely frantic mode.

Evan was shocked at Feldman's strength. He was quite strong for his age but couldn't budge out of the frail old man's grip. Evan opened the Data Tab on Feldman for the first time.

Name: Feldman Agate

Rank: Unranked Warrior- Former Master SS Class Alchemist

Innate Ability: Fine Control- Allows for 10 times boost to intelligence for the control of spirit energy

Learned Abilities: Destroyed

Techniques: Alchemical techniques classified- Fighting techniques- Unparalleled Will (S Rank), Fury Fist (A rank)

Strength: 32

Speed: 36



Defense: 85

Intelligence: 294

Spirit Pool: 100 (Inactive)

Soul: 12