
Something From an Unknown Age! I

A sonorous and sweet voice carrying age and authority boomed around Noah as his destiny began to rage with maddened fervor!

But his luminous eyes were steady even as this unknown treasure told him that it was now bound to him.

"How can you be bound to me when I still know nothing of you and cannot even glimpse a flash of information?"

His eyes were still staring probingly and inquisitively to find out anything about this incandescent rainbow colored lavalliere that floated before his eyes- and he still came back with nothing!

<Don't get it twisted…we are bound together by Fate, Fortune, Destiny, and Karma!>


<If you are looking at me like something that can have ownership over, I will tell now to give up on such a dream right now.>

<Whether it is now or the future…there less than a millionth percent chance for my being to ever be bound under any existence in these purportless lands!>