

A region near Kishnoi Swamps, which is four days away from the city of Ludan.

Shaikai kingdom. Gilaahan.

A relatively barren region with sparse vegetation. An expanse of small hills and patches of water bodies in between.

The dry air and afternoon sun were making their presence known. The heat haze from the ground was turning the scenery in front a bit blurry. The region didn't appear to be suitable for habitation by mortals.

"Thanks for coming here with me, Eren."

Mia Silver said this while riding her colt alongside Eren's. Even under the blazing sun, the rankers could adjust their body temperatures accordingly. Their natural mana defense layers would also provide them with additional protection.

As such the place that was supposed to be a hellhole for mortals was a minor nuisance for rankers. The only rankers visible in these barren lands were Eren and Mia Silver riding their colts.