
Chapter 34 Confusion

While Cyril was listening to the others he didn't anticipate an attack and was flung by a tree into the forest around the field where the battle was being held.

"Hehehe. Got you now. We the great trio have won. I Cheney and my friends Dash and Delmar have beaten you Cyril!" The green haired boy named Cheney said as he charged towards Cyril on a gigantic tree.

Underneath the 4 who were battling the sky turned dark as the were covered by the tree's shadow. Soon Dash the phoenix hurdled towards Cyril and wacked him with his wing as he was falling propelling him even faster towards the ground while Delmar threw shards of ice at Cyril which froze up parts of his body and propelled him even faster towards the ground.

Soon enough Cyril hit the ground creating a crater. Cyril proceeded to get up dusted himself off as he took out the ice shards and laughed "YOU BORE ME!" As he waited for them to arrive.

As they were in a forest now Cheney had a natural advantage so once he arrived he commanded all the tree to combine. Soon there was a huge tree that reached to the sky. It came slamming down towards Cyril as Dash breathed a gigantic ball of fire and Cheney created a massive sword of ice and slashed down towards Cyril.

In response Cyril created an orb of sand around himself. Once the attacks hit the sand orb turned slightly red on one part while it froze on another. While on top there was a small twig that pierced through.

Once Cyril released the orb he saw the debri of earth and trees all across the landscape. Some parts were burning while in other parts there were shards of ice.

"How are you still alive?" Delmar asked while panting. "Oh how? It's because I am strong and you are not!" Cyril responded with.

Soon those three collapsed on the ground and died due to exhaustion. "What a waste of Hashirama cells. Or would they be Cheney cells?" Cyril said to himself as he witnessed them dying.

Once he looked back at the battle field he saw it was strewn with broken blades and corpses. As blood soaked the land Cerasus Secondary had won.

All that was left was to get rid of Alexandra. She quickly started to run away as another plane flew away.

Cyril sensed towards the plane and felt a presence that he had felt once before. "Stop chasing her she's not Alexandra." Cyril shouted. The presence he felt on the plane was Alexandra's so that girl must be Alexa.

Soon that girl collapsed on the ground crying as Cyril walked towards her. "So your sister abandoned even you? Man she must be blind." Cyril said as he crouched next to her. "What I can't understand though is why you acted like that?" Cyril asked.

"Hehehe! It's because I've won!" She said as her eyes turned red and started to spin. Alexa gazed at Cyril as her left eye started glowing "Kotoamatsukami!" she shouted.

"GAHHH! ALL OF YOU RUN AWAY FROM HERE!" Cyril said as he started flailing on the ground. Soon everyone apart from a few had ran away. Kotoamatsukami was subtly changing his memories but Cyril resisted causing him his current pain.

"You stand there like an arrogant king when all your power amounts to is a bunch of trash! I can control anything and everything I AM THE BEST IN PLANUS!" Alexa said as she gazed coldly at Cyril while laughing maniacally.

"Are you sure about that?" Drake asked as he aimed towards Alexa's head. "Before you complete the move we can always kill you first." Jack said.

"Hahaha kill me?" Alexa said. Her eyes finally stopped spinning revealing a black diamond with 2 lines crossing through it. Alexa had achieved an Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and not only that but she had somehow achieved straight tomoe.

Little did Cyril know although Alexandra was on that plane she was now blind.

The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan stopped the user from becoming blind while also increasing the power of sharingan. While the straight tomoe increased the fluidity of a users movements while presumably also having something to do with Indara Otsutsuki as his reincarnations had both inherited his straight tomoe.

Once this happened though Drake shot a haki infused lead bullet but a green skeleton appeared around Alexa blocking it. She had achieved skeletal Susanoo.

"RUN! You can't beat a Susanoo and an Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan stops her from becoming blind while increasing her powers!" Cyril said as he writhed in agony on the floor.

As soon as he said this a green skeletal hand crashed down towards Jack and Drake but Era plunged a rasengan into it repelling it.

At the same time Aaron rushed in with a spear in hand as he stabbed towards the Susanoo while shooting off bangs. Adamaris had attacked from behind with her sword on fire as a bird made of wind slammed against the Susanoo.

Drake continued to shoot at the Susanoo while activated his devil fruit as Jack attacked it with all his might. Quinn how ever was commanding his pokemon to throw a snake. It was Oswald Quinn's Charmeleon and Mudkip threw it towards Cyril.

When Cyril was going to Alexa he had left Oswald with Quinn just in case. Now Oswald was with Cyril trying to help it's pal resist the genjutsu.

No one had noticed but Ares wasn't there. He stood lonely on a tree a few hundred meters away as he reached his hand into the void.

HEHEHE! PLOT TWIST! Well I hope no one saw that coming. I was still deliberating if I should make her a villain or an ally during the writing of this chapter but I decided that I could make a cool Plot Twist so I made her a villain. Probably all of you saw that coming though as your Dao of foresight is pretty high. Either way hope you enjoyed the chapter. Happy reading and till next time, bye!

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts