
What have you done? I

A golden card.

Now burning with a miniscule portion of his existence, it distinguished him as a Gladiator that could join the fight against other terrifying Entities from different Omniverses.

Each one with a different System of Existence.

Each one being someone he could analyze and potentially obtain a new Source of Existence.

Noah waved his hands and caused the golden card to disappear as he looked at the massive statues stretched out all around them.

The monkey like Entities made the majority as the Guide spoke while they looked at their magnificent figures.

"The Royal Existential Omniversal Simian Lineage makes up the bulk of the Commonwealth. We have waded across eons of history and Existence. We saved every Omniverse we've come across, or are in the process of saving others even now. You may have your own perception of us now as we've come to your Omniverse, but we truly are here to help. To make things better."