
Chapter 23 Quinn The Pokemon Master

Once Adamaris' team arrived Quinn's team was already there. Adamaris' team had been the longest team by far due to the gruelling battle between the last guy. By now it was already quite late in fact it was dark out already.

As Adamaris was leaving she handed Quinn the note while saying "Be careful out there so far we've all had to take a quest." Quinn didn't think much of that statement and read the note. 'Hmm okay what ever he says right? He's the boss now.' Quinn thought as he closed the note and looked at his pokemon.

"What does it say in the note Quinn?" Jack asked as he walked towards Quinn "Ahh it basically says to hold back a bit." Quinn said "Why though? Shouldn't we scare them off to save more people?" Jack asked "Well I don't know." Quinn said in response.

People though that Quinn was the weakest of the 5 when he was still quite strong. His body was highly trained allowing him to have 30 in almost every stat so that he could keep up with his pokemon and command them well and due to his type over time he would develop an almost telepathic connection to his pokemon.

As well his two pokemon loved him very much and his charmeleon was even shiny meaning it had higher overall stats.

After nearly finishing their shift though. Quinn got a notification for a quest '20 people and 600 points? Well even though Cyril said not to take anything above 500 I have Jack with me we could do it.' Quinn thought as he contacted Era and clicked teleport.

In front of the Big Ben were 20 kids. 10 had staffs while the other 10 swords. Soon they attacked the people next to them but before they could land a hit they heard a shout "GO CHARMELEON!" Quinn said as a golden charmeleon flew out.

Simultaneously a fireball hit one of them roasting them alive. Civilians ran away screaming. 4 fisherman took out their needles and reels while the 4 snipers took out their sling shots. Jack got ready for battle too with his 4 extra arms out equipping some swords he bought from 02.

"GO MUDKIP!" Quinn also shouted out. With his enhanced leadership ability due to his Pokemon Master type he yelled out "Fisherman reels as many opponents here as possible and then kill them. Snipers at the ready shoot at the swordsman when you get the chance while Jack let's go to the front lines."

Soon Quinn and Jack ran forward. Suprisingly though Quinn's charmeleon arrived first and pushed to the back lines. The reels of the fishermen had also come in a bit before charmeleon managing to grab 2 swordsman towards them and swiftly killing them.

Quickly the snipers and the fishermen rushed in. Once Jack had arrived he had started a slaughter killing 3 of them almost instantly. While mudkip gave supportive fire. At the back lines though Quinn had commanded charmeleon to attack them all.

With a flame thrower it roasted 4 of them almost instantly and it continued to scratch them all. Soon there were only 2 left one swordsman and one wizard.

The wizard pointed her staff at charmeleon and a water ball shot out almost instantly, throwing charmeleon back a couple meters. It was chantless magic! The swordsman started attacking too and he had insanely fast speed managing to hit 3 times in the amount of time it took a person to hit once.

Jack could barely defend due to his 6 swords. While on Quinn's side it was even worse. The wizard was practically abusing his charmeleon as she threw tons of water balls while every time mudkip attacked she formed a magic barrier.

Sadly for her she had made a fatal mistake. She only paid attention to the pokemon and completely forgot about Quinn. So he snuck up behind her and restrained her as charmeleon used flamethrower

on her.

Quinn let go of her at the last second and dodged to the side. She soon burned alive. After that charmeleon shot a fire ball at the swordsman tossing him aside allowing the snipers to shoot him down as the fishermen stabbed him.

Soon they were teleported away 'Hmm 300 points not bad.' Quinn thought as he saw a flash of light.

'OOH! 200 points quite good.' Jack thought as he was teleported away.

Well we're reaching the end of this little side story stuff. Next chapter will be the last with Era and Drake. After that don't worry we'll be back with Cyril for those that missed him. (don't worry I miss him too).

Well hope you enjoyed the chapter. Happy reading and till next time, bye!

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts